Fanfic: Digimon: Worlds in Danger Ch 2, Digimon (2024)


The Prince Seth


Tabuu recovered his energies after the last battle and he felt a presence.

"The Digi-Cube has awoken. The worlds merged into one." Tabuu said. Then he pulls out a golden scepter to someone.

"Yes, Master..." An unknown human figure said. He wears a black outfit with dark green and gold armor pieces, his skin in light brown, black hair and yellow eyes.

"Take this scepter." Tabuu said giving him a golden scepter to the unknown human.

"Now what is the plan, God Tabuu?" A Digimon like yellow tiger asked.

"Don't you remember? We have to destroy those humans that I caused them nightmares before." A Digimon like metallic phantom said.

"But, I wanna eat cheeseburgers too." A SkullSatamon said.

"But before to have a meal, we must reclaim all the Digi-Spirits." A Digimon like Cerberus said.

"Also, we must destroy those Digimon Tamers. But I'll be one who will destroy the little girl and Lopmon too." A Digimon like blue dog said.

"Don't forget Calumon too. We need him to Digivolve at the Mega Level." A Digimon like monkey said.

"That won't be necessary." Tabuu said as he raises his hand and makes appear rainbow colored wings as marks in the left palms and paws in every figure. "Now all of you will have extra power."

"Yes, Master." A metallic version of Devimon said. Part of his face and left arm were covered by metal.

"Let me guess, you still remember how the Digidestined of Hope defeated you, NeoDevimon?" LadyDevimon asked him.

"Don't you EVER mention that name, unless I allow you!" NeoDevimon said clenching his left hand swearing have revenge. "That was a battle that I'll never forget."

"Look at me, I had planned marry Aria until that boy called Caleb, come from a jungle and rescued her, then he stole the heart of my beauty Aria." The unknown person said in anger.

"But now you will have a second chance, Seth." A gray hedgehog said.

"That's right, Nazo! Listen carefully Caleb, because you don't belong there. I want Caleb dead." The human called Seth said.

"That will means too get all the Digi-Spirits and then we will be the new Legendary Warriors." A Digimon like fire stag beetle said.

"The time has come." Tabuu said.


In Shinjuku, much people were being evacuated from the Hypnos Building. Two persons known as Yamaki and Riley were watching the situation.

"Everyone is being evacuated." Riley said.

"How bad is it?" Yamaki asked.

Then they go at the building and go by an elevator.


They were in the elevator.

"Datamon read an energy surge from a point from another world." Riley said.

"But they didn't authorize him to go to test B." Yamaki said.

"But he wasn't actually reading it. Neither in the room. It was spontaneous." Riley said. "It just came, out nowhere?"

"How close are the energy levels?" Yamaki asked professionally.

"Gradually getting closer." Riley answered. "That's why we had this evacuation."

"How long everyone will get out?" Yamaki asked.

"Everyone was evacuated." Riley replied.

Then they finally arrived in the lower levels of the building.

"We can't even find out what and where this energy is coming from." Riley said.

"Then… make sure the Phase Two prototypes are shipped far away from here." Yamaki said.

"Sir… we should really focus on that?" Riley asked.

"Unless that Apocalymon actually appears, it will spin on with that." Yamaki replied. "Clear the tech, get all the Phase Two pieces on trucks and get them out of here."

"Understood." Riley said, right before allowing Yamaki to go the chamber room on his own and going too some guards.

"Talk to me Datamon." Yamaki said coming to the Digimon.

"Oh, mister Yamaki." Datamon greeted him.

"You know anything for certain?" Yamaki asked.

"The energy calculator is misbehaving!" Datamon explained, showing a device that jumped from low to high, randomly, but slowly focusing more on the high.

"Is that a joke or something?" Yamaki replied sarcastically.

"No. Not at all." Datamon said. "It's active and having a panic attack."

"I mean, the energy is probably coming closer." Yamaki said, already prepared for the event.

"But it doesn't give away the source." Datamon tried to explain. "It just keeps jumping up and down between low and high, like it's detecting a powerful pulse."

"This is gonna be tough." Yamaki focuses stated. "Where's Ryo Akiyama?"

"The tamer? A little far, as usual." Datamon replied.

Ryo and Cyberdramon were watching the situation.

"Ryo, you need keep close on things." Yamaki said.

"It would be better keeping Cyberdramon far away." Ryo said.

"Do you know anything that'll turn this off?" Yamaki asked as he and Ryo stepped into the platform and Datamon checking a blue cube called Digi-Cube.

"We tried to turn it off, but it powers on again." Datamon said, then the machine with the Digi-Cube gave another spark.

"Something is not right here." Cyberdramon said as the machine gave a spark stronger than before. Strong enough to even shake people far from the room.

The machine was overloading, and it was shaking with waves of danger in high scale. Before it could actually implode on itself, a portal did the explosion job from it. Once Yamaki, Ryo and Cyberdramon recovered from the knockback, they just stared in shock at the newcomer revealing as Seth standing in the ground with a menacing grin.

"Sir, would you be kind enough to drop the spear?" Yamaki commanded.

However, Seth fired a dark blast from his scepter causing some damage, then the guards came in threw all the weaponry they had. Unfortunately, Seth jumped avoiding the attacks and defeat the soldier throwing dark knifes.

"Desolation…!" Cyberdramon tried to attack. But Seth was too fast to touch the tip of the scepter right in the chest of Cyberdramon and make him appear in hypnotic trance

"Cyberdramon!" Ryo exclaimed tried to find a card until Seth grabbed his arm.

"You have a heart." Seth said and does the same with Ryo.

Seth tries to proceed to do that to another agent, as Yamaki tried to shut off the machine warning about the danger.

"Please don't." Seth said coldly, interrupting him. "I'd like to be known."

"This doesn't need any more messes." Yamaki replied without fear.

"Of course, it does. I came to far to do anything." Seth said. "I'm Prince Seth from Aether Kingdom. And I'm burdened with glorious purpose."

"The Prince Seth?" Datamon asked in confusion. "So, you came from another world?"

"We don't wanna fight with your people." Yamaki said.

"An ant never wishes to fight against a boot." Seth calmly compared.

"Do you wanna step on us?" Yamaki tried to guess the comparison's meaning.

"I came to make the omniverse free." Seth replied.

"Free from what?" Yamaki asked.

"Freedom. Freedom is the largest of the multiple universe's lie. Once you accept it, in your mind…" Seth was saying as he gently placed the tip of the scepter in the chest of Datamon, taking control of his mind. "…you will know the peace."

A portal of blue light was opened, and Ryo with Cyberdramon slowly began to move towards Seth, freewill completely taken over from him.

"Yes, pal. I think you are talking about peace as chaos." Yamaki stated.

"Sir, Yamaki is stalling." Ryo said, unemotively. "This is place is going to explode, sending a hundred of debris towards us, to bury us."

"Yeah, like the pharaohs." Yamaki sassily agreed.

"He's right. Soon, the portal will collapse." Datamon said, with the same lack of emotion as Ryo. "I think we got two minutes before the situation gets dangerous."

"Well then…" Seth said calmly.

