Read Sword of Coming Chapter 929: Borrow thousands of mountains and rivers with the monarchs (10) (2024)

  In the middle of Baopingzhou, a magnificent royal mansion, Dadu Changchun Houfu, Bixiao Palace.

  There are many plaques hanging in the water house. The merits donated by the head of Guanhu Academy are permanent, the poems and ritual companions written by the head of the Yunlin Jiang family, and the **** Jing Pinghan sent from Linlu Academy.

  Even Liu Qingfeng, the old book of rituals in Dali accompanied the capital, made a rare exception during his lifetime and presented a piece of calligraphy.

  Now on the land of Aquarius Island, Yang Hua, who was ennominated by the Confucian Temple, is the well-deserved head of the **** of water.

  Chen Pingan did not go to Yang Hua directly.

  There is no way, this blasphemous woman, Hou Ye, is more true to the top, and she needs to let the concierge announce it.

  It’s just that if anyone can watch this series of dreams from beginning to end, they will find that the dreams created by Chen Ping’an are getting closer and closer to the truth.

  Chen Pingan stepped up the steps and walked to the concierge.

I heard that the first thing Yang Hua did when he took office was to order all landscape officials within his jurisdiction not to go to the door to congratulate him, so not to mention many of the landscape gods under the Hou Mansion’s low official status, together with the high rank of Jiangshui Zhengshen. , And the city gods of the southern states of Dayi, who have not seen Yang Hua's true face yet.

Let’s take a look at our Wei Shanjun. In this matter, there is too much "approachability". Even the county town gods, the land masters, and the river ladies are fortunate enough to meet their own mountain kings at the night banquet. of.

Previously, Chen Ping’an sent a letter to Yang Hua through the hands of Dieyunling Mountain Shendou. I believe that Yang Hua’s heart is as meticulous as a letter. If there is no accident, Yang Hua should have been to the old sites of Dieyunling and Tiaobo River. And most of them are private visits of the kind of microservices. I believe that with Dou Shanshen's love to take care of nosy, and Cen Hebo's water management skills, Yang Hua may not be surprised. There are such two "relics from the sea" in her jurisdiction, but she will at least not be disappointed.

  The concierge is an old monk in the sea-viewing realm. He is neatly packed. He is wearing a robe that is said to have been woven and refined from the Caique Mansion of Luzhou, Northern Ju, and is now almost becoming a standard official robe of the Dali Shanshui officialdom.

  The third grade official in the concierge of the prime minister, the old concierge still looked kind, and took the initiative to go out to treat guests. Hearing that guest, he claimed to be Chen Ping An, Laoposhan.

  The old monk couldn’t hold back any of them, and blurted out: "Who?!"

In fact, this was an impolite act, quite a gaffe. With the experience of the old concierge, he would not have made such a mistake, but the news in his ears was really shocking. The other party was alone and alone. At the entrance to the Hou Mansion, there was no sign that the sword light was shining brightly on the horizon, and it didn't look like a sword fairy.

  Chen Pingan had to smile and declare himself again.

  The old concierge oozes sweat on his forehead. He didn't dare to babble, and said bitterly, "Can you let me give an announcement?"

   did not call the other party the mountain lord or Chen Jianxian, the old concierge directly used the most important statement in his heart.

The old man wanted to let him go immediately, but the Hou Mansion had strict rules. In the past few years, the old concierge had stopped how many distinguished guests. Before, there was the Capital City God from the capital of Dali who came to the door to discuss the matter. The concierge carefully weighed it and felt He should be let go anyway, without notification, but afterwards, Mother Liu from the Department of Etiquette and System scolded him severely, saying why you were so confused.

  Chen Ping’an nodded and smiled: “Just go according to the rules.”

  The old concierge was anxious, and stood outside the threshold of the Hou Mansion with the hermit.

  I’m a bit curious now, I don’t know if my Hou Mansion will open the Yimen to welcome guests today.

  This is the courtesy of the princes and princes of Dali, otherwise, the monarchs of the five mountains and one continent will come here.

  But this young sword fairy who was born in Aquarius Island but served as the last hermit in the Great Wall of Jianqi, is a rare visitor, not to mention that his owner was promoted from the position of the Tiefu River Water God, and he is a close neighbor to the Luopo Mountain.

  It seems to be public for private, and it seems that the Hou Mansion should open the door of the ceremony.

But those who came to welcome the young hermit were the second in command of the Department of Etiquette, and a goddess of the Houfu Seal Department. Changchun Hou did not personally show up. Just such an incident made the concierge feel a little guilty and more trembling. , Dare not say anything.

It can be seen that there was a ceremony to observe Zhengyang Mountain first, and then the status of the astonishing hidden official, which spread across the continents and rivers overnight through the Dibao, and the water came to the fore. Now in the Aquarius Shanshui officialdom, the name "Chen Pingan" , In itself is the most useful pass.

  The palm print goddess first saluted Chen Ping’an as a female officer, then gave a blessing and apologized: “Chen Shanzhu, my master is just waiting for guests. It is not convenient to leave the guests for the time being. I hope that Chen Shan’s main body will forgive me.”

  Chen Ping’an smiled and said, “It should be the case. It’s good to visit your house in a hurry, without prior notification, and without having to shut the door.”

  Two Houfu goddesses who were not from the old official officials of Tie Fujiang, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

  It's still not very similar to the imaginary master hidden official. To be precise, it is very different.

