Jinx - Chapter 15 - RedTsundere - 呪術廻戦 (2024)

Chapter Text

“We are here,” I said to Ui Ui excitedly as we both looked at the giant sign that read "Team Black. MMA Gym."

A smile formed on my face as I returned to my former abode. Memories fluttered around me like nostalgic butterflies. All the moments that I shared with the king of the ring until I actually met the real Sukuna Ryomen. I took Ui Ui's hand to follow me to the access elevator. Mei Mei followed us with her phone glued to her hands. Nobara looked like me when I first entered the place, excited but nervous. Geto, on the other hand, looked indifferent to the situation.

I could feel my heart pounding in my chest with every floor we reached. Since returning from Las Vegas, Sukuna and I had not seen each other. I was too busy training, meanwhile Sukuna started his physical therapy to treat his injured shoulder. Unlike when I was with that idiot Choso, we talked every day on the phone and were always in touch. So much so that Geto constantly nagged me for using the phone too much.

The elevator doors opened, welcoming us to the most luxurious gym in Tokyo. The gym looked the same as I remembered it, but I felt completely different. I still remembered when I first walked in. I was alone with my pink bag, booty shorts and an oversized hoodie. Now, I had my pink bag, short shorts and my gorgeous outfit. Unlike the baggy sweatshirt I used to wear all the time, I was now wearing the official Medusa Serpent jacket. A green windbreaker with scales print with a snake modeling the back.

The further we went into the place, the more I looked for Sukuna among the sea of familiar faces. All the gym members were gathered around the ring to admire the exhibition training fights that would be held today. Nobara and I had been invited along with other well-known fighters to participate in a mixed training with friendly sparring, striking practice and more. Gojo finally replied to the thousands of emails I sent him at the time.

“There he is, the king of the ring!” Ui Ui exclaimed when he saw Sukuna in front of the office, chatting pleasantly with Toji.

Now that I didn't feel guilty for taking a good look at him... God, this man is going to kill me with how attractive he is. His hair was a little longer, so now some hair was falling sensually over his forehead. He traded in his compression shirt for a loose-fitting white sleeveless shirt that he could easily take off and put on. He was wearing shorts that allowed me to see the curve of his thighs. For a guy who had completely given up the gym rat lifestyle and was wearing a sling, he still looked divine. Something few can achieve. I didn't want to go near him anymore because I was so nervous just looking at him.

He noticed my presence in his domain. I could no longer back down. He smiled at me, flashing me his adorable pearly smile perfect for ads. I felt a crush shoot through my heart all at once. He had never smiled at me like that before. It was intentional and warm. He wanted to make it very clear to me that he was happy I had come. I waved shyly at him from my place. Nobara looked at me disappointed in my behavior, I looked pathetic.

“Go say hello to your boyfriend," she whispered to me before pulling me towards him.

Ui Ui and I yelped at the same time. As I kept holding his hand, I ended up pulling him with me. We awkwardly approached the two intimidating former UFC champions. For being retired, they still had that dangerous aura surrounding them.

“The king of the ring and Toji Fushiguro! I'm a super fan!” UiUi exclaimed excitedly.

“How are you, little guy?” Toji greeted the boy, standing at his height. “Do you want a picture, kid?” He asked with a smile. Ui Ui obviously accepted with excitement and called his big sister to take the picture.

“One of your students?” Sukuna asked me while hugging my waist with his healthy arm.

“Yes, he is the best in his class.,”I answered with a smile.

“Is he your favorite?” He asked me, arching his eyebrow.

“Don't be silly,” I joked. “Everyone knows you're still my favorite student.”

He pulled me closer to his body to kiss my cheek tenderly, his nose brushed against my ear causing a shiver to run down my back. He was so close to me that I felt like I could fade away at any moment, but I had to remain calm first and foremost. After all, I had a heavy day of training ahead of me. I could already feel my cheeks flushing.

“Yuck! Get a room," Yuuji jokingly complained as he approached us alongside Megumi.

Since Sukuna retired from the UFC due to medical complications, he took Yuuji's position as his coach so that he would now be the new face of Team Black. Yuuji was very excited because in a month he will have his first official fight... against Megumi. Weighing about the same, they would both be fighting in the same division. I was glad that both of their first fights in front of thousands of spectators would be against someone they trusted. Maybe too much trust, since they were holding hands.

“Shut up, Yuuji. You think I haven't seen you taking nudes in the locker room?” Sukuna scolded him before hitting him on the head.

“I was just joking!” Yuuji complained while Megumi was redder than a tomato. I think I know who the pictures were for.