Then the corrupt Prince fires a dark fireball at Yamaki, who felt on the ground and dropped a briefcase. Cyberdramon picked it up as he, Ryo, Seth and Datamon left the room, leaving a mildly agonizing Yamaki behind.


Somehow Takato and Guilmon managed to arrive there to see Ryo, Cyberdramon and Datamon walking at the side from Seth as Riley was waiting them.

"We need those vehicles." Ryo stated, calmly.

"Who is that?" Riley asked pointing at Seth.

"Didn't tell me." Ryo replied as they were entering in a truck.

"I never have seen him before." Takato said.

"Riley!" Yamaki began to speak to Riley through her radio. "Do you copy? Ryo and Cyberdramon… has turned."

"No way!" Takato said in shock as he heard Yamaki.

Right as Yamaki gave out the warning, Datamon fired missiles from his fingers at Riley and Takato.

"Digi-Modify! Brave Shield activated!" Takato said using a card in the D-Ark.

Then the shield of WarGreymon appeared blocking the attack.

"I'll like to fight against you, but me and my other pals have plans to make free the omniverse." Seth said and he summoned a creature like a pot with wheels on the bottom with two large, scythe-like arms known as Greap.


"Is that a Digimon?" Guilmon asked.

Then Takato pulls out his D-Ark to analyze the enemy. "There's no data about that monster."

The Greap tries to attack with his scythes. Luckily Guilmon and Takato dodges the attack.

"Pyrosphere!" Guilmon fired a fireball from his mouth and hits the Greap.

Takato summoned his Keyblades known Hazard Bonds and he triple slashes the Greap. As the enemy recovered it attacks again with his arms, but they dodged again.

"Fire!" Takato casts the fire spell.

"Pyrosphere!" Guilmon realized his attack that which merges with the spell and finishes of the Greap.


The Greap disappears in dark matter. Unfortunately, Seth has escaped and suddenly they heard the explosion in the building.

"Something bad happened here." Takato said.

Yamaki has arrived and explains. "An evil prince called Seth managed to take the mind of Ryo, Cyberdramon and Datamon. I have a man down and a hostile force is at large."

"How many of them survived?" Riley asked.

"Sound a general call." Yamaki commanded. "I want every single soul… looking for that briefcase, if they aren't working over the rescue."

"There is something that I can help?" Takato asked.

"We need the Digi-Cube back to the base." Yamaki replied. "This a threat level seven. As of right now… a war will start."

"We will need the help from the Digidestined too." Takato said.

Wong Residence

In the apartment Suzy was having problems to sleep.

"What's wrong Suzy?" Lopmon asked her.

"I'm thirsty." Suzy replied.

Then they go at the kitchen by a glass of water. As Suzy was drinking, someone knocks the door.

"I'm coming." Mr. Wong was coming as opens the door where Yamaki was waiting. "Mr. Yamaki?"

"It seems that everything is peaceful, unless here." Yamaki said.

"What are you trying to say?" Mr. Wong asked.

"A prince called Seth stole the Digi-Cube and he is declaring the war at our world and other ones." Yamaki said.

"Other worlds?" Mr. Wong exclaimed. Suzy and Lopmon were trying to hear.

"What is talking my dad?" Suzy asked.

"They mentioned something about Digi-Cube." Lopmon replied.

"Your son Henry and his friends were able to defeat the D-Reaper and save Shinjuku." Yamaki said.

"Yes. I never thought that two of my children becoming in heroes." Mr. Wong said.

Suddenly a light appeared from the D-Ark of Suzy.

"What was that?" Yamaki asked.

"Suzy?" Mr. Wong said.

"Suzy!" Henry said coming to his little sister.

"What is that light?" Terriermon asked.

"This world and other ones are in grave danger." The voice of Azulongmon said.

"Is the voice of Azulongmon." Lopmon said.

"A fallen god was able to resurrect the Devas and more Digimon working for that being, that included the merge of many worlds into one." The voice of Azulongmon continue explaining. "Lopmon, in a part of this distorted world, there is a purple card that will allow you Digivolve at the Mega Level."

"Mega Level?" Terriermon asked.

"Only Lopmon can Digivolve into Antylamon." Henry said.

"As we're speaking the troops of the fallen god are trying to conquer the world." Azulongmon said.

"Fallen god? Tabuu!" Henry exclaimed.

"But we destroyed him!" Terriermon exclaimed in disbelief.

"That was all, now good luck." Azulongmon said and ended. Then Mr. Wong goes towards her until Henry does his work by him.

"Suzy, what are you doing woke up?" Henry asked.

"I was thirsty until I heard my dad talking with the mister and a light appeared from my device." Suzy explained.

Then Henry looks at his dad. "Dad, I'm sorry if other danger is happening right now."

"It's okay, you know what you have to do." Mr. Wong said.

"Henry, can I come with you? I promise, I won't be annoying as ever." Suzy said. "Come on, we never had an adventure together."

"Suzy, are you sure?" Mr. Wong asked.

"Don't worry sir, I will protect her." Lopmon said.

"Thanks." Mr. Wong said.

Henry turns at Suzy. "Fine, but we must until tomorrow." He said and Suzy nods.


Rika and Renamon were confronting a kind of green soldiers known as Primids.


"What kind of Digimon are those?" Rika asked.

"I never have seen them before." Renamon replied.

The Primids run at the duo.

"Not this time!" Rika said summoning her Keyblade known as Force of Balance. As two Primids tried to punch her, she managed to dodge and slash the enemies and finishing them.

"Diamond Storm!" Renamon fired sharpen stones and defeated the two Primids.

Suddenly two creatures like white thunderclouds known as Spaaks trying to attack them by behind.

"Guardian Barrage!" Guardromon fired two missiles.

"Fist of the King Beast!" Leomon fired energy from his fist. Both attacks defeated the Spaaks, Kazu, Kenta and Jeri with their Digimon rejoined with Rika.

"We arrived!" Kazu said.

"What is happening here?" Jeri asked.

"Those weird non-Digimon creatures started to appear here." Rika said. Then more Primids and Spaaks appeared, including other ones with boomerangs.

"More of them!?" Kenta said nervously.

"Pyrosphere!" Guilmon fired a fireball and defeated one Primid.

"Just in time goggle-head." Rika said.

"They are still appearing." Leomon said.

"We must finish them!" Takato said and they nodded.

Takato pulled out his Keyblades as Jeri pulled out her sword and they slashes the Primids until finish them. Leomon used his sword to slice more Primids, Guardromon uses Guardian Barrage to finish two Primids with boomerangs and MarineAngemon used Kahuna Wave to finish two Spaaks.


"They are finished. What are you trying to say?" Rika asked.

"The lives of Ryo and Cyberdramon are in danger. Someone called Seth used a spell to control their mind." Takato said.

"That is awful." Jeri said concerned.

"We must stop that Seth!" Rika said and she thinks bitterly. 'Now what Ryo did wrong?'

"But we must wait until tomorrow." Kenta said and they nodded.

Then they go at their respective homes.

Odaiba: Caleb's House

In the world of the Digidestined, Caleb has arrived at his house.

"Did you find him?" Mew asked.

