The Gazette from Montreal, Quebec, Canada (2024)

in Fort Chimo Jailed Eskimo gets break from Quebec QUEBEC A 21-year-old Eskimo who went on a not view entering another person's dwelling in the same binge and broke into a nurses' residence in Fort Chimo way as "our white society sees it." two months ago will get a break from the Quebec Justice "There are no locked doors on igloos," said the Department. justice minister. "We must recognize the very fundaSandy Saunders was sentenced to two years for the mental difference between the Eskimo's and the white offence Aug. 21. man's way of looking at Yesterday, Justice Minister Jerome Choquette said the government provide a special grant $1,000 to take up the appeal, Saunders will be allowed will of Mr.

Choqutte said until the legal aid lawyers decide for legal aid that the man's appeal can be to go so young back to his home in Fort Chimo. made in a higher court. Mr. Choquette said he didn't want to pass judgment He will leave prison in Montreal for the journey on the case or the sentence but that an Eskimo does home sometime this week. The Duke Inquiry OPP officer kept social ties TORONTO (CP) OPP Staff Supt.

A. M. Rodger told a judicial inquiry yesterday he made a mistake in judgment by accepting an invitation by George Clinton Duke in spite of orders to break off social contact with the Oakville, lawn equipment dealer. But the superintendent, under suspension for disobeying the order by provincial police Commissioner Eric Silk, described himself as an acquaintance rather than a friend of Mr. Duke.

"I suggest it was more than a mistake in judgment," he was told by inquiry counsel J. J. Robinette. "You were so attached to Mr. Duke that you took the risk of violating the commissioner's order." "I would class Mr.

Duke as an acquaintance," Supt. Rodger replied. "As a man with six daughters, I would never consider inviting Mr. Duke to my home with The inquiry investigating Mr. Duke's relationships with senior OPP officers and with persons alleged to be known criminals, heard earlier that Mr.

Silk ordered social ties to be broken in August, 1968, when he learned that Mr. Duke had a criminal record. Supt. Rodger, who was in charge of the OPP's Burlington district at the time, said MD ordered to pay for treatment burns RIMOUSKI, Que. (CP) A doctor from nearby Caswas badly burned by the patients while treating them with a fluoroscope was ordered Wednesday to pay them a total of $40,405 in damages.

In awarding damages, Judge Paul Miquelon was critical of Dr. Paul-Emile Roy and said the doctor's colleagues who presumably knew about his fluoroscope treatments would have rendered great service if they had taken the initiative and alerted the College of Physicians and Surgeons." The judge awarded $35,736 to the parents of a baby, CITY OF COTE SAINT-LUC PROVINCE OF QUEBEC NOTICE OF DEPOSIT OF ELECTORAL LIST Take notice that the electoral list is now deposited in the office of the municipality and that any interested person may there take cognizance thereof. Also take notice that applications to enter or strike off names must be made in writing and filed in the office of the municipality before the 8th of October, 1970. Also take notice that the sittings of the board of revision will take place in the Council Room of the City Hall of Cote Saint-LUC, 5490 Westminster Avenue, on October 12, 13, 14 and 15, 1970 at 8.00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Saving Time.

Cote Given Saint-Luc, under my this hand in second the day City of October 1970. A. E. Kimmel, City Clerk Returning-Officer CITY OF ST. LEONARD NOTICE OF DEPOSIT OF LIST Take notice that the electoral list is now deposited in the office of the municipality and that any interested person may there take cognizance thereof.

Also take notice that applications to enter or strike off names must be made in writing and filed in the office of the municipality, 6025 Metropolitan In Blvd. east, before the October. Also take notice that the sittings of the board of revision will take place at the City Hall of St. Leonard, 6025 Metropolifan Blvd. east, on October 8, 9, 14, 15 and 16, at o'clock p.m.

Given at St. Leonard, this 2nd day of October 1970. GASTON PION, Returning Officer, Province of Quebec CITY OF POINTE CLAIRE 1970 MUNICIPAL ELECTION NOTICE DEPOSIT OF LIST Take notice that the electoral list is now deposited in the office of the municipality and that any interested person may there take cognizance thereof. Also take notice that the applications to enter or strike off names must be made in writing and filed in the office of the municipality before the 8th of October 1970. The City Clerk's Office at City Hall, 451.

