The Albert Lea Tribune from Albert Lea, Minnesota (2024)

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The Albert Lea Tribunei

Albert Lea, Minnesota

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Albert Lea Plays Winona in Homecoming Battle a at Tigers Catch Winhawk 11 Los Angeles Dodgers World Champs On Rebound in Big 9 Game inale After Defeating Sox 9 3 in battle between two Pass Defense May Tell Upset Gophers Shoot for It Hockey Score AUTO GLASS Bowling HAwt Body Shop RCA WHIRLPOOL PICNIC To Really Relax VALUES 1960 MODELS Now gas dryer! BUCK'S STEEL tn Dallaa Oklahoma romes to MIDWAY WELDING SHOP ATTENTION EAGLES Results DINNER DANCE tWmdrylailadwnioiniaUa SATURDAY OCT 10 Terms ImtaaUeUoaa BeBt baBMaoraea 6 PM DINNER I JO PM DANCE Entertaining riday Night MUSIC BY OCTOBER AT ROY AND HARLAN ORCHESTRA PLACE EAGLES CLUB LLOYD AND KENNY CAIWU MBMrtOM i but the upgrade following the diaaaterou 43 tS opening lota to Northwestern The game la being televised regional! In foe South Loa foe to a string ol ala No 3 wee Billy experienced little which would be a record for a to lag share Whether the Dodger will lop the record 111 14710 pocketed by eech of the New York Giant in IBM depends on the number of aharea they vote among them aetvea The nuihher of winning and losing shares won't be re leased until next week by Com missioner ord rick This Dodger victory making them the first ever to rocket tram seventh place one year to the world championship the neat la the National League'e fourth in through' foe air although Sandy Stephens has a very competent 43 per cent completion average On foe ground the Gophers will use Stephens Billy Kauth foe vastly improved Artie Bomstad and Tom College ootball DAS MODELS At 187" IM XT II I QB LH RH BiM Sooner! 1 i RiMwtW WdUac Ttawnaa (Mirmi S7 AMuabyrg Mankato State 11 Seeks to Throttle Bemidji Runner By THE AUOCIATgO Pkltl llrmlrljl Plate hurls foe most powerful ground attack In Amcil tan small eutlego football against ALBEIT UA MINN PteM MMf ny Podrea walloped an RBI double to eenter That brought In right bander Donovan whose brilliant relief performance in Loa Angeles had saved foe fifth 'game foe the Sos This time bo gave up a walk to Junior Gilliam a two run double by Charlie Neal and a two eon homer by Wally Moon That made It a six run Inning foe Dodger' largest ever in a ee rie and led Sox pitchers Pierce the southpaw HmUisI BabKhb 14birp Olrwlt 1 MtmtraaL rhtrn al Toriwvta New Ml WMteH MaMraaUai Boha Nbw 1 ALBERT LEA TRIBUNI ddoy Osteber tW Hiak ran AsncrsO JSC Pwrl tn rwlkr bU nMs IS WUwww Ise ALBERT LEH AVIATION Canadians Begin Win Habit Again By THE ASSOCIATBO PRI3I The date and the opiument were different hut otherwise II was the rime old story as the Montreal Canadlena opened defense of their National Hockey League title with a victory Not quite six months ago foe Canadlena wrapped up their un precedented fourth straight Stan ley Cup playoffs with a S3 victory over the Toronto Maple Leafs Thursday night they started In quest of another with a 4 1 deci sion over the Boaton Bruins at Montreal Theis ie no action In the league tonight but all sis flub take to the lee Saturday night Chicago' Black Hawk will be al Toronto Deli olt play al Montraal end New York at Boston TAXIDERMY SIS MSI NW Rochester AT 1 1 JOB DICKSON READY Much of Minnesota's hope for an upset over Northwestern Saturday dcpendi upon sopho morn halfhack Judge Dickson of Clairtown Pa Dickson played an important role tn the surprise of In diana last week MINNEAPOLIS (API Minne sota's green young infantry charges eagerly against foe na tion's second ranked foothan pow er Saturday with a chanee to de liver foe upset of the young eea If It gets It air defenses repaired In Ume Northwestern will be favored by anywhere from 10 