"No." Caleb replied.

Then he goes at his bedroom and was laying in the bed with his DemiVeemon at his side.

"The Keyblade War…" Caleb said quietly and thinks in worry. "I don't want lose her…!" Caleb said as a tear streamed from his eye.


"Caleb, are you okay?" A voice asked revealing as Luke who wears blue jeans, black sneakers, black jacket and white shirt. He sits at side of his brother.

Caleb wiped his tear and says. "I'm okay."

"No, you're worried by something. Please, tell me?" Luke said and asks.

"I'm still worried by the Keyblade War." Caleb said.

"Ah… I see it, I'm scared from Xehanort too." Luke said concerned.

"It reminds me when Shinnok destroyed everything." Caleb said clenching his hands.

"Look, I know that the past is stressing you. But now somehow we will figure a way to keep everyone safe." Luke said.

Caleb breathe deeply and says. "Thanks Luke."

"No problem." Luke said ruffling Caleb's hair.


Suddenly the heard the stomach of DemiVeemon grumbling. "Caleb, I'm hungry."

"Me too." Mew said grabbing his stomach.

"Do you want pizza for the dinner?" Caleb offered.

"Yes, but what is pizza?" Luke asked.

"It's an Italian dish. It's made with flour, tomato sauce, cheese, sausage, ham, mushroom, pepper, shrimp and more." Caleb explained.

"I'm starting to imagine the taste." Luke said.

Then they go at the dining room.

Kamiya Residence

Kari, Salamon, Tai and Koromon were eating watermelon in the living room. The girl of 8 years old was thinking in something or someone.

"Kari, what are you thinking? The Keyblade War?" Tai asked her concerned.

"No…" Kari answered.

"Are you thinking in Kairi?" Salamon asked.

"Yes, I miss her." Kari said frowning.

"Maybe she isn't here, but she won't be happy if you're depressed. Someday we will see our friends." Tai said.

"Really?" Kari asked with hope.

"Yes, only wait and you'll see." Tai said ruffling her hair.

"Tai, do you have more food?" Koromon asked.

In answer they sweat-dropped anime style.

Takaishi Residence

TK was holding Tokomon is his arms and he was concerned by something. They were in the living room.

"TK? What's wrong?" Tokomon asked.

"I'm worried by the Keyblade War. What will happen if someone sacrifices for me?" TK said as he starts to stream tears.

TK starts to cry and Tokomon says. "Don't cry TK, just don't lose your hopes and everyone will be safe."

The kid of 8 years old sniffles and wiped his tears away and says. "Thanks, Tokomon."

"TK, the dinner is ready." Her mom calls him.

"We're coming." TK called her.

They go to the dining room.

Takenouchi Residence

Sora and Yokomon were watching the window in the bedroom.

"What's wrong Sora?" Yokomon asks.

"I'm worried for Ash. What will happen if…?" Sora said as she wonders what will happen if Ash becomes into Soulless. She gasps and stream a tear.

"Sora?" Yokomon said concerned.

"I only miss him." Sora wiped her tear and replies.

"Someday we will see him again." Yokomon said and Sora nods.

Tachikawa Residence

Mimi was laying in her bed with Tanemon at her side.

'I could see more Digimon sacrificing their lives. Now destroying the Soulless is like kill to someone.' Mimi thought concerned.

Motomiya Residence

Davis and his DemiVeemon were watching the window.

'Maybe Xehanort can attack us. Somehow or another way we must stop him.' Davis thought determined.

Inoue Residence

Yolei was in her bed as Poromon was rubbing her back.

"I feel in the paradise." Yolei said.

Hida Residence

Upamon was eating his meal as Cody swings his sword of kendo practice.

"What is the Keyblade War?" Cody asked himself.

Izumi Residence

Izzy was reading the reports of Ansem in his laptop as Motimon was watching.

"Izzy, what are you doing?" Motimon asked.

"I'm reading the reports of Ansem. Maybe there is something related with the Keyblade War." Izzy said.

He continues.

Kido Residence

Joe was realizing his studies as Bukamon was sleeping.

Ishida Residence

Matt with Tsunomon were in the apartment where live his dad. He was watching the outside.

'Since his first battle with Devimon, TK is really afraid to the darkness.' Matt thought concerned.

Castle That Never Was

Meanwhile Bowser with his son and Kamek were in the castle. Somehow Kamek used his crystal ball for search and contact more villains.

"They should have been here today?" Bowser asked.

"Please be patient majesty. I'm sure they'll come." Kamek said.

"And what if they don't. Maybe it was a bad idea. What then?" Bowser said.

"Do you really think me to be incompetent?" A voice asked revealing as Giovanni with his Persian and Alakazam.

"Giovanni, I didn't think you'd actually show." Bowser said.

"I wasn't. But I hope that this reunion can be really important." Giovanni said.

"Well on behalf of the Koopa Clan, I thank you for coming. If you would, please wait inside until the others arrive." Kamek said.

"Hm? Others? Who else is coming?" Giovanni asked.

Then they heard a roar revealing as Ridley (now he has the same appearance from Smash Ultimate) who is flying until he landed, another spaceship landed and Kraid appears.

"Well, well. What a surprise?" Ridley said.

"The last time you had an armor." Bowser said.

"Well, Nightmare used his magic powers, now I'm finally improved. He is my right-hand man, Kraid." Ridley explained since his last meeting with Nightmare Enterprises. "So, what's this about Bowser? I'm very busy."

"In due time Ridley and Kraid. I'll inform you both when the rest show." Bowser said.

"Fine, this better be worth my time." Ridley said.

"What could be?" Kraid asked.

The three villains entered in the castle. Then they heard a laugh revealing as a woman with snakes as hair, a green creature and a blue flame.

"So, we finally meet King Bowser. I'm Medusa, the Goddess of Darkness." Medusa introduced.

"I'm Thanatos, the God of Death." Thanatos introduced.

"I'm Pandora, the Goddess of Calamity." Pandora introduced.

"Now, why did you bring me here?" Medusa asked.

"Well…" Kamek said and he whispers to Medusa.

"Princesses of Pure Heart interesting…" Medusa whispers and she says. "We'll wait inside."

The three evil goddesses entered in the castle. Suddenly they heard a smoke and evil laugh.

"Prepare for trouble!" Jessie's voice said.

"Make it double…" James' voice said.

"It's really necessary to repeat that motto…!" Bowser Jr said annoyed and the Team Rocket felled anime style.

"Hey! Never interrupt our motto!" Meowth said irritated.

"Enough of this nonsense! Your boss is here too! Now wait inside of the castle!" Bowser shouted.

"The boss!" James exclaimed.

"Probably is something important!" Meowth added.

"Let's go inside!" Jessie said.

Then the trio go inside.

"Just in time!" Another voice said revealing as Wario with Waluigi in a purple car (original from Mario Kart Double Dash).

"We made it!" Waluigi said.

Suddenly something blue passed quickly revealing as a blue Yoshi with black sunglasses.

"You seem like Yoshi, who is your name?" Bowser asked.

"I'm Boshi and I don't seem anything like Yoshi." Boshi said.