  As a result, a group of three people walked through the corridor and walked halfway, and then two other female officials in official uniforms came. Look at that official touzi, they should be the first and second leaders of the water mansion.

  They were like waiting for the rabbits on the road early. They happened to pass by, and then dropped in. They could go to the hospitality office of the Department of Etiquette together. It was quite dripping and could not fault it.

The female officials of the Department of Ceremony System stared at them, and only then received the report from the concierge. Before leaving the government office, they specially reminded the officials not to make mistakes. Why is it still such a trifling matter? !

  The goddess of the Seal Division could only remind the two of them in her heart, and said in a deep voice: "Come, come, but no one is allowed to speak next!"

  If Liu Lizhi is present today, you two will definitely not be able to eat!

  Similar to the mansion of Luzhou Lingyuan in Beiju. Because the owners of the mansion are all women, there are a lot of female officials, and there is a somewhat overwhelming and declining atmosphere.

   After passing by, the government offices of the government offices, the door or the window, inevitably probed the head, but it was still silent and did not dare to make a lot of noise.

  Obviously, they are all curious about the appearance of the youngest engraved sword repairman in the history of the Great Wall of Sword Qi.

   When he arrived at the main room of the Department of Etiquette, the goddess said in a soft voice: "I still need to trouble Chen Shanzhu for a while. As Hou Ye said earlier, it probably needs a little bit of incense, and he won't let Chen Shanzhu wait for a long time."

There was a maid serving here, she quickly brought a cup of tea for Chen Ping’an, but the official uniform on her was showing off, just like a member of a certain department of the imperial court. Guest's.

Chen Ping’an thanked her and took the tea. The teacup is Longquan celadon from his hometown. The glaze is the first-class plum green. And when you look at the craftsmanship, it was made at the mouth of a kiln in Baoxi. Chen Ping An even knew that the teacup in his hand was made by the master, or at least the disciple that the master brought out. Just quietly weighing the tea cup, Chen Ping'an sighed, the old kiln mouths near Baoxi always used the porcelain clay from the Huangmaojian area as usual, but now they actually use the clay from the Baxianxian Ancient Road. It is the result of the official kiln being transformed into a civil kiln.

The layman sees the excitement, and the insider sees the doorway. The same kind of porcelain clay is collectively called Zijin soil. Because of the different mountain tops, there will be subtle differences in water and soil. The weight and viscosity of the soil will be different. It will be ever-changing. The layman can’t see the difference, but the layman can see at a glance. For example, the porcelain clay in the Huangmaojian area is much better than that on the Baxianxian Ancient Road, but the number of kiln-fired artifacts will be much lower. The cost of the major kilns can be ignored. Nowadays, some are sold for civilian kilns, and every time a piece of inferior porcelain is broken, it is broken silver.

  The goddess of the palm print gave the "maid" winks several times, and the latter reluctantly left the official hall.

  Yang Hua appeared outside the door of the Department of Ceremony, and saw the sword fairy in Qingshan who was drinking tea inside, with Erlang's legs tilted up, drinking tea leisurely, in a leisurely manner, without the slightest unpleasant expression.

  When Yang Hua crossed the threshold, Chen Pingan just put down his teacup.

  The two female officials in the house hurriedly bid farewell to Yang Hua, and walked gently, quickly exiting here.

  Yang Hua sat on the opposite chair and asked bluntly: "Lord Chen Shan is going to the door today, what is your order?"

  Chen Ping’an deliberately skipped the word "you" and explained to Yang Hua what he came for.

   Seeing Yang Hua hesitated, Chen Ping’an picked up the tea cup again and smiled: “Don’t be embarrassed, I will leave after drinking tea.”

   is a pun.

   Yang Hua mostly wanted to say hello to the empress dowager, she didn't dare to act on her own, because she was worried that the Shui Mansion and Chen Ping'an and Luoposhan would go too long, which would arouse suspicion.

  But if Yang Hua feels embarrassed, the incense stick is actually meaningless.

  Although in Chen Ping’an’s view, Yang Hua is already a prince of Dadu, but she has not been able to get out of the shadow of the maid of the Queen Mother Nan Zan. There will be many sequelae.

  It’s just this kind of thing. Chen Ping’an is an outsider, and it’s useless to say more, maybe it will backfire.

  Sure enough, after drinking the tea, Chen Pingan stood up.

  Yang Hua suddenly said, "I have no problem with that incense stick."

  Chen Pingan was quite surprised, but he still thanked her.

  Yang Hua rarely had a smiling face, and replied politely: “Why do you thank the Lord Chen Shan for mutual benefit.”

  Since the other party went to the door today, in addition to seeing him during the period, he also sat there holding a teacup and leaning his legs, which was considered very polite.

After that, Yang Hua took the initiative to talk to Chen Ping’an. It turned out that the group of guests that she needed to receive in person were from Nantang Lake Green Plum View. In addition to the two green plum viewing girls, there is also Nantang Lake Shui Jun, the **** of water. The officials under the Changchun Houfu, they had just left the house, and the people who accompanied them were Shao Yunyan, the sword immortal of the Dragon Elephant Sword Sect, and the Madam Yan Yan who had the pseudonym "Mei Qingke".

  On the gate, Mrs. Yan Yan used "Mei Qingke" and the Taoist name "Zhengxian".