St. John's Boulevard, will be open from 7.00 p.m. 10 9.00 p.m. on Monday, October 5th, Tuesday, October 6th and Wednesday, October 7th, 1970 to facilitate the examination of the electoral list by interested parties. The sitting of the Board of Revision will take place at the Municipal Court from 8.00 p.m..

on Friday, October 9th, Tuesday, October 13th on Thursday, October 15th, 1970 and from 3.00 p.m., until 6.00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 14th, 1970, to review these applications. Given under my hand, at Pointe Claire, this first day of October, 1970. (Mrs.) S. C.

Larue, C.M.O., Returning Officer. Articles 139 150. Three charged with murder in TNT death SPRINGFIELD, (AP)-Two men and a woman were arraigned on charges of second-degree murder yesterday in the death of a truck driver whose 21-ton cargo of dynamite exploded when apparently, struck by a bullet Wednesday. Bond of $100,000 each was set by Magistrate E. A.

Barbour, who scheduled a preliminary hearing Charged with second degree murder are Bobby Lee Shuler, 29; Gerald Lee Bowden, 29, and his wife, Sharon Lynn Bowden, 27, all of Joplin, Mo. The men were identified as striking truck drivers. Two other men questioned through the day were released Wednesday night. A woman who had been questioned was released by county authorities but was kept in jail as a witness for federal authorities. 366th Cosmos now in space MOSCOW (Reuters) 366th in its Cosmos series of Russia yesterday launched a the satellites with a package of scientific instruments aboard, the Tass news agency reported.

Tass said it was orbiting every 89.5 minutes between 128 and 193 miles above the earth, but gave no details of the equipment aboard. Taunts expel Manson clan LOS ANGELES (UPI) Charles Manson and his three female co-defendants were removed from the courtroom at the Tate murder trial yesterday after. Manson burst into song and the girls began taunting the judge by calling him a "woman." Manson, the chief defendant in the case, had been docile and silent for the past 15 in the NEWS Search on for local hunter HALIFAX: The rescue centre here said a search in northern Quebec for a 32-year-old Montreal hunter continued yesterday with a helicopter from 413 Squadron at Summerside, P.E.I., hunting for' Jean-Guy Allard, who has been missing since Sunday about 25 miles northwest of Baie Comeau, Que. Oil barge vents capped SUMMERSIDE, P.E.I.: Divers yesterday finished capping vents on the oil barge Irving Whale that sank in 250 feet of water. An estimated one million gallons of bunker oil was trapped inside the barge, which sank Sept.7 38 miles northeast of North Cape, P.E.I.

The transport department expects the oil which escaped from the barge will be cleaned up by next week. Parliament opening Oct. 8 OTTAWA: Prime Minister Trudeau said yesterday that Parliament will start a new session Thursday, Oct. 8, with the customary throne speech, a general outline of government policy. The present session will reconvene Monday and end Wednesday.

Tar, nicotine in 30 days WASHINGTON: The Federal Trade Commission agreed yesterday to give cigaret manufacturers 30 days to voluntarily disclose tar and nicotine content of cigarets in their advertising. FTC Chairman Miles W. Kirkpatrick said if the industry doesn't come up with a plan, the commission will move quickly to require such disclosure. South Viets gets U.S. jets BIEN HOA, South Vietnam: The U.S.

Air Force turned over 40 Dragonfly jet fighter-bombers worth $16 million to the South Vietnamese Air Force yesterday. The presentation of the planes, marked by a ceremony at this sprawling air base 14 miles north of Saigon, was the latest step in Vietnamization of the war and will lead to the inactivation of the Seventh Air Force's 8th and 90th attack squadrons. The two squadrons comprise 1,400 men. he attended a barbecue given by Mr. Duke and that Supt.

Albert Wilson went to a display of lawn equipment at the Duke home, after Mr. Silk's order. Supt. Wilson also is under suspension, and both officers face charges under the Police Act of disobeying Mr. Silk's order.

Supt. Rodger acknowledged that Mr. Silk's order had been relayed to him by Assistant Commissioner Albert Bird, who told him Mr. Duke had been deported from the United States in 1942 after serving a sentence for armed robbery. "Then why did you go to the barbecue?" asked Mr.

Robinette. DIPLOMACY DIPLOMACY The witness said he had discussed the matter with Supt. Wilson and had decided to break off relations with Mr. Duke diplomatically rather than abruptly. They agreed that Supt.