"Now you three will wait inside until the others arrive." Kamek said.

The familiar duo and the new face nodded and enter in the castle. Then more people has arrived.

"I hope this reunion is important." A in red uniform with a 'M' logo said.

"What a surprise to see you, Maxie?" A man in blue uniform and a hat with an 'A' logo said recognizing Maxie.

"Much time has passed, Archie." The man called Maxie said.

"It seems that Giovanni invited you both. I'm the King Bowser." Bowser said.

"An honor to meet you. I'm Maxie, the leader of the Team Magma." Maxie introduced.

"And I'm Archie, the leader of the Team Aqua." Archie introduced.

Then three mans appeared, one in gray uniform with a 'G' logo and blue hair, another in black uniform with an iron can and green hair and the last one is scientific in red uniform.

"Unfortunately, my boss is busy this day. Therefore, I came in his place, my name is Xerosic, scientific of Team Flare." Xerosic introduced.

"You arrived in time. Now I need to know the name of the others two." Bowser said.

"My name is Cyrus, the leader of the Team Galactic. So, this is another world." Cyrus introduced and watched the castle.

"My name is Ghetsis, the leader of the Team Plasma." Ghetsis said.

"Maybe, you know a freak with a yellow rodent with red cheeks." Bowser said.

"The same Pikachu with that boy." Cyrus said.

"I was always thinking of taking revenge on that boy with his Pikachu." Ghetsis snarled and slammed his cane to the ground.

"Don't worry, more like us are wanting have revenge. Now you five wait inside until the others arrive." Kamek said.

The five leaders of every organization nodded and go inside of the castle.

"Hahahaha…" Someone laughs revealing as a sorcerer with black hair, wearing black and purple robes and carrying a tome. "So, you must be the one who tried to rule the worlds. I'm Validar."

Then someone into a spider robot arrived revealing as Porky.

"I arrived in time?" Porky asks.

"You two arrived in time." Kamek said.

"Heh… I never have seen this place." Another voice said revealing as a man in brown coat and carrying a revolver. "My name is Adamanska, but you can call me Revolver Ocelot."

"With more guests is better, now you three will wait inside until the others arrive." Bowser said.

The two new faces and an old ally nodded and entered in the castle.

"Heheheheheh...!" A familiar voice laughed revealing as Eggman in his Egg Carrier, the same scientific was there in company of Metal Sonic, Bokun, and sphered red robot, a quadratic yellow robot and the Deadly Six. "Well, hello Bowser."

"Much time has passed since we kidnapped the baby princess. And I'm still waiting those pancakes." Bowser said.

"Well I…" Eggman said nervously and he was interrupted by Zavok.

"Why did you call us?" He asked.

"Bowser have something to tell you when the others arrive here." Kamek explained.

The group nodded and entered in the castle. The robots talked to each other.

"That world is talked Eggman long time ago, Orbot." The quadratic robot said.

"It seems a big castle, Cubot." Orbot said at the robot called Cubot and they entered.

"So, this is your team." A mysterious voice said.

Bowser with his son and Kamek turned around and saw a blue and black cassowary in company of a koala.

"Who are you?" Bowser Jr asked.

"How rude of me. Let me introduce myself. I'm Boss Cass, and he is Carlos." Boss Cass introduced.

"Hello." Carlos greeted.

"That is the place for the reunion." A female voice said revealing as a purple pirate. "Risky Boots is my name."

Bowser laughs and says. "More villains, the things will be interesting."

"If you three want, you can wait inside until the other villains arrive." Kamek said.

The three newcomers nodded and entered.

"This place is completely different." Another voice said revealing as scientific in white coat. "My name is Dr. Willy."

Then two persons landed revealing themselves as Gemini and the white said. "We have taken into consideration the proposal of the witch named Maleficent. Call us Gemini."

Other three figures appeared revealing as Reala, Grunty and Joker.

"That is the place." Grunty said. Now her skin is metallized.

"The castle is bigger than the previous one." Reala said.

"It's completely different at the Moon Kingdom." Joker said.

"Well, now that you five… I mean six have arrived, you can wait inside until the others arrive." Kamek said.

The six villains nodded and entered. Then three more persons appeared.

"I never have seen creatures like you." A voice said revealing as blond man in black uniform, lack gloves and black lens. "My name is Albert Wesker."

"I hope this plan involves taking over the whole world." A voice said revealing as a man in red uniform. "I'm M. Bison."

"Now, with the Phantom Ruby out of the way, it will be easy make the next plan." A voice said revealing as Sephiroth.

"Go inside and wait until the others arrive." Bowser said.

The three villains nodded and entered.

"That must be the place!" A male unknown voice said.

Bowser turned around and they see a purple dirigible that which landed. A group came out, a yellow man with a 'N' letter in his forehead, in company of girl with a 'N' in her forehead too, a scientific in green clothes, an evil floating mask, a muscular tiger, another scientific with orange hair and the half of his face is metallic, a mix animal of dingo and crocodile, a blue man with clock as armor and red imp in purple robes.

"Allow me introduce myself, I'm the Doctor Neo Cortex. And this is my team, my niece Nina, Dr. Nitrus Brio, Uka-Uka, Tiny Tiger, Dr. N. Gin, Dingodile, Dr. Nefarious Tropy and Ripto." Cortex introduced himself and his entire team.

"What did you bring us here!?" Uka-Uka asked.

"We will explain you all after the other villains arrive." Kamek said.

"Maybe we can talk with the other villains inside." N. Gin said.

Then all the team of Cortex entered in the castle. Suddenly Bowser Jr heard something.

"Hey? You hear that? It sounds like jet engines." Bowser Jr. said.

When they turn around, they saw three Wolfens and a red car going towards the castle. Then they came out Wolf, Blood Falcon, an anthropomorphic chameleon and an anthropomorphic panther landing with style.

"Too… cool…" Bowser Jr said amazed.

"Oh god… Please don't tell me I'm here to entertain your kid." Wolf groaned.

"Today I don't have time to babysitting." Blood Falcon said.

"Jr, behave. Sorry, Jr's always had a thing for fighting pilots." Bowser said apologizing.

"Charming. I guess…" The panther said.

"Enough talk! Tell us why…" The chameleon tried to say.

"I'll tell when everyone else comes. Until then, go inside and wait." Bowser said.

"Very well. Panther, Leon, let's go." Wolf commanded.

"I hope it's fast." Blood Falcon said.

Then fake Falcon and Star Wolf entered in the castle.

"Too… awesome…" Bowser Jr. commented.

"I hope I'm not too late." The voice from Dedede said.

Bowser and the others turn to see a yellow dirigible with a cannon, Escargoon and Waddle Doo came out first.

"Make a way for the great King Dedede!" Waddle Doo said.

But by surprise King K. Rool comes by behind rolling and hits the little cyclops and the snail.

"No worries Koopa King! The Great King K…" He was saying until he was stomped by Dedede.

"Have no fear! The Great King Dedede is here!" He said proudly.

"You lard! Get off of me!" King K. Rool shouted.

The alligator jumped out releasing of stomp of the penguin.

"What is your problem, you fat bird!?" King K. Rool demanded.

