Top 10 Roblox Horror Games - Power Up Gaming (2024)

The many different games and experiences you can find inRoblox are staggering. After some research, the niche of horror games inRoblox has several entries that put modern horror games to shame. Of course, there are experiences that are direct rip-offs of popular concepts, but that doesn’t make them any less fun! Let’s dive into the top ten Roblox horror games and what makes them so great.

10. Apeirophobia

Top 10 Roblox Horror Games - Power Up Gaming (1)

The fear of being trapped in endless rooms comes to life inApeirophobia. Imagine a game where you are consistently returning to the same rooms and hallways after hours of running in a single direction. The object of the experience is to explore the area and make new discoveries; but at what cost? Much of the game takes inspiration from the lore of The Backrooms while also working similarly to games that are released in chapters; which Chapter 2 being the most recent release.

9. Lost Rooms

Top 10 Roblox Horror Games - Power Up Gaming (2)

Another game inspired by The Backrooms,Lost Rooms also traps in a variety of randomly generated rooms. Your only hope for survival is to quite literally run for your life. No matter how alone you might feel or how safe a room might seem, just know that there is always some kind of creature lurking around the next corner. If you join the experience’s official group, you’ll have access to an extra 10% movement speed. Hopefully, that will make things less horrifying.

8. Frigid Dusk

Top 10 Roblox Horror Games - Power Up Gaming (3)

Instead of being inspired by The Backrooms, Frigid Dusk is inspired by the anomalies known as SCPs. The story goes that a scientist was working in a lab when a weapon was stolen after the lab’s location was leaked. Your job as a player is to go to the last places that the weapon was used and uncover all of the mysteries ofFrigid Dusk.

7. Faithless

Top 10 Roblox Horror Games - Power Up Gaming (4)

Do you have religious trauma? Then Faithless is theRoblox game for you! You’ll be focusing on using your crucifix and riding the areas around your from monsters and demons. There is a story for you to follow that spans over two chapters with a total of four endings to experience. As you progress, you can earn new classes and additional souls that you can take with you as the game updates.

6. Repleh County Archives

Top 10 Roblox Horror Games - Power Up Gaming (5)

Repleh County Archives offers a kind ofSkinamarinkstoryline where you’ve been left home alone with something sinister watching over you. The game is far more story-based, with gameplay being similar to that of the more modernResident Evil games. Regardless,Repleh County Archives does not fail in managing to send chills down your spine.

5. Jim’s Computer

Top 10 Roblox Horror Games - Power Up Gaming (6)

Everything aboutJim’s Computer is unassuming until you really get into it. You play as the eponymous Jim who receives a new computer in the mail. Excited, he plays around with it while tending to his household chores. However, the tone of the game begins to take a more sinister turn as more days pass. It’s really the kind of game that you have to experience firsthand.

4. Survive the Killer!

Top 10 Roblox Horror Games - Power Up Gaming (7)

If you’re already a fan of asymmetric horror games like Dead by Daylight, then chances are you’ll enjoySurvive the Killer!. It’s a multiplayer game where four players try to survive against one player who dons the Killer persona. The Killer’s job is to eliminate the other players before time runs out or all the victims escape. This one is especially fun if you’re looking for a horror game onRoblox to play with friends.


Top 10 Roblox Horror Games - Power Up Gaming (8)

Hunting unassuming and defenseless victims in dark forests seems to be a popular trend inRoblox horror games.The Rake REMASTERED asks players to survive the night against the Rake while searching for upgrades and ways to survive longer. It differs from a lot of the games above in that it very much encompasses the definition of survival horror.


Top 10 Roblox Horror Games - Power Up Gaming (9)

DOORS is a horror game involving, well, doors. Your goal is to reach Door 100 without getting killed by any of the supernatural entities that you’ll come across in your journey. It’s inspired by the Backrooms concept and many of the rooms are randomly generated to make it impossible to guess what you might experience next. You can try to hide from the monsters as well as collect coins and keys to help make things easier on you. Overall,DOORS is great if you’re looking for aRoblox horror game that’s sure to impress you.


Top 10 Roblox Horror Games - Power Up Gaming (10)

Fans of found footage-type games might have found their niche inPARACAM. Using a first-person camera, players take on the role of police officers who will gear up and fight against supernatural horrors to do everything they can to survive. What makes it even more fun is the fact that you can play in groups of up to four players. You’ll gather materials and loose ammunition to protect you and your squadmates against gross monsters.


Top 10 Roblox Horror Games - Power Up Gaming (2024)
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