Then vs. than: Difference + Examples (2024)

Then vs. than: Difference + Examples (1)

Then vs. than: Difference + Examples (2)

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600+ Confusing English Words E-Book

When should we usethen vs. than?Even native English speakers mix up these two common words, which are pronounced essentially the same in fast spoken English! However, they have different meanings in the English language, so you need to use the correct word when writing. Let’s learn the difference between then and than with examples.

Than: Grammar & Examples

Than is used after comparative adjectives:

  • I’m older than my brother.
  • A car is faster than a bicycle.
  • The book is more interestingthanthe movie.

Here are ten more examples with than – notice how each sentence compares two things:

  • I’d rather go for a walk in the park than stay indoors all day.
  • He is taller than his younger sister.
  • It is better to be safe than sorry.
  • A house is more expensive than an apartment.
  • He has more experience in this field than anyone else.
  • It’s colder today than it was yesterday.
  • I find listening to English easierthanspeaking in English.
  • She is more interested in art than sports.
  • It is easier said than done.
  • I would rather take the bus than drive in heavy traffic.

We can express our preferences with “I would rather” or “I’d rather” as in the first and last examples!

Even more example sentences withthan

Then vs. than: Difference + Examples (3)

He is taller than his younger sister.

Then: Grammar & Examples

Then is used in several ways:

1. To describe the next event in a sequence or in time (often “and then”):

  • I finished my homework, and then I went to bed.
  • Let’s have dinner first, and then we can watch a movie.
  • She studied for the test, and then she took a break.
  • He cleaned the house, and then he went grocery shopping.
  • I need to finish this report, and then I can review your documents.

2. To mean “at that time” – could be in the past or future. Often used with by/before/after/until/back:

  • Come to my house at 7:30, I’ll be ready then.
    (then = at that time)
  • The deadline is December 31, so we need to finish bythen.
  • Let’s meet at the restaurant at 7 p.m. If you’re running late, please let me know before then.
  • I’ll be busy until 3 p.m., but after then, I’ll be available for a meeting.
  • We’ll buy a car next week. Until then, we’re taking taxis and buses.
  • I was in really good shape in high school; I could run a mile in seven minutes backthen!

Sometimes “then” refers to an exact time (as in the “I’ll be busy until 3 p.m.” sentence), but in other cases it refers to a general time period (as in the last sentence about the years I was in high school).

Then vs. than: Difference + Examples (5)

I could run a mile in seven minutes back then.

3. To mean “in that case” – often used with “if”:

  • If you don’t have any other plans, then we can go out for dinner tonight.
  • If it’s going to rain tomorrow, then we should reschedule the hike.
  • You want to borrow my car? Then you’ll need to fill up the gas tank.
  • If you’re not feeling well, then you should stay home and rest.
  • You forgot your wallet? Then I guess I’ll have to pay for the movie tickets.

Then vs. than: Difference + Examples (6)

You forgot your wallet? Then I guess I’ll have to pay for the movie tickets.

Even more examples ofthenin a sentence

Then vs. than: Difference + Examples (7)

Pronunciation of Than and Then

In spoken English, these words often sound exactly the same!

Listen to these two example sentences:

  • I’m older than my brother.
  • First we went to the store, and then we went to the post office.

Common Collocations & Expressions with Then and Than

When you learn English words, it’s also good to study some common expressions with them – since we don’t use words in isolation; we always use them in phrases! Let’s learn popular phrases with these two words:

Common collocations withthaninclude:

earlier than / later than

  • My alarm goes off at 8AM; I don’t like to wake up any earlier than that.
  • Our 12-year-old son is allowed to stay uplater thanour 5-year-old daughter.

Learn more about the phrases no earlier than / no later than

rather than

Rather thanmeans something like “instead of” or “not”:

  • You should do something about the problemrather thancomplaining about it.
    (= instead of complaining about it)
  • He wants to be a teacher rather than a businessman when he grows up.
    (= not a businessman)

other than

Other thanmeans “except” or “besides / in addition”:

  • I have an English class at 7PM. Other than that, I have no plans for the day.
    (= I have no plans except for the English class)
  • She speaks three different languagesother than English.
    (= in addition to English)

better than / worse than

We use these to compare things in terms of being good or bad:

  • The second movie wasbetter thanthe first – it was more exciting.
  • Sorry I’m so late. The traffic was evenworse thanusual.

Learn why we never say “more better”

Learn about worse vs. worst

more than / less than

We usemore thanandless thanto compare quantities:

  • She makes $50K/year and I makemore thanher – about $65K/year.
  • The trip to the airport takesless thanan hour by train.

Then vs. than: Difference + Examples (9)

The trip to the airport takes less than an hour by train.

Common phrases withtheninclude:

well then!

This phrase expresses surprise; in reaction to someone saying or doing something unexpected or shocking.

“I’ve never really liked you.”
Well then! If that’s how you feel, we shouldn’t be friends anymore.”

every now and then

Every now and thenmeans “occasionally”:

  • I don’t go to the mall often; I stop by every now and then when there’s nothing else to do.

see you then!

We say “see you then!” after we’ve made plans to meet up with someone at a specific time:

“The festival starts at 1, so come on over to my house at 12:30 and we’ll go together.”
“OK, see you then!

then again

We say then againto introduce a contrasting thought or opposite point of view.