point to two touchdowns however and should win by at least that much pro viding quarterback Chip Holcomb and John Talley fill In adequately for the departed Dick Thornton Minnesota' on chance of am bushing the Wildcat rest on a hope that the Gophers' vulnerable pass defense can be lightened up enough to turn the game Into a ground hattie In that kind of struggle foe Go pher could make It dose They displayed enough diversity and physical punch against Indiana laat week to keep them alive in most Big Ten games But a good Northwestern pass ing game could wreck Minnesota ambitions In a hurry: The 'Cats' gained more a 300 yards through the air against a team Sound a Iowa last week Minne sota hasn't been mentioned bi the same breath with Iowa for year or the record Northwestern ba trounced Oklahoma and beat en Iowa 14 10 Minnesota wal lowed through a 32 18 loss to Nebraska but rebounded with a H44 victory over Indian The Copher hove been erratic evil eviw hii set kits OMiiaws san DEER HEADS MOUNTED BIRDS PISH six year over foe American Th AL still lead tn foe over all standings however 35 21 Ths Dodgers whose two defeats were shutout started rumbling against Wfnu in the third in foe finale when Duke Snider sent a 4UMoot home run Into the lower lofuceater fleld aaata with a man on Wynn the first game winner at 11 4 got a far as the fourth In ning tn hl third start of foe se ries The big right hander showed qulcb Algos of wtldnca Ha gave way when Dodger southpaw Johq ILfCTRIC MODELS 15777 Cage Scores hUsOaienU tS 1 Lww IOC OmSm lX MlwaaiwUu CuumeaU II trtfu CHICAGO Th I os Ange le Dodgars ar the world eham puma of baseball today They beat th Chicage While Box Thursday In th sixth game of th World (fortes and they did II in Cemlakey Park Th Dodgers' victory behind righub Larry Bharry smashed th hope of th Whit Aos which bad soared when th Chicago foam scored 14 eom back irlumph Tuesday in in Angelas Coliseum returning Seri to foelr home ground Th Dodgers got rid of th In th way of pitching foe beat Sox had to Offer chasing burly Early Wynn early and tending Dick Donovan off In cloae pursuit it waa only th aecond world Championship In 10 trios for fo Dodgers their first since Shifting to Angola from Brooklyn two year ago Both championship Kama have been managed by Walt Alston who has led foe Dodger to force pennant in hl ala yar Thia could th richest of allrla when fo record 49236501 player pool I split up A full win ner's shsr should worth at least 110 a man to foe Dodger pnaslhly II 1 000 The 8u should get from 17000 to 17300 sch A drvor dle flred up football team I expected tonight when Albert lea Tigers meet th Winona Winhawk at Ab bott ield in a 7 30 pm game It's homesomlng for the Tigers and If Isn't Incentive enough there's the knowledge that If they Imo tonight they'll be definitely out of fo Big Nine title race The Winhawk will be goaded on by the same realization that they'll be out of foe race if they lose But they also have aomethtog else pushing them stinging criticism by Coaeh Gordy Paschk and charge that they "quit" during and after th 53 8 foes to Austin last week The Winona eamp waa gloomy earlier this week after the loss to Austin in what bad been billed foe a of the week" urther bad new earn when tt was learned that Roger Leonhardt the Wlnbawk' top ball carrier would not be able to atart against Albert Lea due to a thigh injury However to compensate for Leonhardt' loss Bob Lieberman foe No 1 quarterback at the atart of foe year ha returned for action after suffering a broken I Nilsen Stirti Uebermen Isn't listed ter but Us likely RoB MMB MHn All DIM Harry Kill Ktek AAtave DnaU Kooktl Tvm HU Tram Th 1 Mort Haory NkUra IDDLE BOY ROM AUSTIN Husky Transfers RAIriGIf North Carolina Blate has a ruuple of transfer student who should