  So Chen Ping’an had to ask with a smile, “Hurry up, when I leave the official office and leave directly, Hou Jun won’t mind?”

   Yang Hua is not aware of it, so it’s okay to just say it.

  In the corridor of the official hall, a green shirt and Yang Hua hugged his fists to say goodbye, turning into a sword of light to travel thousands of miles away in an instant.

After Yang Hua left the Ceremony Department, several goddesses returned to the official room one after another. The ceremonial secretary who pretended to be a maid serving tea once and serving tea again, raised his arm, smiled, and said just now. When I saw the young hermit, I got goose bumps. The second-in-command of the Department of Etiquette of the immediate boss laughed and scolded a nympho.

  Catch up with a green plum viewing private ferry in the sea of ​​clouds, wearing a green shirt, big sleeves dangling, and landing on the bow.

   Shao Yunyan noticed the unusual Dao Qi ripples, shrank in one step, and came to the bow deck. He was surprised, and he folded his hands and smiled and said: "Why is the Hidden Officer here?"

  Chen Ping’an smiled and said, “It’s just a coincidence. As soon as your front foot left, I entered the Hou Mansion on the back foot.”

The master of Qingmei View is a middle-aged woman-like female cultivator, but her head is covered with frost and snow. Obviously, it was the previous move that was forced to relocate to the Patriarch’s Hall, which hurt the fundamentals of the Great Dao. In addition to practicing water law, It was also in agreement with a Nantang Lake numerology. The female cultivator in Guannei moved to another place, which was just a move. To her, it was a great loss to her vitality. Even if she did not fight with the demon clan, she almost fell.

   Standing next to the woman was Zhou Qionglin, the younger generation of the insider, an expert on the mountain. There is also a woman covered with moisture, pale golden eyes.

  Now Nantang Lake, the lake is full again, the plum blossoms are re-opening, and the landscape has changed.

  Chen Ping’an clasped his fists and smiled: “I have seen Song Guanzhu, Qin Hujun, Zhou Xianzi.”

  After some courtesy, Chen Ping’an only said that he was looking for Shao Jianxian to talk about the old, and he would not bother with Qingmei.

  It can be seen that the three of Nantang Lake are extremely nervous.

  The shadow of the famous tree of man.

   was originally just one of ten young people in the world, it was shocking enough.

  So I heard that Chen Shanzhu will leave the ferry soon, both regretful and relieved.

  When he arrived at Shao Yunyan’s residence, Shao Yunyan asked if he wanted to drink, and Chen Ping’an said that it’s not necessary, chatting for a few words, and leaving immediately.

Mrs. Yan Yan was sitting in a precarious manner. She clenched fists with empty hands, placed her knees lightly, without squinting, as if she was discussing matters in her own dragon elephant sword ancestor's ancestor hall, and met the lord Qi Lao Jianxian.

  Chen Ping’an asked Shao Yunyan about the current situation of the Dragon Elephant Sword Sect and Nan Po Suozhou, and then said to Mrs. Yan Yan: “If possible, Mrs. Yan Yan had better change the road number.”

Mrs. Yan Yan asked with a bitter expression: "Speak to the Hidden Officer, why is this?"

  What's wrong, I just picked up a nice and elegant road number casually, is it bothering you? Doesn't it mean that I have to take some soil, right? Hidden officials find it smooth? Is it so wide?

Chen Pingan smiled and said: "I just said casually, there is a pure martial artist named Ma Zhuxian who fell into a state not long ago. Do you think it's unlucky and unlucky? Of course, if Mrs. Yan Yan feels nothing, I don't care. NS."

  Mrs. Yan Yan sighed and stomped lightly, can this be caught up by herself?

   Shao Yunyan paid more attention to the affairs of Haoran than Mrs. Yan Yan, and asked, “Is that Cao Ci’s big brother, Ma Zhuxian?”

  Chen Ping’an nodded, and then drew out a white bowl from his sleeve. His fingers seemed to be picking up something. It was crystal clear and translucent like a bead. The precious light was flowing and the water was abundant.

   Shao Yunyan is a good acquaintance, and asked with a smile: "This is?"

  Chen Ping’an explained: “I saw the big demon in a certain place in the Middle-earth Divine Continent before, and it’s an extra addition to the business.”

Shao Yunyan was puzzled, and smiled and joked: "What does the Hidden Officer do? I have no merit and no reward. This trip is just running errands, which is no different from traveling in mountains and water. I don’t practice water law. Isn’t it a violent thing to give this thing to me?"

Mrs.    Yan Yan has heard loudly for a while, and what was eaten into her belly by an old throne demon can also...spit it out obediently?

  Lord Hidden Officer, we are such a great official authority.

  Chen Ping’an glanced at Mrs. Yan Yan, and said with an aura: “Go and ask the Lord Qin Hu to come over. Remember, please.”

  When the Nantanghu woman named Shuijun came, she saw that Chen Yinguan had been standing with the Shao Jianxian in the corridor of the door, waiting for her to come to the door early.

  There is a white bowl on the table, and the drop of water in the bowl waits until Mr. Qinhu takes his seat, like an old friend, like an old master, and the light shines all over the house.

  Actually, Chen Ping'an didn't plan to find this Qin Hujun to do business, but it just so happened that it was an unmissable fate.