Wilson would appear briefly at the equipment display and Supt. Rodger would attend the barbecue. He had not consulted his superiors about the decision. The superintendent contradicted testimony by two of his subordinates that he had asked for withdrawal of a careless driving charge against Mr. Duke in March, 1968.

He said he had discussed an accident involving Mr. Duke with Sgt. Roy Roberts but did not know a charge had been laid. Supt. Rodger said Roberts, then a corporal, told him Mr.

Duke had been drinking but that the drinking had not been the cause of the accident. weeks of the case, but he suddenly erupted late in the afternoon while a purple heart Vietnam veteran was describing how the hippie cult leader "programmed" his female followers. With the jury in the courtroom and the prosecution witness preparing to resume his testimony, the 35-year-old Manson began singing "The Old Gray Mare, She Ain't What She Used To Be." Superior Court Judge Charles H. Older warned Manson that unless he became silent he would have to remove him from the courtroom. 'STOP LIVING' "You'll have to order me to stop living," Manson said.

You're depriving me of my counsel. I can't receive mail. You're just a woman, judge." Deputies ushered Manson from the room and there was a 45-minute delay in the trial while defence attorneys conferred with the hippie cult leader. Manson then re-entered the courtroom and it appeared he intended to remain quiet and let the trial proceed. But he suddenly turned on the press corps and shouted: "I'm not represented in this trial.

I do not have a Older once again ordered Manson taken from the courtroom, and at that, the three young women Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkle and Leslie Van Houten-rose to their feet and began chanting: "You're just a woman. You're just a woman, judge." Older ordered the female defendants removed also and they strutted from the courtroom still shouting taunts at him. The trial was recessed until today. Under recent U.S. Supreme Court rulings, defendants may be removed from the hearing room and placed in an anteroom where they can hear the proceedings by loudspeaker if they become disruptive and make it impossible for orderly proceedings to continue.

Funeral services held for Dr. A. Campbell Funeral services were held yesterday at the Erskine and American Church for Dr. Archibald D. Campbell, a well-known Montreal obstetrician and gynaecologist.

He died Tuesday at the age of 82. Born in Glencoe, he went to school there and enrolled at the McGill Medical School in 1906, graduating in 1911. Dr. Campbell interned at the Royal Victoria, Hospital and in 1913 for the Calgary Construction Co. as a doctor for the line gangs.

Dr. Campbell served overseas in the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps during the First World War and attained the rank of captain. After the war he returned to Canada and joined the surgical staff of the Montreal General Hospital. Shortly afterwards he transferred into gynaecology and later became chairman of the department of gynaecology and obstetrics at the Reddy Memorial Hospital and a pro- City of Montreal PUBLIC AUCTION 100 Automobiles, 6 Motorcycles and 25 Miscellaneous Lots MUNICIPAL YARD, 1700 SAUVE STREET EAST WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1970, AT 10:00 HOURS VISIT: on Wednesday, October 14, 1970, from 8:30 to 10:00 hours PAYMENT: cash basis and must be paid for immediately INFORMATION: tel. 872-4770, Emile Superintendent PURCHASES AND STORES DEPARTMENT, SALVAGE DIVISION MARC BOYER, Q.C., City Hall, Montreal, October 2, 1970.

City Clerk N.B. Anyone wishing to desist from his car can do so, without cost, by taking it to the municipal pound, 9634 Papineau Avenue, Montreal. Information: 872-5157. OTHER AUCTION: Vehicles, October 7, at 10:00 hours, 969 de Louvain Street East. The GAZETTE, Montreal, Oct.

2, 1970 37 BIRTHS DEATHS HOURS 8 p.m. for tO private partite. SUNDAY From (Birth 12 and 1600 Death to 4 Notices p.m. only. RATES Charge $1.50 word.

per Minimum Cloned HOLIDAYS Also listed in these columns Engagements. Announcements, Marriage Notices, Births, Chosen Children, Requiem Masses, In Memoriams, Unveilings and Cards of thanks. BISAILLON, Maurice Paul. At Montreal, October 1st, 1970, aged 67 years, Maurice Paul Bisaition, husband of the late Liliane Laliberte, father of Jacques and Gilles. Resting at J.