In answer Dedede gets up and argues. "Who are you calling fat, you overweight alligator!?"

As the two kings were arguing, Krusha and Klump arrived.

"Here's Klump and…" Klump said saluting.

"What happened?" Krusha asked confused.

"My majesty is fighting with your majesty." Escargoon said as he comes with Waddle Doo.

"Oh no! Papa? What just happened!?" Bowser Jr. exclaimed.

Then Bowser jumped between the penguin and the alligator and he threatens preparing his fire breath. "Both of you idiots shut up before I turn you both into boots!"

"Whoa… whoa… Bowser! No need for the violence!" King K. Rool said waving his hands.

Bowser turned off his flames. "Just go and wait in the castle."

Dedede and Rool nodded and go inside of the castle as their lackeys followed them. Behind of Bowser three dark portals appeared revealing Ganondorf, Nightmare with NME Salesman and Maleficent with Pete. And from afar, Lord Betrayus, Butt-ler, Dr. Buttocks and the four original ghosts.

"Sorry for keep you waiting King Bowser." Lord Betrayus said.

"This place seems perfect for our new lair." Nightmare said.

"Definitely I like this castle." NME Salesman said.

"You really impressed me with that castle." Maleficent said to Bowser.

"And now what?" Pete asked.

"Go inside and wait until the others arrive." Bowser said.

The villains and four snitches ghosts nodded and enter to the castle.

"How much dad?" Bowser Jr asked.

"Be patient Jr. There are more of them this time." Bowser said.

"So, we finally meet you King Bowser Koopa." A voice said revealing as sorcerer in black robe and black hair. He was in company of a humanoid with four arms, a purple ninja, a woman in yellow suit, a ninja made of rock, a black dragon humanoid and a man with a cyborg eye. "My name's Shang Tsung. And they're Goro, Rain, Tanya, Tremor, Onaga and Kano."

"I hope this reunion will be worthy for listen." Goro said.

"Only go inside and wait." Kamek said.

"You heard the magician, let's go inside." Kano said and they entered in the castle.

"Woah! I love this place!" A voice said revealing as Dr. Edgar Zomboss.

"That must be the lair. Name's Admiral Razorbeard." A pirate robot called Razorbeard said.

"GYA HAHA! It's DJ Octavio time!" A giant octopus called DJ Octavio said appearing in the place.

Suddenly an ice cream truck drives to the castle and parks. From the truck a shirtless clown with the flaming head came out. "Here's Sweet Tooth."

"Look at this place." A voice said revealing a military with a metallic mask. "Name's Colonel Mael Radec."

"Someone of you must have a worthy opponent." A voice said revealing as a man with black hair and black martial art suit. "Name's Heihachi Mishima."

"You have arrived in time Edgar and now we have more newcomers. Go inside and wait." Kamek said.

The arrived villains nodded and entered to the castle. Then a Monochromon appeared pulling a trailer behind, then from the door Etemon came out with a fragment song of 'Johnny Be Good'.

"Yeah, the concert sensation in the Digital World is back. Alright, it's Etemon." Etemon says into a microphone.

"Just in time Etemon. How are the things in the Digital World?" Bowser said.

"Well, with some Corrupt Digimon I made my own territory in an area." Etemon said.

"That must be the non-Digimon who appeared in the Digital World. Right Arukenimon?" A male voice said.

"Of course, Mummymon." A female voice said.

"Who are there?" Bowser asked.

Then two creatures appeared, one like mummy with a blue hat known as Mummymon and another like red humanoid spider known as Arukenimon.

"Here we are. I'm Arukenimon and he is Mummymon." Arukenimon introduced.

"We heard rumors about a group kidnaping a human girl with a Gatomon." Mummymon said.

"Hmm… Probably you two know the baby princess or Kari." Bowser said.

"A baby princess?" Another voice said revealing as Reapermon. "Name's Reapermon."

"With Tactimon too." A voice said who appeared behind of Reaper, a monstrous demon warrior like Digimon called Tactimon. "After this reunion, I want my revenge against the Fusion Fighters."

"I'll give all the details when the others arrive." Kamek said.

The evil Digimon nodded and they go inside the castle. Another portal appears behind of Bowser showing a sorcerer in red tunic holding a golden cobra staff.

"I finally meet you, Bowser. My name is Jafar and I brought more villains as Maleficent told me." The sorcerer called Jafar said.

"How many?" Bowser Jr asked.

From the same portal more people came, and anthropomorphic wolf with a hat, an old woman in black coat, a chubby man with black beard, a giant black gargoyle, a walking armor without head, an old woman bringing a black cat, two Siamese cats, a queen in red dress, the Captain Hook, a woman dressing crane skin, two thieves, one chubby and another thin, a short witch with white hair, a Burmese python, a Bengal tiger, an anthropomorphic lion dressed like king, a rat dressing an elegant suit, a woman octopus, a muscular man with black hair, three hyenas, a brown furred lion with a scar in his left eye, a lioness with red eyes, an old man wearing a purple and back outfit, Hades, a giant grey alien creature in black uniform, a yellow creature, a white rodent with a red cape, a pirate creature like Cthulhu, a creature like giant sack, a creature like anthropomorphic spider, a man wearing a business suit in company of two Dobermans, a man with black hat wearing purple suit, a woman in purple dress, a man in yellow and blue clothes, a creature like purple lizard, a purple a black robot with red eyes, a grasshopper with a scar passing his eye and a man with orange hair and white and black suit with a cape.

"Probably you met Hades and Captain Hook. They're Big Bad Wolf, the Evil Queen, Stromboli, Chernabog, Headless Horseman, Lady Tremaine, Lucifer, Siamese Cats, Queen of Hearts, Cruella de Vil, Horace, Gaspar, Madam Mim, Kaa, Shere Khan, Prince John, Professor Ratigan, Ursula, Gaston, the Hyenas, Scar, Zira, Judge Frollo, Gantu, Experiment 625, H?msterviel, Davy Jones, Oggie Boggie, Scroop, Bill Sykes, Rosco & DeSoto, Dr. Faciliter, Yzma, Kronk, Randall, Emperor Zurg, Hopper and Syndrome." Jafar introduced them all.

"I hope this reunion is important." Lady Tremaine said as Lucifer meowed.

"If it were in my house, the things would be different." Cruella said.

"I'm thinking that this is a…" Horace was saying.

"Don't think now Horace!" Gaspar scolded him.

"By luck I have ingredients for make sandwiches." Experiment 625 said.

"I've always wanted to be part of a team." Syndrome said.

"My main goal is to marry Belle." Gaston said.

"Do you know the goal of this reunion Gantu?" H?msterviel asked.

"Well, I…" Gantu tries to say.

"No, it's a rhetorical question!" H?msterviel exclaimed.

"We need details for this reunion." A hyena called Banzai said.

"Only remains one, go inside and wait." Kamek said.

Then all the villains entered in the castle.

"Don't worry, trust in me." Kaa said as she enters to the castle.

Suddenly a cloud storm appeared with thunders and lightnings booming, then a thunder strikes in the ground making appear an old man white hair and beard and he was wearing a Greek robe.