After Qin Hujun heard about it, he was reluctant to take that merit. He only said that Nantang Lake is 80% of the lake water, and it is already a great fortune to be able to return to the original place. Not to mention that it is the effort of a hand to ignite a stick of heart incense, Nantang Lake It is necessary to build a shrine for hermits and worship the gods.

   She said this sincere words, and Mrs. Yan Yan was in a complicated mood. She never thought of this boring gourd girl, Hujun, if she did not speak, she would be so desolate as soon as she spoke.

When the young hidden official left the ferry, Shao Yunyan reminded with a smile: "Mr Qinhu, listen to my persuasion, and forget about building the Shrine for Health. Don't secretly worship the memorial tablet and worship incense every day. What the hidden official said is also a Confucian. Disciple, Yu Li is not in harmony."

Qin Hujun held the white bowl with both hands, never put it in his sleeves, thought for a while, and said: "According to the Confucian Temple rule, I, as a lake water monarch, is allowed to open the mansion, so I can bring a Confucian Confucian Confucian Temple ritual vessel to the nearest academy. Yes, if I talk to Guanhu Academy and ask for a certain sage book from Master Wensheng, I will not cause trouble for the hermit, right?"

   Shao Yunyan showed admiration, nodded and smiled: "This matter is feasible."

  Mrs. Yan Yan sighed, Qin Hu Jun, you have practiced in Luopo Mountain.

  Tiaobo River, now officially renamed Laoyuhu.

  Old He Bo Cen Wenqian, also successfully promoted to two ranks, promoted to Yidihujun, with the same rank as Heshui Zhengshen, and just got a seven-rank official body.

Because before, Cen Wenqian followed the woman Hou Jun Yang Hua and went to the Ministry of Industry to accompany the capital. He made a lot of suggestions on Dadu dredging and certain "closing dragons", and was judged as a good comment by the Dali court. Now Cen Wenqian even still He also serves as a temporary official position as a member of the water department of the Pei Capital, and needs to go to "Dianmao" on the side of the Pei Capital to work as an errand every some time. And through Yang Hua's personal recommendation, the Dali court’s inspection and promotion to Hujun passed smoothly. There were a lot of things and a lot of joints, but the speed was extremely fast.

  This made Cen Wenqian sigh with emotion. The same thing, if it were in the officialdom of her home country, let alone less than a month's work, it is estimated that not a year or a half of hard work would never be achieved.

  I saw the sword fairy in Qingshan, exchanged greetings with each other, and then looked at each other and smiled. Some things, since both sides know well, they can only say nothing.

Cen Wenqian agreed without hesitation, "Then I won't keep Mr. Chen."

  I never thought of Chen Ping’an with a smile: “You can still have a few glasses of wine.”

  Cen Wenqian asked, "Then go to Dieyunling to catch the autumn breeze?"

  The self-brewed water of Dieyunling Mountain God's Mansion is well-known.

  The scholar with the surname Cui came here admiringly, one is the fish from the Diaobo River, and the other is the wine from Dieyunling. If you can drink and eat fish, you will be a must.

  Chen Ping’an nodded and said, “If you are a big dog-eater, it’s better to rob the rich and help the poor.”

When he arrived at the Dieyunling Mountain Shrine, Miaozhu hurriedly prepared a secluded house. Dou Yan stood at the door, greeted with a smile, and hurried forward. The old god’s expression was flattering, "Isn’t this Chen Jianxian? I said that if I turn over the yellow calendar today, why is it suitable for traveling far away and for hospitality? It turned out to be Chen Jianxian admiring his face and giving our little temple a chance to entertain guests. Go, sit inside, Cenhu Jun, how come here empty-handed? Ah, hurry up, tell the Hujun Mansion to send two big fish over. I will cook today and cook a table of home-cooked dishes for Chen Jianxian."

Helping his own Dieyunling and connecting with the Bixiao Palace, Hou Jun and Yanghua came to this mountain in person, Dou Yan was a familiar face on Hou Jun's side, especially helping his old friend Cen Wenqian tide over the difficulties. Not to mention, but also because of a blessing in disguise, the change of course was obviously a disaster, but was promoted. Now Cen Wenqian knows that he is "eyes and eyes" with that Hou Mansion, let alone shouting Chen Jianxian, even if you make Dou Yan bow his head and learn from the flattery of the officialdom , It’s okay to call Master Chen to Master Chen.

  The average young person knows how difficult it is to ask for help. When people are poor in summer, begging for someone is like swallowing a three-foot sword. If they can't understand these old principles for a lifetime, they are probably really lucky people.

Originally, Dou Yan was ready to go fishing in the river himself, so Cen Wenqian might have taken a few trips to Daduhoufu and Dali's accompany capital, and all of a sudden, the elm knots were resuscitated. He actually asked them to wait for a while, and then personally. Go fishing.

   Soon there was a table of wine and food. Dou Yan took off his apron and put it on the back of the chair, indicating that he was indeed himself.


Chen Pingan took a chopsticks and steamed sea bass. It was the apricot sea bass unique to Diaobo River. He took a sip of wine, sipped, gave a thumbs up, and exclaimed: "Eating fish and drinking wine, it tastes great, and it has a well-deserved reputation. ."

  Hidden somewhere, Qingtong had to remind him in a low voice: "If you keep staying, you will lose a lot of business."