R. Desiauriers Funeral Home, 5650 Cote des Neiges Rd. Funeral later. 3 DINGLE. Judith Ming ston), wife of D.

Terence Dingle, a boy, at the Montreal General Hospital, September 30th 1970. 5 EVANS. Hi everybody! I'm Jason Paul Keith, my mummy and daddy are Paul and Donna (nee Innes). was born on Tuesday, September 29th, 1970, at Catherine Booth Hospital. weigh 7 lbs.

and I'm 20 inches long. 3 GAREAU. Claude and Emily (nee Barber), wish to announce the birth of a daughter, Gemma Claudine: on September 30th, 1970, at 7.27 p.m., at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital. Both well. 3 BIRTHS GINSBERG.

To Ronald and Doreen (nee Gordon) at the Children's Hospital, Buffalo, New York, on September 29th, 1970, a daughter, sister to Jeremy Brian and Shari Lynn. Both well. 2 IRVINE, Evelyn Beatrice. At Atlanta, on Sept. 28, 1970, beloved wife of the late William Arthur Irvine; dear father of Patricia (Mrs.

J. R. Hyde) of Montreal, Elizabeth (Mrs. G. A.

Robertson) of Atlanta, and Catherine (Mrs. H. C. Stephenson) of Denver, Colo. Funeral private.

Interment Guelph, Ont. 2 JALBERT. To Michael and 28th, 1970, at St. Justine Hospital. Helene (nee Leman) a boy, on Sept.

Both well. 2 JOHNSON. Ron and Veronice (nee Wainer), proudly announce the birth of their son, brother to Tommy, on September 30th, 1970, at the Reddy Memorial Hospital. Both well. 3 JOST To Peter and Judith (nee Laurence) are happy to announce the birth of a son, on Sept.

28th 1970, at the Montreal General Hospital. Brother to George. Both well. 2 KING. Leah (Joan Knevels) and Bernie, are happy.

to announce the arrival of Natalie. 6 lbs. 7 oz. on September 30th, 1970, at the Reddy Memorial Hospital. Both are doing very well.

3 KUCH. To Eric and Elizabeth, Ertl), at the Catherine Booth Hospital, September 29th 1970, a son, Stefan Heinz, brother to. Erica. Both well. 2 McCONNACHIE.

J. Robert and Sarah (nee McCallum), proudly announce the birth of their son, at the Sherbrooke General Hospital on September 30th, 1970. 2 At the Montreal General Hospital; on September 30th, 1970, to Faith, wife of Walter Paterson Molson, a daughter. 2 MURRAY. To Bryan and Geri (nee Sutton), at the Lakeshore General Hospital, on Sunday, September 27th, 1970, a daughter, Heide Alecia, 7 5 ozs.

Both well. 3 PETSCHE. To Ernest and Carole (nee Browne) are happy to announce the birth of their first son Michael Alexander, 8 oz on September 26th, 1970, at the Catherine Booth Hospital. Mother and son doing well. 3 STOCKTON.

Ron and Wendy (nee Mowat) and daughter Leanne produly announce the birth of Laurie Jane on Sept. 28th, 1970, at the Lakeshore General Hospital. All is well. 2 TAIT. Rod and Daryi (nee Mitchell, proudly announce the af.

rival of a son, 10 lbs. 07. on September 29th 1970, at the Royal Victoria Hospital. Both well. 2 ZAFIRIS.

To James and Gertrude (nee Rochefort) a daughter, on Sept. 23rd, 1970, at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital. Both well. 2 ZIMMERMAN. Carl and Sandra (nee Cochrane) are proud to announce the birth of a second daughter, Tania Jean, on September 25th, 1970 at the Catherine Booth Hospital.

Both well. 2 DEATHS BISAILLON, Maurice Paul. At Montreal, Oct. 1st 1970, aged 67 years. Maurice Paul Bisallion, husband of the late Liliane father of Jacques and Gilles.

Resting at J. R. Deslauriers Funeral Home, 5610 Cote des Neiges Rd. Funeral service Monday Oct. 5th in St.

Roch Church, at 10 a.m. Interment Cote des Neiges Cemetery. Donations sent to the Cardiology Institute would be gratefully acknowledged. 3 BUCKLEY, Agnes. Suddenly, in New York City, Mary Agnes Marsh, widow of Peter Buckley.

Resting at the Clarke Funeral Home, 5580 Sherbrooke Street West, from 1 p.m. Friday. Requiem Mass in St. Augustine of Canterbury Church, on Saturday, at 9 a.m. Interment Cote Des Neiges Cemetery.