carry lot of weight on th gridiron They ire Nick Maravlch 238 puund nd out Bower Hili Pl and Bub Anthony 130 pound tae kl from Bfoiibenv ill Ohio "What Burns Nvr RaturnaT albert lea IRE SAETY VtRN CHRIR COLLEOB IT ALBERT Lt A PHONE RMEB4 ir Equipment Plr tatinqulahers AU Type Redurqfot chip tn hla band last week should be ready for rere duty Owatonna At Mankato In another top Big Nine game to night Owatonna tied with Austin for fo conference lead travel to meet an Improving Mankato team Rochester I hoping for another big night at Neffofield while Red Wing seeks to avoid foe cellar In a gam ai aribault Austin is expected to keep rod log along in a non conference gam against Hopkins (1 3) at Austin fo are games Glenville meet Elkton in canteat that will played at Adam tonight Well play at Madelia and Minnesota Lak boat Nicollet Ellendale la at home to Janesville Blooming Prairie travel to Morristown and New Richland meet Medford tn a borne game tn Gopher Conference activity fo fo Border League Emmons Is at Kiester Delavan at Aid Brieelyn at rost and Elmore as reeborn fo North lows Lake Milla playa host to orest City while North wood play Belmond at Northwood rriM sm cavwvT fSlib gjemtoi Slnwh 114 rtv a rf vrq as ii a ha a a SIX l'lks Or Lumtwr ail HI a tMt Varrs Kstlr hhM IS tsna N1nw Its lSI VWWrk tat HiiW Vsnw ilj 11 Dm rttaan sa Hrar Drta SIS DrM 10 Kam UMra cirr a Albert Lea Owatonna Squads Tie Altmrt Ma's squad took an early lead foil bo hind then rallied to score a touch down In the final prkd to tie Owatonna 20 20 her Thursday aft LTIHKHI It waa the first blemish on the record of any Owatonna football team A or thia season Albert lata' Tom McKey look I he opening kickoff end ran it hark 70 yard tor a touchdown io aeod the Bangala Into an early lead Owatonna trwk Albert lea's kick off and fumbled on He flrat play wllh the fk ngal recovering Mc Kay later noted on a 12 yard run and Albert Lea moved to a quick 13 0 lead Bui the Bengal defena began to faller a Owatonna rallied The home team acorrd two touchdown In the first half and added another In the third period Io go ahead to ll Albert Lea rallied later In fo game with Curt Plckavant (cor ing foe third Bengal touchdown Pkkavanc tallied hl second ex tra (mint of th gsm tn make thore 2o 2o Coach Paul Ehrhard bl a first halt defensive lapses for hl tram's Inability to hold lh Owa tonna club Alan hurling an of fanslv paaa Interforrm penalty that coat Albert Lea a touchdown The tie gave Albert le aea son's reenrd of one win on loss and on Ho The next gam for th Bengal I Tuesday night against sirmont al Abbott ield Lrara to fly anJ you'll ham what It mesaj to really get away from it alt Laov erowded highway and laomaekod recreation apota far below eel th axhlfo rating of freedom and oaenpo that amua when you fob off for a day or a week end or wheat you aimply fly for th pur Joy of flytag Your fun and relaxation begin a eooa a you take the rosttrol Too can reach thoee faraway fut maha the moat of your preefoo Maure hours Tao for you rsgxnDea of 7W age oon yntlon or tack of previous training Expensive! If you can afford such popular paaUnxaa aa boattag hunting Ashing goUtag ohaacoa are you ea omUf afford to fly Try flying and mo Can today far a free damonatn Top ranked LmilaDna Slat 0) playa Miami Tl who Hurrlesn' have emerged with sulk! defense Second ranked Nwihwvsiern plays Minnesota with fo Wildcat also eyeing Illg Tsn title after beating Iowa last week tow Vs Ipartsns ifth ranked Mississippi pH 34 record against 8KC neighbor Vanderbilt a two tmtehdown un derdog Th other member at the Associated Pia' top tea tn ac tion la tauth ranked fo who play Michigan Blate In a gam that la regionally toltvlicd In foe Dig aroa season' ftrxt bowl lh Oyster Hswl at Norfolk Va pita power peeked Syracuse