"Who dares to call the mighty Zeus?" Zeus asked.

"That was…" Kamek tries to say.

"Me. The King Bowser Koopa." Bowser said.

"You, don't make laugh, a mortal cannot be a king!" Zeus scoffed.

"Hey watch it!" Bowser said irritated. "Before to pound your face in!"

"Your grudgeyness, keep cool." Kamek said.

"Yes, your grudgeyness, listen to your lackey." Zeus said.

"That's it! Prepare for pain!" Bowser shouted in anger as Kamek and Bowser Jr freaked out and he goes towards Zeus who took his fight stance. "Showtime!"

"Master please! Control yourself!" Kamek said putting between the god and the turtle.

"…" Bowser thought turned away huffing.

"Lord Zeus. If you would come with me, please." Kamek said and he goes inside the castle.

Zeus goes inside until he stops see Bowser, but he turned away with the crossed arms. Then Zeus goes inside.

"I know, I'm gonna regret this." Bowser said in defeat.

Then he and his son go inside the castle.

EarthRealm: Shirai Ryu Village

In a village where lives a clan called Shirai Ryu. Some of those ninjas were patrolling until an unknown spear stabbed in one ninja in the chest, then his soul was absorbed and transported to its master, the culprit revealed as a centaur equipped with a spear and crimson eyes. Then the corpse mutated becoming into a Soulless. Soon the other ninjas noticed them.

"What is that creature?" A ninja asked.

"I don't know, but that creature killed him, and he became in an unknown monster." Another ninja said.

The Centaur Soulless noticed them as two creatures like humanoid hyenas with crimson eyes known as Gnoll and they were equipped with axes and shield appeared.

"We must defend the clan." The first ninja said.

"Understood." The second ninja nodded.

The ninjas attacked with their swords, but the Gnoll swung their shields disarming the ninjas and the Soulless slashed the two ninjas with their axes until kill them. Then the deceased ninjas became in a Soulless as their souls were transported to its master.

Lin Kuei Palace

In another place where lives another clan known as Lin Kuei, they were patrolling the palace until someone threw an icicle and froze a ninja. One of the ninjas notice a yeti with crimson eyes representing as a Soulless.

"What is this!?" A ninja exclaimed.

The Yeti Soulless jumped at the frozen a ninja and with a stomp the Soulless destroyed the frozen ninja and his soul was transported to its master. In answer the ninja backed up in fear. The Soulless was coming towards the ninja until he was hit by an ice attack that which came from a ninja in blue outfit. The Yeti Soulless wasn't frozen due elemental damage, but it was coming slowly.

"Master Sub Zero." The ninja bowed to him.

"Leave this to me." The ninja known as Sub Zero said. The ninja bowed and goes out the place.

Soon the Yeti Soulless was coming in normal speed and he goes towards Sub Zero. The Yeti Soulless tries to punch him, but the ninja creates a clone made of ice and slows the Soulless, Sub Zero realizes an icy sweep hitting the Yeti Soulless, the Soulless Yeti tries to grab Sub Zero, but he dodges and counterattacks with a punch and a kick. As the Yeti Soulless recovered and regenerate.

'That monster regenerated itself…' Sub Zero thought.

The Yeti Soulless threw an icicle but the ice ninja dodge, Sub Zero tries to punch the enemy, but he dodges grabs the arm of Sub Zero and hits him in the face, the Yeti Soulless tries to punch him but Sub Zero creates another clone of ice and slows the enemy, then Sub Zero created sword made of ice and slashed several times the Yeti Soulless, the ice ninja fired an ice attack that which slowed again the Soulless. Then Sub Zero creates icicles from the ground hitting the Yeti Soulless, the ninja sweeps hitting the Soulless, Sub Zero fires ice that which were slowing the Yeti as the ninja created a hammer made of ice and hits the enemy. Sub Zero teleports and fires icicles that which damaged the Yeti and the ninja grabs the Soulless and slammed the enemy against the ground (Super Attack of Sub Zero on Injustice 2) and destroyed it completely.

"I never have faced a monster like that." Sub Zero said.

A ninja from his clan came to the place.

"Grand Master. We received a message from the Shirai Ryu, they're being attacked by unknown monsters with crimson eyes." The ninja said.

"I'll come to help." Sub Zero said and departs.

Tomoeda: Sakura's House

Suddenly Sonic Prime woke up.

'Other victims were killed by the Soulless.' Prime thought.

Odaiba: Caleb's House

Back in Odaiba Caleb was sleeping in his bed and he was dreaming.

Caleb's Dream: Aether Kingdom

Caleb was watching Seth hanging off a cliff. The teenager was trying to save the prince.

"Seth, take my hand!" Caleb said extending his hand.

"I prefer to die!" Seth said bitterly.

"But what shall I tell our father!?" Caleb asked concerned.

"My father…!" Seth said coldly. "You came from a jungle, you stole Aria's heart, you became my father's favorite and now I'm the shadow of your greatness."

"But I didn't want any of this!" Caleb shouted.

"So, what did you want!?" Seth demanded.

"I lost my original family by fault of the King Vampire. When I met Aria, I felt like she was a sister. Then I was adopted by the king in thanks for found his daughter and save this kingdom." Caleb said.

"But I saw you with Aria the whole time, long after destroying the King Vampire, you guys started dating together. I was furious and jealous, because I was destined to have Aria as my queen until you appeared, so I planned to eliminate you all this time." Seth said with anger and hatred.

"Did you say what!?" A voice said revealing as a man dressed in loyal outfit. Aria was behind of her.

"But how…!?" Aria said in shock.

"Father!?" Seth gasped.

"Seth, take my hand, please. I'm trying to save you!" Caleb said.

"It's too late…" Seth said, and he drops off the cliff.

"NO!" Caleb yelled at the top of his lungs in despair.

"Seth!" Aria yelled between tears.

Caleb kneeled and starts to pound his fist to the ground. When he sees Aria crying, he hugged her to comfort her.

"Dad, I'm really sorry. I tried to save him, but he dropped himself…" Caleb said to his adoptive father.

"No, that was my fault. I don't support Seth enough." The king said. "Caleb, please keep protecting my daughter. I'm very proud to call you my son."

In answer Caleb cries hugging his adoptive father. Aria joins to the hug.

"Thank you…" Caleb sobbed.

Caleb's House

Caleb woke up from his dream.

"Seth… I could've saved him in time…!" Caleb said to himself.

He sees the clock showing 6:30 a.m. Then he decided to wake up Mew and DemiVeemon.

"Hey, c'mon." Caleb said.

"What is?" DemiVeemon asked.

"Are we going to stop Xehanort?" Mew asked.

"No. We're going to bring Sora, Oshawott, Kairi and Riku to visit Odaiba, maybe they miss us after a great travel." Caleb answered.

Then they go outside the house walking stealthy.

"Don't you think it's too early to go for a walk?" A voice asked as Caleb gasped in shock and sees Luke behind with Absol.

"Oh, Luke. Is that you." Caleb said.

"Where are you going right now?" Luke asked.