2 BURNS, Kathleen. At the LaSalle General Hospital, on Wednesday, September 30th, 1970, Kathleen O'Doherty, aged 70 years, beloved wife of the late Charles Burns, dear mother of Maureen (Mrs. R. Rankin), Sheila (Mrs. G.

Richard), Una (Mrs. G. Gendron), Brenda (Mrs. C. Arthur).

Resting at the J. F. Wilson Sons Funeral Home, 5784 Verdun Ave. Requiem Mass in St. Willbrords Church Saturday, October 3rd, at 9 a.m.

Interment Cote des Neiges Cemetery. 2 CAMPBELL, Archibald Donald, M.D. At the Montreal General Hospital, on Tuesday, September 29th 1970, beloved husband of the late Jean Hogg, dear father of George D. Jeanet (Mrs. R.

Hendrey) and Donald G. Resting at his residence, 54 Forden Crescent, Westmount. Funeral from the Erskine American Church, on Thursday, October 1st, at 2 p.m. In lieu of flowers donations sent to the Montreal General Hospital will be gratefully acknowledged. Funeral under the direction of the Wray-Walton-Wray Funeral Home, 2 CHAMPAGNE, Madeleine Prud' homme.

At Bellechasse Hospital, on Wed. September 30th, 1970, in her 48th year, beloved wife of Jean Paul Champagne, also survived by her mother Donalda Prud'homme, three brothers Hector, Noel and Rene, four sisters Jeanne Cyr, Noella Goyette, Mariette Marchand, Therese Lambert. Resting at the Wray-WaltonWray Funeral Home, 1234 Mountain St. Funeral from Mary, Queen of the World Cathedral, Dorchester Blvd. on October 2nd at 10 a.m.

to Cote des Neiges Cemetery. 3 CHAPLIN, Josephine. At the Reddy Memorial Hospital, on Tuesday September 29th, 1970, age 61 years, beloved daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Frederick, William, Chaplin, dear sister of Gordon, Fred Jr.

and Irene (Mrs. E. Dechard) of Toronto. Resting at the J. F.

Wilson, and Sons Funeral Home 5784 Verdun Ave. Requiem Mass in St. Thomas More Church. Saturday, October 3rd at 9 a.m. Interment Cote des Neiges Cemetery, 2 CUSTY, O'Ryan John.

Ar Lachine, on September 30th 1970 in his 59th year, beloved husband of Rhoma Hartley, dear father of James, Maureen and Joanne (Mrs. J. R. Brown) of Toronto, Ontario. Funeral service from Raoul Bourgie Funeral Home 1345 Notre Dame Street Lachine, on Friday, October 2, aY 10 a.m.

Interment Lakeview Cemetery, DEATHS GIARRUSSO, Michele, Pensioner, of the Transport Commission. real, September 30th, 1974. Michele Giarrusso, aged 66 years, beloved husband of Maria Chario. Dear father of Antonio, Giovanni, Giuseppe and dear father-in-law of Giselle Labelle, Suzanne L'Ecuyer, Ann Jasmin. Funeral Saturday from Granato Funeral Home, 292 Jean Talon East to Notre Dame de la Defense Church for service at 11 a.m.

Interment Cote des Neiges Cemetery. 3 GOLDENBERG, Adela. On Thursday, October 1st, 1970, wife of the late Maurice Goldenberg, beloved mother of H. Carl (Mrs. Lionel Parifsky) (Eva), Samson and Esther and the late Annie Goldenberg, devoted grandmother of Stephen, Edward and Ann.

Funeral service from Paperman Sons, Cote des Neiges Chapel, 5605 Cote des Neiges on Sunday, October 4th. To Shaar Hashomayn Congregation Cemetery. Shiva private. 3 GOW, Catherine. At the Glengarry Memorial Hospital, Alexandria, Ontario, on October 1st 1970, beloved wife of Charles, dear mother of Rose, (Mrs.

H. C. Clarke) and Robert also survived by four grandchildren, sister of Eliza, Joanna and William. Resting at the D. Morris Funeral Home, Alexandria Ontario.

Service at 10 a.m. Saturday October 3rd 1970, at the Funeral Parlor. Inferment Rideau Memorial Gardens. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Canadian Cancer Society would be gratefully appreciated. 3 HAMILTON, John J.

At St. Mary's Hospital September 30th, 1970, John J. Hamilton, beloved husband of the late Bridget Rossiter, father of John P. of Willowdave, Ont. Also survived by three sisters Helen (Dolly), Annie, Mrs.