  Chen Ping’an stays in the dreamland of the long river of time, and he needs to lose some merits.

   "Thanks to your hard work in trading, what's the picture?"

  Chen Ping’an smiled with his heartfelt voice: “It’s just that I want to drink, and some friends ask me to drink, as long as I want to eat and drink.”

   Qingtong had to continue to wait patiently.

  When I was drinking tea in the mansion of the woman Hou Jun, I never saw you so bold.

  At that time, Chen Ping’an actually had a few words in his heart, and depending on his posture, he had to settle accounts with that Yang Hua who had been reluctant to show up for a long time.

When Dou Yan learned that Luopo Mountain was in Tongyezhou, he actually planned to establish the next sect, so he began to inquire about the news, and asked with a smile: "Is there really wanting to learn from our Aquarius Island, and develop a brand new one? Really want to start construction? , Can it really happen?"

  Haoran Jiuzhou, the three principal and deputy heads of the Confucian Temple, together with the three university palaces to worship wine, and the division, rushed to each continent one after another, and a total of 16 Dadus were sealed.

  Beijuluzhou and Baopingzhou each have one, and Tongyezhou does not have one. Therefore, in the peach-leaf alliance, one of the things is to discuss the joint efforts to open up the Dadu and re-dred the old Dudu waterways.

  Using the buried river as the main trunk, leading the river into the sea, the Empress of the Yao family of the Daquan Dynasty, it is estimated that she was willing to mix up those mountain things with this consideration.

  Of course, not all water that enters the sea can be called “blasphemy”.

  Like the Rin River in Tongye Island, plus its tributaries, it can be as long as thousands of miles. Even the rank of the river **** is only from the seventh rank, but the water veins are less than three or four thousand miles long, and it can also become a great blasphemy.

  The Confucian Temple has never announced the specific evaluation method regarding Jianghe’s name change, how to get promoted, and how to obtain the “du” suffix.

Chen Ping'an nodded and smiled: "There is this plan, but it is more difficult to implement it in detail. As the interests of all parties are extremely difficult to balance, Cen Hujun is a water control expert and knows the potholes here best. Moreover, on the side of Tongyezhou, The heads of the three academies of Dafu, Tianmu, and Wuxi dare not nod their heads. Whether this is feasible or not, even if it is a hint, the academy will definitely not give it. Once Dadu has a backbone. The rudimentary form of the river, the closing of the dragon, the diversion of the diversion, and the diversion of the road. In the end, the Confucian Temple was not able to pass, resulting in the great water never being awarded the title of Dadu. Then for the big spring Yao who participated in this matter, the person from the north For all the participating dynasties, small countries, and mountain immortals, Jinding Temple and Pushan Yuncaotang are not the loss of dozens and hundreds of Gu Yuqian, but accidentally, they totaled as many as tens of thousands. Gu Yuqian’s bad debts, muddled accounts, and then embarrassed, went back to each house, and then wanted to fill in the holes in their respective treasury, it is estimated that the Shangshu of the households and the gods of wealth on the mountain will all resign and resign, anyway, nothing. Looking forward to it."

   Dou Yan sighed.

  Chen Ping’an raised the wine bowl, touched with Dou Shanshen lightly, smiled and asked, “How come you want to ask this.”

  Cen Wenqian was also curious about whether there was a blasphemy in Tongyezhou in the south, and what could it have to do with your mountain **** Dou Yan, so she joked, "In front of the Sesame Mung Bean Officer, take the heart of the Shoufu Shangshu."

  Friends often take pleasure in dismantling each other.

Dou Yan raised his head and drank the wine in the bowl. He said to the truth, "This is not a big or small mountain school on Tongyezhou. It is one of the mountain forces of the Taoye League. In support of the relationship, I found our Baopingzhou, and then I was a friend of the mountain god, and I somehow blended with it. This guy felt that there was an opportunity to make a fortune, so he asked me if I wanted to participate, so I could collect a sum of money. After it’s done, you can pay back at most two or three hundred years, and then you can lie down and count your money every day. Such a good day can last for seven or eight hundred years. According to that friend, if you roughly calculate it, you can at least have Quadruple profits."

  Cen Wenqian smiled angrily: "You guys are crazy about money."

  Now that the Confucian Temple has reopened the confession, I have to thank three people.

  Aai Aizhou Wei She. Da Li Guo Shi, embroidered tiger Cui Huang. Yuan Yu of the sub-sage lineage, Haoran's youngest academy leader in history.

  One is for this matter, and has been screaming for many years, because Wei She did not participate in the Confucian Temple deliberations, but it is rumored that Wei She revisited the old things and sent a letter to the three Confucian Temple leaders.

  And that Cui Yang didn't say a word, and he never even dealt with the Confucian Temple. He just "does his own way" and "does his own way" to get things done.

The emergence of Qidu became the best positive example, proving that a continent of mountains and rivers has a great duke, which is used to gather water transportation, and the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

After    was Yuan Yao, who formally raised the matter during the discussions in the Confucian Temple.

In fact, Chen Pingan also knew a secret matter. On that night ship, Chen Pingan had met with Yuanyu, the Little Heavenly Master of Longhushan, and the young monks, and they had not only surveyed the world. In addition to the subtle deviations of the latest several types of weights and measures, I did make a special trip to complete a Qidu, which is one of the key objects of investigation.