"We're going to bring Kairi and the others to visit Odaiba." Caleb replied. "Maybe Kari miss her a lot."

"I see." Luke said but he notices something in a bush. "Brother, look out!"


Suddenly a creature like werewolf with crimson eyes comes to attack, but Caleb dodges.

"What kind of creature is that!?" Absol asked taking his fight stance.

"A Soulless, they are extremely dangerous than any other enemy." Luke said as he summons his Keyblade.

"Let's beat it that werewolf Soulless!" Caleb said summoning his Keyblade.

Luke casts Blizzarga but the Soulless Werewolf blocked the spell with his claws, Absol uses Aerial Ace in the Soulless, Caleb uses Thunder Raid to paralyze the Soulless, Mew uses Psychic to stop the enemy, then Caleb and Luke realized Sonic Blade into the Werewolf, followed by Absol using Night Slash and Mew uses Hyper Beam finishing the Soulless.

"How dangerous are them?" DemiVeemon asked.

"Very dangerous, they can regenerate themselves and if you're killed by the Soulless, you will become into a Soulless." Caleb said.

"What!?" DemiVeemon and Mew gasped in shock.

Then two legged mushrooms with crimson eyes appeared.

"More of them!? But they look like mushrooms!" Caleb exclaimed.

DemiVeemon Digivolve to… Veemon!

The Digimon transformed at his child form.

"Can you use a card?" Veemon asked.

"Yes!" Caleb pulls out a card and uses it in the D-Ark. "Digi-Modify! Power activated!"

Veemon was surrounded by energy. "V-Punch!"

He swings his arms in circles striking both enemies, followed by Absol using Psycho Cut in both Soulless, Mew still tired after use Hyper Beam as the Mushroom Soulless tried to attack firing spores at the defenseless Mew, but Caleb casts Reflega returning the attack at the enemy, then he and Luke realize Fire Edge followed by Firaga spell and finished one Mushroom Soulless, Mew recovered and he use Fire Blast hitting the Mushroom Soulless and Absol finished the Soulless using Slash. As they tried to recover breath, another Soulless like tarantula (same size as the Black Tiger in Resident Evil) with crimson eyes appeared.

"Another one!? That must be a joke!" Luke exclaimed.

The Tarantula Soulless rams at them, but they dodge. Caleb tries to slash the Soulless, but he dodge the attack and it fired a spider web that which trapped Caleb, the Tarantula tries to attack but Luke realizes Ars Arcanum in the Soulless followed by Veemon using V-Headbutt and Mew using Tri-Attack. Absol uses Slash to break the spider web and release Caleb, then he uses Strike Raid followed by Thundaga.

"Digi-Modify! WereGarurumon activated!" Caleb uses another card in his D-Ark.

"Wolf Claw!" Veemon attacks with glowing claws and slashed the Soulless.

"Megahorn!" The horn of Absol glowed green and stabs in the Tarantula Soulless and finished the enemy.


"Wow! You learned a new move, Absol. I'm proud of you." Luke said petting his Pokémon.

"Thanks." Absol said.

"More of them can appear." Caleb said watching the place.

"Look Caleb. I'm going to protect the city. You can go to Destiny Islands to bring our friends." Luke said.

"Are you sure?" Caleb asked and Luke nods. "Ok, see you."

Caleb uses his Keyblades to create a portal, then he with his Pokémon and Digimon entered on it.

Castle That Never Was: Hall of Empty Melodies

All the villains where gathered as Bowser, Maleficent, Pete, Bowser Jr and Kamek were watching them.

"Good day Villains of the Worlds. We thank you all for coming." Kamek said.

"I have no time for thank yous!" Onaga said.

"Tell us why we're here?" Shere Khan asked.

"Of course, of course." Kamek replied. "My lord, would you like the honors?"

"If I must…" Bowser said, and he makes some steps and says. "Villains of the Worlds. I propose that we… we…"

"We what?" Dingodile asked.

"Spit it out!" Kano said.

Bowser sighs in defeat and says. "Team up…"

"TEAM UP!?" All the villains exclaimed, except Tremaine, Cruella, Maleficent, Pete, Kamek and Bowser Jr.

"You can't be serious!" Chernabog exclaimed.

"So, it's true then. You're becoming so pathetic, that you need us." Zeus said.

"…" Bowser didn't talk.

"I was waiting something better." Oggie Boggie said.

"I'll prefer return to the island for another meal recollected by the ants." Hopper whispered.

"There's a reason all of you're asking for this alliance. Right?" Maleficent said to the villains.

"Yes, Mistress of all Evil." A hyena called Shenzi said.

"Why she didn't help us to defeat Mufasa?" Banzai whispered.

"What!?" Scar exclaimed.

"I told that with Mu…" Banzai said until Shenzi smacks him and he says sheepishly. "With mustard."

"Well, what is the reason might that Bowser called us?" Dr. Tropy asked.

"Sir? You care to explain?" Kamek asked Bowser.

"Yeah, sure…" Bowser said. "I need your help to retrieve a very powerful item."

"And what might that be?" Dr. Faciliter asked.

"The… Master Key." Bowser replied.

"Master Key?" Arukenimon asked.

"Sounds interesting." Mummymon said.

"Why don't you enlighten us?" Davy Jones asked.

"Of course, the Master… Oh wait… One sec." Bowser says until he turns to his son. "Jr, I want you to step outside."

"What!? Why!?" Bowser Jr exclaimed complaining.

"This is an adult conversation. Go play with your brothers or something." Bowser said.

"Aww… But Papa." Bowser Jr said in groan.

"Don't make me repeat myself Jr!" Bowser said.

Then Bowser Jr goes out the conversation for the orders from his father.

"So, anyway, as I was saying." Bowser said turning to the villains.

As Bowser was mentioning about his past efforts, using the Heartless to rule the worlds, how he returned after his last defeat in Hollow Bastion, reclaiming the Star Rod, get the Kari's heart and the information about the Chosen Children Digidestined, Bowser Jr hid in place where he can hear the conversation.

Digital World (Digimon Frontier)

Lucemon managed to arrive in the Digital World that he meet as he flashbacks how he was defeated by Susanoomon.

"Very well, it's time for my revenge." Lucemon smirked sinisterly.

Odaiba: Takaishi Residence

It was morning as TK was sleeping, but he was sweating and shivering in fear.

"You have nowhere to hide child of hope, I'll hunt you even into your own dreams." The words of Devimon replied into his dream.

In answer TK wakes up screaming.

"TK… What happened?" Tokomon asked sleepy.

"I saw Devimon in my dream and he wants have revenge of me." TK said shivering in fear.

"TK don't worry. I'll protect you." Tokomon said hopping in TK's arms.

"But what happens if you die again?" TK asked frowning.

"We will protect you." Tokomon said.

"Thank you." TK said hugging Tokomon as he stream some tears.


The eleven Digidestined with their Digimon and Luke gathered in the park.

"Well, where is Caleb?" Davis asked.

"Hmm, he is…?" Luke was trying to say.

Suddenly Caleb with DemiVeemon and Mew appeared from a bush. "We're here."

"Where have you been?" Joe asked.

"I brought a little surprise." Caleb said.