“It's good to see you. Congratulations on your new relationship.” I greeted them both with a hug.

Sukuna had told me in great detail how they had become a couple. They went to Yuta's championship celebration party. They both had too many drinks, danced the night away and had a great time. When they returned home, Megumi took advantage of the super honesty that alcohol gives you to confess to Yuuji how he had felt the last few months with him and that he loved him more than anyone else in the world. A feeling that was reciprocated. Sukuna told me everything as if he was telling me the plot of a romance novel. At that moment I realized why Yuuji was such a gossip, because he had an older brother who was the same or worse than him.

“You should come here more often. I need you to get him off my back once in a while,” Yuuji whispered to me with a chuckle.

“If he was already horrible as an athlete, now imagine him as a coach," Megumi whispered to me seriously.

“And just for that, 50 push-ups. Now!” Sukuna ordered, annoyed. They both sighed in annoyance and dropped to the floor. I laughed at them as I watched them serve their punishment. “What are you laughing at? You too.” Sukuna ordered me.

“What?! Why?!” I protested.

“Because I'm in charge. To the floor.” He ordered me with a devilish smirk. He was taking revenge for all the exercises I had forced him to do when I used to be his trainer. I sighed in annoyance, but I dropped next to Megumi to fulfill my undeserved punishment.

“Don't be like that with my athlete.” Geto approached Sukuna to greet him. “Can't you see she was excited to see you?” He joked.

“I do it for her sake,” he said seriously.

Yuuji had improved a lot since the last time I saw him. No longer training passively to keep up with his older brother, he was now training as if he was the king of the ring. He was focused, hitting the pads Nobara presented to him without much thought. His feet were constantly moving towards her, but she wasn't backing down easily. She wasn't about to let some random guy make her look bad in front of her team. Nobara always had that fierce spark that made her feel stronger. The crowd around us watched the training with keen interest, while Gojo and Geto supervised their athletes.

“You have trained her well," Gojo said to me, impressed.

“What can I say? I am an excellent teacher,” I joked to which we both laughed.

Then it was my turn to step into the ring with Megumi. Toji asked me to fight against him to give him a taste of fighting a world-class champion, to which I immediately agreed. It had been a long time since I had seen Megumi fight, so I was very interested to see his progress. I adjusted my bra and shorts to be as comfortable as possible for the fight. Despite being surrounded by people, I could feel Sukuna's gaze on my back.

“Be gentle with the boy,” Sukuna joked from outside the ring.

“Don't worry, I'll leave him in one piece," I continued the joke before putting on my dental protector.

Gojo announced the start of the fight and I patiently approached my opponent to clash gloves. After all, this was a friendly fight so I didn't have to humiliate him right away. Megumi tried to hit me with a couple of punches, but I dodged them by moving my torso and digging my feet in to avoid backing up. I tried to hit him in the same way, but he also dodged me nimbly. Some of his quick punches connected with my shoulder and arms. He had improved his technique a lot. His eyes were analyzing me completely to try to deduce my next move. He was beginning to look like his father. Megumi swung his arm to the left to hit me, but he made the mistake of opening wide. He still had a lot to learn. I ducked to avoid the blow and propelled myself to submit him against the ground by the chest. When we fell to the canvas, a howl of excitement emanated from the other fighters.

I could hear Megumi moaning as he tried to escape from my strong grip. As this was a training session, his father was just watching us with his arms crossed from the side of the ring as if he was just another spectator. I pushed Megumi by putting all my weight on him with the help of my legs to anchor him to the ground. I gave him just enough room to roll over, giving him the false sense that he could escape if he broke free for a second. He tried to escape under my arm, covering his head with his elbow so I wouldn't hit him in that moment of vulnerability. Once he was in the perfect position, I clamped him in a necklock while my legs choked him through the stomach.

Gojo was watching us closely to see the moment Megumi decided to let go. I lowered my pelvis to his back to force him flat on the canvas. Megumi covered his face as I hit him from the sides. The audience was clapping and cheering for Megumi to do something, but there was nothing left to do. I had this in the bag and he knew it perfectly. It didn't take long for him to tap my arm three times for me to let go immediately.

“Good fight,” I said as I stood up tiredly. Megumi smiled at me as he rested like a starfish. Toji stepped into the ring to correct everything he had done wrong in our match.

“I expected nothing less from you,” Nobara said proudly as she greeted me outside the ring.

“I agree,” Sukuna ruffled my hair with a proud smile. I couldn't help but smile at the sweet compliments.