  Dou Yan filled himself with wine again, raised his wine bowl to someone, and smiled at the unsightly sword fairy in Qingshan. Cen Wenqian, you are a small lake gentleman. Let’s cool off.

  Sir, Hidden Officer, why don’t you give a precise sentence from your old man?

If    fails, I will advise that friend not to use the fairy money to get rid of it. If it succeeds, then I will pile up Yunling to collect money.

  Chen Ping’an poured the wine, shook the bowl, and said, “This stack of Yunling drinks is not cheap.”

Cen Wenqian took the wine bowl and knocked on the table, reminding Dou Yan that he should not take his time, staring: "Dou Da Shan Shen, Mr. Chen has said so much, and he didn't understand it. After a long time, he can't understand human words? "

  Because Cen Wenqian can conclude that, as long as there is no accident, Tong Yezhou would not want to reopen Dadu, and Chen Jianxian's words have already broken the secret, which can be regarded as the final word for this matter.

  A peach and leaf alliance, just a few forces on the mountain and down the mountain, how can they have the ability to make such a feat, one of the so-called agendas is a superficial effort to unite people's hearts.

Only one possibility is there to hope to create a great blasphemy for Tongyezhou, that is to be led by Yu Guizong, and Wei Ying must show up in person, not hesitating to consume the merits of his own sect, and then pull on the Liu family of Aiaizhou. If you are rich and powerful, you may have to pull in the northern ally of the Dali imperial court, and share the account together.

  Chen Ping’an thought for a while, and said, “It’s not just Brother Dou, if Mr. Cen has some spare money, he can count as a share.”

  Cen Wenqian was stunned, the new Hujun was a little confused.

Chen Ping’an continued, “God Doushan, you have to give me a guarantee that it’s okay to borrow money from everywhere, but even if it’s with your colleague and friend, don’t say anything, even if you can’t hold it. When the other party asks, you just perfunctory, just say that it is the gossip from the side of the road, and it is his business to believe it or not. It is definitely not for him to drink this wine today. Homely, with anyone and tell me everything."

   Dou Yan nodded as if smashing garlic, and laughed: "If I don't understand this officialdom, I'll be the **** of the mountain."

  Cen Wenqian asked curiously: "This is?"

  As a result, the other party smiled and gave an answer.

   "I will facilitate this."

  Cen Wenqian was dull and speechless, only feeling incredible, couldn't believe it, just had to believe it.

  The meaning of this young sword fairy could not be clearer.

  It’s okay for the three college leaders to nod their heads.

  Cen Wenqian was silent for a long time, but as soon as the Hujun spoke, Dou Yan almost squirted out a sip of wine.

   "Mr. Chen, I have been shy for a long time, you have to lend me some money, of course it is Gu Yuqian."

  Chen Ping’an just took a chopsticks and steamed sea bass, hanging in the air, helplessly said: "This fish is really not cheap."

  Finally, after Chen Ping’an left Dieyunling.

   Dou Yan was puzzled and said: "It's weird, why I always have an illusion, so unreasonable."

  Cen Wenqian smiled and said, "I was drinking at the same table, but it seemed like a world away?"

   Dou Yan patted the table, "In one word! That's how I feel! Wen Qian, shouldn't we two dreams?"

  Cen Wenqian asked with a smile: “I want to verify the truth of this matter, it’s very simple, stretch my face and I will slap you in the face.”

  Dou Yan smiled and cursed a few words, and after reducing his smile, he asked softly: "We have such good things because of the scholar named Cui back then?"

  Cen Wenqian nodded.

  Dou Yan was silent for a long time, only to say a good word, "This surname Chen is also very nostalgic."

  Book Jianhu, not long ago had the first Hujun.

  This is definitely not a good thing for the Zhenjing Sect, whose jurisdiction encompasses the entire Shujian Lake.

  It's not just about getting a piece of the pie. It's just another bed on the side of the couch.

  The new Hujun is classified according to the rank of the latest Jinyu Genealogy of the Confucian Temple, from the highest rank of the third rank, which is equivalent to the rank of the water **** of the Great Li Tiefu River and the long rank of the old Qiantang.

  In this case, looking at the lively Aquarius native genealogical monk, he also sympathized with the True Realm Sect. The Dali court was indeed suspected of crossing the river and breaking the bridge.

  It is said that it was Liu Qingfeng, the old Shangshu who had passed away in office, who contributed to this.

  I just don’t know what the current Liu Laocheng of Miyayanagi Island, the third Sovereign of the True Realm Sect, feels now.

  Will Yuguizong feel resentful for this, and there will be some gaps with the Song Clan of Dali.

  Anyway, in the past few months, the atmosphere of the Zhenjing Zongdi boundary and the surrounding city of Shujian Lake has been a little bit curious.

  Hui fell in the mountain world, and there was a new school established a few years ago. The head of the school was an old monk with a background in casual cultivation, named Zhang Ye.

  The change of Shujian Lake is like a rainstorm that is ready to go. Whoever has a big door, a lot of courtyards, and more raindrops will fall, but it doesn’t matter if the door is small.

  Almost every year, an old friend comes here to visit Zhangye.

  The female island owner of Sulin Island, Tian Hujun, who is Liu Zhimao's eldest disciple, is a native Jindan Dixian of Shujian Lake.

  She also came here today, but she was like the master, and she used the blindfold method, because the person she saw was Zhang Di.