  • I’d love to buy a new car. Then again,the car we have still works just fine.

right then and there

Right then and thereis an informal way to say “in that exact place and time.”

  • After Peter showed up an hour late to work, the boss fired him right then and there.

even then

Even thenmeans something like “in spite of” – when something still happens even though there are things that go against it.

  • I presented ten different reasons this was a bad idea, buteven then,he wouldn’t change his mind.

Then vs. than: Difference + Examples (10)

I argued with him for hours. Even then, he wouldn’t change his mind!

Now you know when to use then vs. than, so you won’t make mistakes with these two words that sound alike, but have different meanings! And you’ve also learned some common phrases with then and than – try to make your own example sentences using these.

The English language has a lot more confusing words – you can learn morethan600 of them in my e-book!

Then vs. than: Difference + Examples (11)

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Then vs. than: Difference + Examples (2024)


Then vs. than: Difference + Examples? ›

The word than is used for comparisons to show who or what something is compared against. For example,“cats are smarter than dogs.” The word then is used to show time, as in “at that time” or “after that happened.” For example,“I exercised then took a shower.”

How to remember the difference between then and than? ›

The best trick to remember the difference between than and then is to focus on the letters that are different – 'a' and 'e'. Than is used for comparison, and both than and comparison have the letter 'a' in their spellings. Then is used for time, and both then and time have the letter 'e' in their spellings.

What is an example of other than or then? ›

For example: Incorrect: Other then brussels sprouts, I don't mind vegetables. Correct: Other than brussels sprouts, I don't mind vegetables.

What is an example of rather than or then? ›

Then indicates time and rather than means that you would do something more eagerly than a different thing. Example: "I would rather wash the dishes than talk to you". Than is after the noun here. Example of using then: "I washed the dishes, then took a walk".

What are the grammar rules for then? ›

You need a comma before then when it functions like a coordinating conjunction. When then separates two grammatically complete sentences without another conjunction, you must put a comma before it. Correct: We went to the store, then Barbara called us. Incorrect: We went to the store then Barbara called us.

How to use then in a sentence? ›

Then is also used to indicate what happens or happened next, or what should be done next, as in the following sentences:
  1. First I went to the store, and then I got gas.
  2. Finish your homework, and then you can watch TV.
  3. Turn right at the next street, then turn left at the light.

Where do we put then? ›

Position in a Sentence

'Then' as an adverb is placed anywhere in the sentence. It can be in the middle of the sentence, at the end, or at the begining of it.

What is the rule for than and then? ›

The word than is used for comparisons to show who or what something is compared against. For example,“cats are smarter than dogs.” The word then is used to show time, as in “at that time” or “after that happened.” For example,“I exercised then took a shower.”

What is the meaning between than and then? ›

Then and than are hom*ophones that sound alike but have different meanings. Then can function as an adjective, adverb, or noun, and indicates time or consequence. Than is a conjunction or preposition used to indicate comparison. Then and than are among the 100 most frequently used words in the English language.

What is an example of but then in a sentence? ›

He seemed fine but then suddenly he dropped quickly. She took it well at first but then became nasty. Things improve for a week or two but then go back. He could be the archetypal team man but then find that in effect his life took over.

What is an example of then? ›

We can use then to mean 'next': He opened the door, then the lights came on and everybody shouted, 'Happy Birthday'. Heat some olive oil in a pan, then add some chopped garlic and some salt.

How to use then in the middle of a sentence? ›

The word “then” primarily acts as an adverb, meaning “next,” “at that time,” “in that case,” or “besides.” When it is used in a sentence with that meaning, it is typically placed within a sequence of events and does not connect two independent clauses but an independent clause to a subordinating clause.

What is an example of only then? ›

It was only then that the sound of approaching feet had aroused her from her slumber. It was only then that the police stepped in, as they pushed the crowd away from the two lawyers. It was only then that she noticed Rhea beside her, and someone in front of them.

What are 3 grammar rules? ›

Some basic rules of grammar include ensuring all sentences have a subject and a verb; placing adjectives directly before the noun they describe, or after it if separated by a verb; and using a comma to connect two ideas.

Does then mean the past? ›

We can use then to mean 'at that time', referring either to the past or the future. In this case, it is usually at the end of the clause: A: When I was a child, I lived in Austria for a while.

Is it rather than or then? ›

"then" have very different uses. Then is commonly used to express a sense of time or what comes next or used to be. Than is used to form comparisons between two things. So correct option is "Rather than".

How do you remember the difference between which and that? ›

Which vs. that: What's the difference?
  • In a restrictive clause, use that.
  • In a nonrestrictive clause, use which.
  • Remember, which is as disposable as a sandwich wrapper.
May 15, 2023

How can you avoid using then? ›

Rewrite the sentence to avoid “then.” (You can do this by using “and,” other conjunctions like “after,” “when,” “while,” etc., a participle, or some other structure. This will generally make the sentence stronger.)

What is the use of than and then grammar? ›

The word "then" means "at that time" and is used to talk about when things will happen. The word "than" is used to compare things. Below are some examples of each: I ate breakfast and then I went to work.

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.