At lunchtime, we decided to take a break and go to an Italian restaurant near the gym to celebrate that we were all reunited. We sat at a table with seats that were spread out so that we were all close together, while the coaches and managers sat at the table behind us. Yuuji, Megumi and Nobara were sitting across from Sukuna and me. Sukuna had been nagging all the way that he wanted to eat alone with me like on a date, but I ignored him. I wanted to eat with everyone.

“I always hated math. I didn't learn to count properly until I was eight,” Yuuji told Nobara with a smile on his face as if he were proud.

“Oh, come on. Until you were eight? What are you, a dumbass?” Nobara scoffed, trying to contain his laughter.

“Hey! My mom says I'm special,” Yuuji pouted. Sukuna and I laughed at his brother's nonsense.

“Math isn't that complicated. You just have to apply it to something you know,” Megumi said with the intention of helping him. “For example, if you have 10 brownies and you give me 5, how many do you have left?”

“Zero,” Yuuji answered confidently. Nobara and I couldn't help but let out a loud laugh while Megumi and Sukuna felt sorry for the pink-haired man.

“You didn't even try,” Megumi rolled his eyes while his silly boyfriend hugged him by the shoulders.

“It's because I would give them all to you, because I love you,” Yuuji said before planting a kiss on her lips while Megumi blushed.

“Aww,” I sighed with tenderness.

“You guys disgust me,” Sukuna muttered before rolling his eyes.

“What right do you have to say that?!” Yuuji exclaimed in amusem*nt.

“I agree with the lovey dovey,” Nobara said amused as she looked at me and Sukuna with sinful eyes before high-fiving Yuuji. These three were a dangerous combination.

Before long a waitress arrived to wait on us. I knew she was doing her job, but I didn't like the way she looked at my boyfriend. When she handed us the menus, she smiled even more when she handed one to Sukuna and asked him if he was famous. I couldn't help but feel jealous.

“I'll have the caesar salad without the dressing with extra chicken and a glass of water,” I asked with a fake smile so no one would notice my jealousy. Besides, I knew our coaches were watching us from their table to make sure we were following our strict diets to the letter.

“I want the same thing,” Megumi followed me.

“I want a cheeseburger with a chocolate shake.” Yuuji smiled, challenging Sukuna directly. His coach didn't hesitate to give him a slap with his free hand. “Oh, I'm kidding! I want the same thing,” He complained, handing the menu to the waitress while rubbing his bruise.

“And for you?” The waitress asked as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Bitch.

“The double cheeseburger and a chocolate milkshake,” he said with a smile from ear to ear, taking revenge on Yuuji for his little joke.

What he didn't expect was that we were all shocked to hear his order. Even Nanami and Gojo, who were at the other table, peeked over to see him in disbelief. Sukuna Ryomen ordering something other than chicken, rice or protein? Make a wish!

“What?” Sukuna asked reluctantly.

“You asked for a hamburger…" I replied in shock.

“...with double meat..." Megumi followed me.

“...and a chocolate milkshake,” Yuuji finished, blinking several times. Making sure he wasn't dreaming.

“A man can't order a hamburger!?” Sukuna asked, offended by everyone's reaction.

“But you are Mr. Chicken and white rice!” I exclaimed in surprise.

“You haven't eaten junk food since you were 17!” Yuuji exclaimed in surprise.

“It's no big deal…” Sukuna mumbled in annoyance.

“I still remember the birthday where your mother replaced the chocolate cake with a tray of sashimi in the shape of a cake,” Megumi commented as if he was having war flashbacks.

“Did she really do that?” Nobara wondered in surprise.

“Yes, all our cousins were very disappointed,” Yuuji shook his head.

“Well, I'm not the world champion anymore, so it doesn't matter…” Sukuna mumbled in annoyance.

Silence pervaded the table at the sad statement. He understood how he felt completely. His career had collapsed in front of his eyes and he had only himself to blame for what had happened. Ever since he recovered from his surgery and began treating his shoulder regularly with Shoko, he had been very depressed. Despite the happiness of finally being together, he knew that his glory days would never return. I was also sad that I would never get to see him in the ring in all his glory, but at least I was grateful for all the times I got to see him live. I laid my head on his healthy shoulder and patted him on the back a couple of times to comfort him. He was like an angel who had just lost his wings.

“But you will always be a legend,” I encouraged him with a smile.

“You're an inspiration to me and everyone else who follows you,” Megumi added.

“Right! God screwed up your shoulder because he knew you'd be too powerful if you kept going,” Yuuji tried to cheer him up.