  Among the monks on Qingxia Island, Zhang Di, who was the owner of the fishing house, was the first "Cherish from the Dragon" to follow Liu Zhimao, and he was not even one of them.

  Zhang Di, who did not have a family background, may not have the later True Monarch Jiejiang, let alone the current chief of Zhenjing Sect.

In a small room, Zhang Di sat around a brazier with his old master Liu Zhimao and Tian Hujun. Zhang Di drank a bowl of Wuyi wine from Chishuicheng. Expensive, it’s not an honorable guest, and it’s not easy to take it out to entertain guests. For small households, you need to spend money everywhere, but he is the head of the house. He spends a lot of money. The practice of those disciples is used as a spiritual tool for their life, and daily medicated food. , And occasionally giving favors to Huluoshan’s neighbor Xianfu...Where is no fairy money,

  Although it was a little shabby, but the life was very fulfilling, Zhang Di didn’t even think it was a joy in hardship.

  On the way of life, the last time I lived in this state of mind was many years ago. I just met Liu Zhimao at that time.

  One ambitious, the other ambitious, and two self-made paupers will look forward to the future together.

  Zhang Di, holding a wine bowl, twisted a peanut and threw it into his mouth, curiously said: "What is the background and background of this new Jinhu monarch, and there is no official news."

Liu Zhimao sneered: "Zhang Ye, the head of the Langhua School, the second in command of Qingxia Island in his early years, and the Ye Xiu Zhangli, who was above ten thousand people under the Shujianhu, in the end, under the hands of a monk in the Dragon Gate Realm at Huluoshan, Half-rental and half-buy a piece of fart land, Zhang Master, tell yourself, what are the official outlets? Now those landscape mansion newspapers are all borrowed from the monks Fulluoshan, right?"

Zhang Di picked up a few rice cakes from the plate, dipped them in the fermented bean curd, and grilled them on the iron net on the stove. Small, the name is big. As for the expenses of the Shanshui Mansion report, if you can save it, you can borrow it to read it, and you won’t miss a few words on the mansion report.

  Langhuan's blessed land in Liuxiazhou, and the blessed land of Mandarin Duck in Jinjiazhou, are all excellent places in Jiuzhou, which is famous for its awe-inspiring nature.

   just picked up a big leak and was able to name it Langhuan School, but it meant that Zhang Lu’s sect would never want to join the sect in the future, unless it was temporarily renamed.

In the past few years, every time Zhang Di went to Shujian Lake, he went to two places to meet the ghost Xiu Zengye who "brought up the mountain and set foot in practice". The simple and cowardly young man Zhang Di took to leave Maoyue. Island, when I arrived at Qingxia Island, I met the accountant and had all the opportunities and circ*mstances behind. There is also the site of Hengbo Island in the past, but now it is just a surface of the water.

  Anyway, Zhang Di will deliberately bypass Qingxia Island. Obviously, he has made up his mind to draw a clear line from the past.

Liu Zhimao said: "The new Hujun Xia Fan is a ghost. I heard that he was born as a scout in the Dali Frontier Army. He had made a lot of feats during his lifetime and led a team to attack and kill a Yuanying Demon Race. He didn’t show up much, and I don’t know his true character yet. In short, it’s not a fuel-efficient lamp, but a smiling tiger. Especially when he is accompanied by an assistant of unknown origin. He is called Wu Guanqi and does not have a dao name. I heard that He was born in casual cultivation. If you want me to see, it’s mostly a vicious person born as a spy. After listening to Liu Laocheng’s words, Xia Fan can stand out from the crowd of heroes and make up for such a big shortfall, it seems The big empress dowager secretly contributed a lot."

   Zhang Di smiled and said: "This kind of fairy fighting in the clouds and fog, we small trash fish who only eat in the shallow waters on the shore, just watch the excitement."

  Liu Zhimao smiled and said, "It is indeed more comfortable than I am."

Over the years, Liu Zhimao has repeatedly persuaded Zhang Di to return to Shujian Lake, even if he does not serve as a genealogist in Zhenjingzong, choose one among the vassal islands of Hengbo Mansion on Qingxia Island, which is similar to Tianhu Jun. Dangdang, the island owner, can't create a mountain and establish faction? It's better than staying incognito here, leading a bunch of young people with a little spiritual aptitude, and eldest children, dealing with chicken **** and **** all day long, is it fair to say?

  If it were someone who was so ignorant and didn't know anything about it, Liu Zhimao would have slapped him for fear of death.

   But I heard that this site where birds do not **** was first recommended by that person.

  Because Zhang Di chose such a name for his school, Liu Zhimao once privately asked a geographer to come here to examine the geography, but he could not see the slightest way.

  In accordance with Liu Zhimao's consistent behavior in his early years, he can change the owner after falling down the mountain.

  I used to be a wild cultivator, but now my status has changed, so I have to be kinder and just spend some money. Just the other party dare to offer high prices?

  Don’t take the chief of a sect head seriously.

  Liu Zhimao glanced at his eldest disciple, “Look at yourself and then at others. It’s said that people are more popular than others, so why don’t you die.”

  Every time Tianhu-kun is in this room, he really doesn’t dare to drink too much.

  I'm afraid that the teacher will be upset wherever I am, and then I will calculate with my new and old accounts.