"Hey there." Sora (boy) said popping out the bush.

"Sora!" The Digidestined said.

"And Oshawott." Oshawott said in the shoulder of Sora.

"Don't forget me too." Riku said showing up.

"Riku!" The Digidestined said.

"Kari!" Kairi said appearing at the side of Sora.


"Kairi…" Kari said, and she starts to cry.

"Come here…" Kairi said.

In answer Kari comes to her, she hugs her and cries more. "I missed you too much…"

"Me too." Kairi said returning the hug as she lets out some tears.

Sora approaches to TK and he says. "I missed you so much."

"Me too." Sora said ruffling TK's hair.

"So, this is Odaiba?" Riku asks.

'The Organization can hear us in any minute.' Caleb thought concerned as he watched his surroundings.

"Are you thinking in something?" Oshawott asked Caleb.

"I'm trying to think in a place for visit right now." Caleb said changing the subject.


Then they walked to the TV Fuji.

TV Fuji

The group arrived in TV Fuji.

"That is the TV Fuji." Luke said.

"My dad works there." Matt said.

"But that was the place where Wizardmon sacrificed his life." Salamon said frowning.

"Wizardmon…" Kari said saddened.

"Kari…" Kairi said trying to comfort her.

"Kari, remember that his sacrifice wasn't in vain." Tai said.

"Yes, thanks." Kari smiled.

Suddenly Absol popped out from the Pokéball of Luke.

"Absol… What's wrong?" Luke asked.

"I can feel the danger." Absol said and he runs.

"Where Absol is going?" Sor asked.

"I'll be back." Luke said and follows his Absol.

Keyblade Graveyard

Kronika, Xehanort and the other villains were watching the group.

"They are gathered in one place." Kronika said.

"I will send some of my troops to capture the two princesses and the wielder of hope." Master Xehanort said. "Larxene, Vanitas, Xemnas, Ansem!"

"You called us." Larxene said coming.

"Go to that world, you will capture the two princesses and the younger child in the group." Master Xehanort said.

"As your order Master Xehanort." Vanitas said. 'I'm going to reclaim Ventus too.'

"I will drag Riku into the darkness." Ansem said.

"This time I'll test the power of Caleb." Xemnas said.

Then the four members go in the corridor of darkness.

Castle That Never Was: Hall of Empty Melodies

Back with the villains' group, Bowser ended to explain the information about Kari as the Master Key.

"Hmm… Very interesting Koopa." Dr. Faciliter said.

"You said a girl with light powers can open the door to Kingdom Hearts?" Rain asked.

"How do you know for sure it's not just some fairy tale?" Ripto asked.

"Because it's like I said. Because I fought against the baby princess, but I was defeated by her. Plus, the crystal ball of Kamek can detect her." Bowser answered.

"Well, the Magic Mirror can detect her too." The Evil Queen said.

"And it's really exactly as powerful as you claim?" Reapermon asked.

"More powerful than our wildest dreams." Bowser smirked.

Everyone thought in silence for a moment until Tactimon broke the silence in evil laugh.

"You're a fool Bowser! Now that I know this information, I'm going to find the girl for myself!" He said.

"WHAT!?" Bowser exclaimed as Maleficent, Pete and Kamek gasped in shock.

"No way! I can totally find her first!" Big Bad Wolf argued.

"Don't waste your energies! That power is mine!" Nightmare said.

As the villains were arguing to each other, Bowser glared at Kamek.

"Kamek, you idiot! I knew this was a bad idea!" Bowser shouted.

Then the villains, except Giovanni, NME Salesman, Cyrus, Tremaine, Cruella, Shang Tsung, Bill, Scar, Zira, Xerosic, Experiment 625, run to get the Master Key, but they were suddenly grabbed by a psychic force.

"What is this!?" Emperor Zurg exclaimed.

"What's going on!?" Tremor demanded.

Then Giovanni appeared with his Alakazam and Claydol who used Psychic to hold them.

"You all are fools." Giovanni said.

"Are you nuts!?" Klump exclaimed. "What do you think are you doing?"

"I think you should all be asking yourselves that very question." Cyrus said.

"What are you talking about?" Tanya asked.

"You may know about the girl. But do you know where it is?" Giovanni asks.

"Yeah, the same little girl with the brown hair and Gatomon too!" Meowth said trying to get free of the psychic force.

"That human puppy like Bowser and Maleficent said." Shere Khan said.

"Were you not listening?" Prince John asked.

"Bowser and I know the girl who holds a heart of pure light. But the question is, which one?" Giovanni explained and the others were speechless. "You all were just about to storm out with no knowledge on the power's location. Plus, trying to beat each other to it, especially since Bowser and Maleficent are the only here who knows where she is. They could go get it before any of you."

"Please boss. Bowser can't even beat plumbers, like us trying to get Pikachu's twerp." James said.

"What is the main idea of this reunion?" Jessie asked.

"Well, you all are different? When was the last time of any of you beat your nemesis?" Giovanni asked.

Every villain remembered how they lose the last time.

"It appears that we all crave this power, so the only way any of us can obtain it is to work together." Giovanni said.

"Giovanni…" Bowser said impressed after the leader of Team Rocket managed to convince the villains.

"Wait! You're not actually agreeing with Bowser and Maleficent are you!?" Meowth exclaimed.

"As much as I don't want to admit it, yes. But of course, if we do manage to succeed, you were going to split the domination equally between us right Bowser?" Giovanni said.

"Yes, I was gonna sharing the ruling! What do you think I am a monster?" Bowser said.

"What his cunfuzzledness is trying to say is that with this power, all of us can accomplish our goals." Kamek said.

"I have to admit you have a good persuasion talent." Maleficent said.

"Well, when you put it that way…" Krusha said.

"I guess we truly have no choice." Yzma said.

Then everyone were released of the psychic force, but Zeus wasn't convinced.

"What? You don't trust me? Smart thing to do." Zeus scoffed.

"Come on Zeus, how's about you and I put our hatred aside?" Bowser said approaching at the perverse thunder God.

"…" Zeus didn't say nothing.

"Come on, shake on it." Bowser said offering his hand. "This is our chance to rule the universe."

'I hope that he helps me too to destroy Kratos before he destroys me and the entire Olympus…' Zeus thought, and he finally shook hands with Bowser. "Fine. But you better keep to your word."

"So, it's all settled, your highness, would you like to go over the plan?" Kamek asked.

"Of course. Now I'll require some of you in go at the world of those Digidestined." Bowser said and gives order at every villain. "Eggman prepare the dimensional devices in the airships. Hook, Scroop, you two will go in my airship. Sephiroth, Ghetsis, Giovanni, Ridley, Randall, Brio, M. Bison, Zeena, take care of the other children."

The mentioned villains nodded ready to make the plan.

Tomoeda: Kinomoto Residence

Sonic Prime was in the rooftop watching the outside.

'The Soulless didn't appear today in this universe. But who is that sinister monster?' Prime wondered and remembers the demonic god powerful than Tabuu.

Prime continued watching the city.


Fanfic: Digimon: Worlds in Danger Ch 2, Digimon (2024)
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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

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Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.