wtth Ils aecond ranked 4133 yards per offense and top rated deten 1416) against Navy who will get only limited service from top ground gainer Jo Bet Uno Penn travel to Princeton foe a good shot at foe Ivy League Utl and Prnn State match passes i with Army at West Point In the East' top games lorid stat I la 1 Virginia Tech fur th South regionally llvied gam Try lying Instead Bowdry Hl Clay To ight Rodriguez Associated Press Sood 'Writer PHILADELPHIA (API Young Von Clay who hoped to be In the position of an upaetter tonight now rinds himself the upset tar get The unbeaten Philadelphia light heavyweight originally waa sched uled for 10 rounds against Jess How dry highly rated St Louie belter Bowdry ranked third by foe National Bo Ing Assn and fourth by Ring Magazine pulled iout of the fight told promoter Herman Taylor he had virus and was advised by a physician not to fight for at teaat foreweka'v Taylor then aigned unranked Kid Slxto Rodriguez California stat light heavy ehamplsn a foe opponent for Clay In the na tionally televised (NBC bout Rodrigue sport a 24 14 record (TAKTIXO USSI Dm Broobe Dv Kyno Stave Clayboum John Wrleh PbuJ Mm Reg Wa DtaM OUthanl Dv pMUnur Uu KatO Jim ThofnpM Two ltae 14AM flffM MHW84R Utah Ml atauk Sports Micro Skop By ROGIR SKOHAMMIR By JACK CLARY AssOclatod Prl Iports Writer Don Meredith Southern Metho dlst'a highly luuled quarterback I supposed to come info hl own tonight when the Mustang face Missouri at Dallaa The Inter sec tlunal gam kick off a rip roar Ing college Tootball weekend Just whv Southwest football oh stiver feel that Meredith lan'l up to hl usual par la bard to un derstand AMU has a 1 1 record scoring flv touchdowns Meredith has been Involved In four He has thrown three touchdown pa Manksto Saturday afternoon In Iheland acoted one on a abort run eruaade game nmUli has oceni waiting a year tn play 1 A year ago the Beavers lost th Nurthrin Stale (Wercnce Cham pionship to Mankato by th mar gin of an ttr point 13 12 Sat urday In the Bemidji homecom ing the confrronr rare onee mor turns on their meeting Unless It pulls radical shift and trie io win through toe air llenddjl will try tn grind the in dtans into submission with a run idng attack that has rolled tip an average of 3M yard a game top in th nation among smalt cullrx Irani SI 1'homas found II legs in th secund halt against Aug burg tn Minneapolis Thursday night and walloped the Angles 31 0 In lh start nt weekend baltlln among stai colleges In games Saturday Concordia toiakm Hulull In ja tfailta ihftl wnw 1 Winhawk i Have Quit Paschke Charge'' shout fo htadlln In Wednesday' Winona Dally News This my give Albert Le Coach Jim Gustafson (who been fighting complacency on hl squad all weeki a heart attack hut th Item I too good to Ignore In a bylined story sport edi tor Jim Savage of th Daily Nw reports "An angry and disgusted Gordy psschk charged Tuesday bls Wi nona High football learn ha quit and might a well forget shout finishing fo IE achcdule "Th Winhawk mrnfof a a I riday's S3 8 to lo Austin haa taken all tiut fight out 01 hl tramand they don't have enough prld to come hark' "In th drossing room following Tuesday's practice aeasion Pasch ke was tnenad at th team's al tllude 'W lost rm hall game' he said 'You'd think the world had eou to an nd had that no lost before ever went out there 'It's typical' Peat hka 0 nted WTI go out and take thre nr four more whipping and It'll be just another season happens every Name Score? 