P. J. Carroll (Cecilia) and 5 grandchildren, Janet, John, Karen, Terence and Kevin, all of Willowdale. Resting at J. R.

Deslauriers Funeral Home 790 Ste. Croix Blvd. Funeral service Saturday, October 3rd at Our Lady of Fatima Church at 9 a.m. Interment Cole des Neiges Cemetery. 2 JAMIESON, Annie Cleland.

Suddenly, at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, on September 30th 1970, aged 78 years, survived by nephew Malcolm W. Jamieson. Funeral from D. A. Collins Chapel, 5610 Sherbrooke St.

on Friday, at i p.m. Interment Valleyfieid, Que. 2 LACK, Roger Edouard. At St Mary's Hospital, on October 1st, 1970, Roger E. Lack, beloved son of Mr.

and Mrs. Albert Lack. Funeral service at the Chapel of Wray-Walton-Wray, 1234 Mountain Street, 11 a.m.. Saturday, to Mount Royal Cemetery. 3 LASKIN, David.

Accidentally on Wednesday, September 30th, 1970, beloved husband of Rhona Frost, dear father of Charlene and Barbra, devoted son of Max and Dinah Laskin, son-in-law of Byrde and Lou Frost, brother of Mrs. Gerson Byer (Rose) and the late Harold Laskin. Funeral service from Paperman Sons Cote des Neiges Chapel, 5605 Cote des Neiges Road, on Sunday, October 4th, at 1.45 p.m. to Farband Labor Zionist Cemetery. Shiva at 1275 Allen Chomedey, 3 LAZARE, Mary.

On Wednesday, September 30th, 1970, beloved sister of Moe, Mrs. Rae Hart of Calgary, the late Emile, the late Mrs. Minnie Rabin, the late Mrs. Hilda Share and the late Miss Rose Lazare. Funeral service from Paperman Sons, Cote des Neiges Chapel, 5605 Cote des Neiges Road, on Friday, October 2nd, at 2.30 p.m.

to Mount Royal Cemetery. 2 LOCKE, Cart Alton Lestie. At Queen Ellzabeth Hospital, on September 30th, 1970, beloved husband of Janet Elizabeth Smith, father of Alton Richard, Stephen, and Donald. Funeral from D. A.

Collins Chapel, 5610 Sherbrooke St. on Friday at 10 a.m. to Mount Royal Crematorium. In lieu of flowers donations to Montreal Oral School for the Deaf and Canadian Heart Fund will be appreciated. 2 MARTIN, John.

At the Sherbrooke Hospital, on October 1st, 1970, Jot Edward Martin, dearly beloved son of Sybil Jane Shires Martin, and of John Edward Martin, and brother of Sybil (Mrs. A. W. Todd), Jacqueline (Mrs. Bryan Sharp) in his 21st year, Resting in the R.

L. Bishop Son Funeral Chapel, 300 Queen Blvd. North, Sherbrooke. Funeral service from St. Andrew's Church, on Saturday, October 3rd, at 11 a.m.

The Rev. Donald Campbell officiating. Interment in Elmwood Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Sherbrooke Hospital for research purposes will be gratefully acknowledged. 3 McKERNAN, Patrick Fisher.

Sud denly at the St. Eustache General Hospital on September 30th, 1970, in his 64th year, Patrick McKernan, beloved husband of Evelyn Callahan, dear father of Lynn (Mrs. L. Bond), brother of Mrs. George Colby.

Resting at J. Walter James Funeral Home, 1204 Oka City of Two Mountains. Funeral from Holy Family Parish Church on Saturday, October 3, at 3 p.m. Interment St. Agapit Cemetery.

3 DEATHS McMARTIN, Elsie. At Toronto on Tuesday, September 29th, 1970, Elsie Harling, beloved wife of the late Ormond R. McMartin, dear mother of Margaret (Mrs. George Mowat), Cynthis (Mrs. Kenneth Emberson, England) and I sobel (Mrs.

Jack Church Sarnia). Private funeral service was held on Thursday. Memorial donations may be made if desired to the Canadian Cancer Society, 22 Davisville Avenue, Toronto. 1 NOBEL Ann. At St.