“Thank you, guys,” Sukuna mused, blushing slightly at the sweet words. He looked so cute, I couldn't help but want to give him a sweet kiss on the cheek.

The rest of the meal was spent laughing and catching everyone up on what had happened over the past few months. I was happy to see Sukuna eating something he really wanted and not having to restrict himself because of his career. Yuuji, being his usual gossipy self, told me that Choso got away from everyone for his own good and took a trip around the world for self-discovery, plus he started going to therapy to get over the trauma that Yuki had created for him. I was actually glad that he was doing better. I hope that in the future we can get along and put it all behind us.

Lunch time had come to an end and we went back to training. This time I was paired with Yuuji to give him a basic floor fighting lesson like I used to teach Sukuna. It brought back so many memories of all the things he put me through for wanting to antagonize me. All the arguments, fights and insults now gifted me with nostalgia. How all that gradually transformed into respect and finally love. Unlike Sukuna, Yuuji listened to me and did everything I asked him to do. It took him a little more practice to do the exercises he wasn't used to, but I could tell he was putting his all into it.

The afternoon went by faster than I would have preferred and the day's practice came to an end. After a quick shower and resting my muscles while eating an energy bar, it was time to head home. Nobara and I bowed to Toji and Gojo for training us this time. I hugged Megumi and Yuuji tightly, letting them know that I would miss them a lot, but that we would see each other again soon.

“Thank you for training me, coach," I bowed respectfully to Sukuna.

“You know perfectly well that I didn't do anything," Sukuna replied, ignoring my gesture of respect.

“I still wanted to do it," I smiled before hugging him. He reciprocated and kissed my head tenderly.

“Why don't you stay at my place tonight?” He whispered so I could only hear him.

“What? Really?” I asked excitedly.

“Why are you so surprised? You used to live with me.” Sukuna looked at me funny.

“It was different back then, we were just roommates because you forced me,” I explained. “Now we are boyfriend and girlfriend. It's different.”

Sukuna laughed and kissed me on the lips as I smiled stupidly at how happy I was to be back in the place where my luxurious home used to be. After telling Geto and Nobara not to wait for me for morning training, I followed Sukuna to his car. I offered to drive so he could relax his shoulder for the ride.

We arrived at the penthouse and I sighed at how much I had missed this place. The beautiful furniture, the air conditioning and the beautiful paintings hanging on the walls. Once I took off my shoes and left my backpack at the entrance, I walked across the hallway to the gigantic window that had a wonderful view of the rest of the city. My sight was stretched to the limit to see every luminous detail with attention. A strong arm wrapped around my shoulders to hug my back to a large protective chest. Sukuna rested his jaw on my head to observe the view with me. He closed his eyes to enjoy that we were together and that nothing would ever separate us.

After sharing a nice dinner for both of them that they ordered out because neither of them felt like cooking, Sukuna lent me one of his T-shirts and boxers so I could sleep comfortably. Then she helped him change so he wouldn't move his injured shoulder too much. He let out a few moans of pain, but he managed.

Sukuna put on a random movie on Netflix before revealing his true intentions. He pulled me to him to kiss me softly. His hand ran down my body until it reached my flushed cheek. I caressed his chest, careful not to hurt him. The desire and need was felt with every move we made. Only Sukuna could transport me to places full of pleasure and lust. He worked magic with her lips and tickling fingers. Despite having only one hand free, she still worked miracles.

“I missed you so much,” Sukuna whispered against my lips as he caressed my waist with his thumb.

“I missed you so much too,” I reciprocated with a smile.

“I was thinking..." Sukuna moved a little away from me to look me directly in the eyes. “Why don't you move to Team Black? You already know the guys, we can support you in everything you need and we'll spend more time together,” he explained.

It was a tempting offer, but I knew I could not afford to accept it. I would know that I would have no problem bringing Geto to Tokyo, but Nobara has his family in Nagoya, Mei Mei has to worry about Ui Ui and it would mean that I would stop teaching my classes. It would be a big sacrifice for everyone just because I want to be closer to my boyfriend.

“I can't do it, Sukuna. My life and everyone's life is in Nagoya,” I explained as I turned away from him to get serious. “It would be very selfish of me to make a change like that,” I commented as I watched a bit of the movie that had been put on the screen.

“What about us?” Sukuna asked me.

“I know it's hard, but we can plan to see each other more often,” I explained before kissing his cheek to leave a trail to his neck.

“I guess." Sukuna was not very happy with my answer. He moved a little away from me to watch the movie.

“Are you upset?” I asked with a pout.