7 could go on with thn real at It hut the ory aya uch horrify ing thing a "Albert Lea Is just going to nam Ito own acnr and run it off field" Now may be I covered police rourt on th Mexican border Jong but I don't trust anyone any inme In my somewhat jaded op inion Paschk mad hl ramark beeausei A He wanted Io fir Up hla ball club Ito thinks they ran Albert Lea If they get riled up enough Ito'S laying a amok screen Ihsl might hill Albert Tea Into further complacency Ilf mad If 1 were an Albert lea foolhall player and heard irpurt on Pas chka's remarks I couldn't he nw shook up if he'd said "Winona will wir by ala tourtnluwii'' Obviously Pasihks figures hl learn ran win If the boys want to do lh job Rockne Trick Riirh nrslory has wnn many a toutludl game Knut Bucknc al most worked II Io death parti Ulariy when the enarh start ap peallug Io tire players' pride This challenge to the pride la itmitded when the roar let a ivimhI of a uau Uy confidential squid meet ing "Irak' to th press an that everyone In town ran read IL I think tunlght' homrrnmlng crowd I going tn ee a flred up Winona bait elub take lhe field going to take top effort by Albert Lea to win th gam You had Itellrr be there tmraua (her should be plenty of fireworks Martie's Oarsas I Keeme'a Is 11 AlSsrt la Sevsny A1 Ar ton Pwler'a 7 laeuer Oral Dell Hr HUmar Zsaaae VW SIS Wstasr am Jeb" Alvar" tffl Nsrr" MsSIKk SO Jeh" Al rara rs Sae Lta AM Vltletresl tleOsrt 4Ms sHorrrtt JahMo" Trsesftr eilaOwOJ SMUMissouri Open Hectic College ootball Weekend THE TRADING POST GORDOHSYTLLE PHONE B4302 nrav Durum in a gam cuai probably "III knock the loser out 7 tee if It can ll up to It th Ml AC title race John's pkk to be th Big Ten ekatnp meet Hamlins andltadlng Gua Ro Bowl participant tavua take on Macaleyier winons Dalia Oklahoma romes to faces At Clmrd and Michigan Tech meet fourth ranked Teas vuoen me to Moorbead In the Nor for tn $lt and Carleton draws Grinnell 8t Olaf meets Knox I th Midwest Csmfervnce as a atar enter the game tonight If so Tom Thaldorf 180 pound starting nuarterb Will awltcb to toft halfback Henry Nilsen a 145 poundcr will start at Leonhardt's position to night Paschk also made two other lineup change after th loss to Austin Dav Alleman 170 pound er will start at left tackle and Bob Peterson 155 pounds will go at" left end or Albert La Coach Jim Gus tafson to making one alteration tn hl starting offensive lineup after starting fo earn team for four conseeutlv games John Welch who tamed in a top game against St Paul Johnson last week will re place Tom Suthers at right guard Otherwise the Tigers will all set and'in fairly good shape for the I contest Dick Oliphant who suf fered a charley horse In the St I Paul game Is apparently okay now and will start at quarterback Jim Thompson Is ready to go at full back despite a chronic back ache And Suthers who suffered a bone Coach Dn Devin of Mlaaourt emnienUng on Meredith 'tourg' tor he haa already felt i "I Penn State's Riehl Uicsa who completed 10 of 11 handing th Tigers their only 1 other top games tonight find West Virginis at ltoton Untvr stra Detroit 1 Tulane and Ore gon at Ba Joe Stat ur PHaa latarday Saturday the fur file ami tn large goo tn Knoxville Tenn Utayett Ind back again tn Dallaa' Bewt Geol Tech and Trnneel meet In KtmxvUI tn a battle at dtfenaev that premia to rath th StMitheaatern Cnnfereucy winner tan draw bead no lamia ton State' 8C title though onty the Vol play LRU Ninth ranked Wisconsin travel to tafavet In meet Purdue Robbins a foelr main weapons with Judge Dickson and Tom King in rwerv Aside from th Injury that will kep end Dick Johnson out of th gam Minneaota will be la good pbyafeal condition ran DatetM Thawtama Cwksta lf llBMUrt tawta He I Avataa 1 1 1 hi 4 laM IV I ah'B Mta ratal 11 II Wl wit UVck W'tof HK l'Hlrm Wth Clb O9d AJf im Nhtaham mu nTTm SAVJqp Mina skttua Ahvr tTTrjLfBrTfrr I 1 1 1 1 ifri Ju skkI ggmBBsnnnnwHnnrantoMBNL WrtaltlnJrw BB irM drytat bonMi tarn I Lan VontM eetantotjeoBy eeeie easy tkmtaKa 1.

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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.