Mary's Hospital, on Thursday, October 1st, 1970. Ann Ronai, beloved wife of Joseph Nobel, dear mother of Peter and Andrew. Also survived by her mother Irma. Funeral from Rosedale Chapel 4911 Cote des Neiges Road, on Saturday at 10 a.m. Interment Cote des Neiges Cemetery.

Visitation from p.m. Friday. O'BRIEN, Peter. At the Montreal General Hospital, on September 29th, 1970, Peter O'Brien, aged 71, son of the late Peter O'Brien, and the late Elizabeth Romain, brother of Catherine, Leo, Agnes Margaret. Resting at the Hugh Fetterly Son Funeral Home, 2035 Wellington St.

Funeral from Gabriel's Church on Friday at 9.45 a.m. to Cote des Neiges Cemetery. 2 PARTRIDGE, Stephen A. On Wednesday, September 30th, 1970, in his 77th year, Stephen A. Partridge, of Hawkesbury, Ont.

Beloved husband of Jane E. Byers, dear father of Stephen Byers Partridge and devoted grandfather of Anne and Janet. Resting at the Hillcrest Funeral Home Vankleek Hill until Saturday when service will be conducted at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Hawkesbury, at 2 p.m. interment Hillside Cemetery. 2 Johanne Collin, whose back was badly burned py the treatment, and $4,669 to a resident of Amqui who suffered burns to a wrist.

"It would be surprising, to say the least," Judge Miquelon said "If the defendant could have followed this practive without certain of his colleagues, in the same region or the same town, becoming aware of it. "If this was the case, it is unfortunate that they did not alert the College of Physicians and Surgeons." back SPINNEY, May Elizabeth. At Clearwater, Florida, on September 30th, 1970, May Elizabeth Thorpe, beloved wife of the late Frederick Spinney. Funeral from D. A.

Collins Chapel, 5610 Sherbrooke St. West, on Saturday at 10. a.m., to Mount Royal Cemetery. CARD OF THANKS GILMOUR. The family of the late Ronald A.

Gilmour wish to express their heartfelt thanks to relatives and friends for their kind expression of sympathy and flowers during their recent sad bereavement, in the loss of a beloved husband, brother and nephew. A special thanks to all the priests. UNVEILING UNVEILING The unveiling of a memorial to the memory of the late Max Wilhelm Rothschild, beloved husband of Eva Rothschild, dear father of David, Susan, and Eric son of the late Dr. D. Rothschild and Mrs.

D. E. Stromberg (Rothschild), dear brother of Lilott, and Hans will take place at the Mount Royal Section Temple Emanu-El Cemetery Sunday 4th October at 11 a.m. Friends and relatives are invited. 3 Argyle Lodge No.

65 A.F. A.M., G.R.Q. The Brethren of the above Lodge are hereby notified of the passing of our late Worshipful brother, Thomas Dodds, L.M., on Wednesday, September 30th, 1970. Private funeral service to be held on Friday, October 2nd. By order of W.M.

J. H. MacKenzie, Secretary Miss Kaurns FLORISTS INC. "For Flowers that Please" 1420 McGILL COLLEGE 849-7721 TEES CO. INC.


fessor of gynaecology and obstetrics at McGill University. He was president the American Association of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, a rare honor for a Canadian. Dr. Campbell was a major contributor to three medical books and wrote many articles for medical journals. He was president of the St.

Andrew's Society of Montreal, vice-president of the McGill Graduates Society, director of the Montreal Rotary Club, president of the Montreal MedicoChirurgical Society, and a Fellow of the American, Canadian and British Colleges of Surgeons. Dr. Campbell is survived by two sons, George D. and Donald and a daughter Jeanet (Mrs. R.

Hendrey). His wife, the former Jean Hogg, predeceased him. Quake rocks MANILA (UPI) An earthquake rocked the island of Basco off the northern coast of the Philippines Wednesday, setting off a minor tidal wave and a series of aftershocks. Several houses were destroyed but there were no reports of casualties. "SERVICE TO ALL FAITHS" 5610 SHERBROOKE STREET WEST Phone 484-1149 POINTE CLAIRE 222 METROPOLITAN BLVD.

Phone 695-4200 The D. A. Collins Way Fine service priced within the means of all families that's what you received at D. A. Collins Funeral Home.

Our prices begin most moderately, yet our service is always of the highest quality. B.A. Collins: MEMBER, THE ORDER OF THE GOLDEN.

The Gazette from Montreal, Quebec, Canada (2024)
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