“No, no…” Sukuna said, but he regretted pretending. “A little bit. Don't worry, I'll get over it,” he said, downplaying the matter.

“Are you sure?” I said. At that moment, a light bulb went off in my head with a brilliant idea. “Because I know how I can make you very happy,” I smiled mischievously at him before crawling under the covers.

“What the f*ck are you going to do?” Sukuna asked me amused. I reached up to his crotch to stroke his co*ck, which went numb to the touch. “Hey!” He exclaimed in surprise.

I pulled down the elastic of his pants amidst naughty giggles to pull out the old friend I had yet to greet. I kissed the tip for good luck and popped it into my mouth without giving him any warning. I felt his body tighten with each suck. My mouth was filling with saliva, so it didn't take long for his co*ck to start sloshing. I tucked my lips over my teeth to avoid hurting him.

“sh*t, I missed that too,” I heard him moan as I pushed my head back to guide the intensity.

Even though it tasted like nothing, it was so satisfying to hear Sukuna's stifled moans. My tongue fiddled with his glans delicately. Sukuna pulled the blanket off me to get a better look at me. He grabbed my hair to choke me on his co*ck several times. My eyes watered from the depth he reached.

I spit on his co*ck before sitting on his lap to remove my shirt in front of him. His smile widened as soon as he saw my tit* bounce from the movement. He pulled me to him to suck on one of my nipples. I moaned his name as I stroked his back. I wiggled my hips against him from the excitement. I was starting to get wet with all the attention he was giving me.

“You look so good in my clothes," he growled, lowering his hand to the elastic of my underwear. “But you'd look better without them,” he purred before leaving me completely exposed in front of him.

“Tonight I'm going to please you,” I purred before kissing his neck.

“I expect no less,” he said before kissing me.

I smiled a mischievous smile before I turned around and positioned myself on top of him. I moved my hips to rub my puss* against his hard shaft. Sukuna grabbed my ass to keep me as close to him as possible. I positioned myself on top of him and shoved it in all at once. God, I missed having him inside me so much. My body melts around him. How I wish I could melt next to him so we could always be together. I started riding his co*ck hard. I hadn't seen him for two months. I missed him too much.

Sukuna spanked me to make my ass bounce faster on his monstrosity. My ass clap against his skin sticky with sweat. I leaned back against the bed to get him in deeper. Once I touched the indicated spot, I moved in circles to gently rub myself against the tip. Sukuna threw her head back and groaned in pleasure.

Sukuna pulled me by the waist with a jerk to press me against his chest. Even though he had stopped working out, he was still stronger than me. He kissed my neck as he spread my legs to stand between them. He reached up to my vagin* to rub my cl*t eagerly. I moaned from deep in my throat at the tickling. He was rubbing me with no compassion for my poor intimacy.

“'Kuna…” I whimpered at the over stimulation.

“Use your words, my love," he whispered with a mischievous grin.

“Put it all in me,” I ordered with my eyes closed.

“As you wish.”

Sukuna sucked his fingers full of my goo to take me firmly by the waist. He slammed his co*ck into me, to which we both moaned in unison. He began to hammer his co*ck against me until he reached deep inside my soul. His balls bounced with every thrust he put into me. I forced myself to keep my legs spread wide so he could drill me all the way in. My moans, his grunts and the squeaks of the bed blended together to create a sexual symphony that only turned me on more. I didn't want this to end.

“I can’t take it anymore,” I squealed with saliva escaping from the corner of my lips.

“I'm almost done, my love," he growled as he gave me to go.

His hand traveled to my cl*t to stimulate me even more than I already was. His powerful co*ck, his magic fingers and his lips kissing my naked body. I felt like I was in paradise itself. I was so happy I couldn't hold it in any longer. I grabbed his arm tightly until I squirted. I moaned in satisfaction as I felt his hot cum invade my body. Sukuna grunted in satisfaction before lying back on the bed without letting go of my embrace. Our sweaty bodies melted into a sticky embrace as our tired sighs intertwined.

“You drive me crazy, you know that?” Sukuna whispered to me before pulling his co*ck out of me and placing me gently next to him.

“Don't blame me,” I joked. “You were already crazy before you met me.” Sukuna laughed and kissed my forehead.

“In that case, you're driving me nuts," he teased. We both laughed as we hugged each other. I closed my eyes as I melted into his body. This is where I wanted to be. Sweaty, tired and always next to him.

Jinx - Chapter 15 - RedTsundere - 呪術廻戦 (2024)
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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Views: 5752

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.