  Hearing Liu Zhimao's hidden murderous words, Tian Hujun's face instantly turned pale.

  The so-called "people" of Master is, of course, the hidden official now.

   Zhang Di shook his head and smiled: "Jun Tianhu is not bad anymore. Isn't even the Golden Core Immortal now worthless?"

  Liu Zhimao chuckled, “On the Tongyezhou side, it’s always valuable. If our Tiandixian goes there, it’s not difficult to open up the mountain.”

Zhang Di’s impression of Tian Hujun, who has grown up step by step, is not bad. It’s just that her Taoism is not strong enough. To say that there is not much harm to others, in the previous Shujianhu, this kind of monk has a realm and is not cruel enough. On the contrary, it is difficult to gain a foothold in the long term. It is just that the time has passed, and he has become a genealogical monk of the True Realm Sect.

  It's probably like a joke made by the accountant back then. It's hard for people today to explain things about the day.

  After this, there is another saying from the bottom of the heart: If you wake up and you are still fine today, it is a good time in the world.

  Zhang Di converged a little, jokingly said: "Your real-world sect, if you don't have the ability to fart, you are frequently changing the suzerain, and the world is number one. If you change again, the next suzerain, why should it be your turn."

  Jiang Shangzhen, Wei Ying, Liu Laocheng, the top spot in Zu sh*tang, the chair is about to be replaced before it is hot.

Liu Zhimao was on the side of an old friend, and he didn’t know how to hide it. He smiled and said, “Liu Laocheng mentioned it to me in private and asked me if I have this thought. If he wants to, he will start planning this matter now. When the time comes, Liu Laocheng will follow the recommendation of Zong, so as not to hold the Buddha's feet temporarily, it will be difficult to pass Yu Guizong. After all, Wei Ying is not a vegetarian, he will definitely have his own layout, just talk about the Jiuyi Feng, now has a new owner. But I didn't agree to this matter."

  To tell the truth, the three former and former suzerains of Yu Guizong, from Xun Yuan, to Jiang Shangzhen, to today’s Wei Ying, any one of them is a very powerful role.

  Zhangdi was a little surprised. He handed Liu Zhimao a golden rice cake, and then gave Tian Hujun another one. "Why didn't you agree? Being the first and second in command, the taste here is a world of difference."

Liu Zhimao took the Mi Kueh, lowered his head and gnawed, "I can see that the identity of the genealogy on my body is just a piece of clothing that can't be taken off after passing it on. Others look at keeping warm, and they feel too hot to wear and want to take it off hard. If you don’t wear it, you have to take off your clothes with a layer of skin and flesh. I want to be only a chief worshiper, and I will say that there will be no retreat, but if the successor is to succeed the Sect Master, this will mean that I have to go all the way to the dark in this life."

  In the end, it’s not better to be a freelance Shanzawaye Xiu, acting unscrupulously, holding the power of life and death.

  In the Shujian Lake back then, anyone who wanted to climb up had to make a **** path. Just imagine any island owner, regardless of size, who had no bones under his feet as the stepping stone?

  Now it’s.

  One is the monk's own realm that has the final say.

  Finally, it's relying on the doorway and the teacher to pass on.

  In short, don't take the monk realm in the head of the zong too seriously.

  Let’s say that on Miyayanagi Island, a little girl named Zhou Caizhen was filmed. What kind of spiritual qualifications does she have, and the result? Not to mention that Li Fuyu regarded her as his own, and was even more direct than the original. It was the lord Liu Laocheng who saw her, and that was a bit more amiable.

There is also Li Fuyu’s newly-accepted disciple, Guo Chunxi, from a small place called Xianyou County. He was once a pure martial artist who was a half-hearted warrior. He was a three-level air trainer who was piled up entirely on the gods’ money. , Li Fuyi is really willing to accept him as a heir? It was nothing more than a mess that Jiang Shangzhen had thrown over, and Li Fuhua didn't dare to neglect it at all, but she couldn't help but careless.

  Similarly, as the second enshrined Li Fuyi, she didn't dare to put a fart on Jiang Shangzhen's side. On the side of the general ancestor hall members of the True Realm Sect, she casually struck a few words with others. Who would dare not take it seriously?

  Furthermore, Zeng Ye, who is stupid with stupid blessings, where did he get the secret book back then, and how could he be praised by others as "you can open a way for ghosts"?

  Is it impossible to fall from the sky? It can barely be counted, after all, Jiang Shangzhen was indeed thrown to Zengye casually, and then Zengye took a walk by the roadside and picked it up.

   Zhang Di glanced at his old friend, nodded, "Understood."

  Liu Zhimao caught a glimpse of the big disciple from the corner of his eye, and she was still eating rice cakes happily there.

  f*cking, it's such a silly trash.

   got our real gentleman Jie Jiang half to death, and almost couldn't help it, slapped her face with a slap.

  In fact, Liu Zhimao’s words have two meanings hidden.

  Liu Laocheng, he has been in the fairyland for a few years, but he has the confidence to go to the next level and ask for the legendary ascension realm!

  Otherwise, why should Liu Laocheng be so good with Liu Zhimao? Isn't it just that you want to be a comfortable Taishang of Zhenjingzong in the future?

   Then there is what Liu Zhimao calls a back road, Tian Hujun can’t understand, but Zhang Di is clear at one point, meaning that next time Wucai Tianxia will reopen the door.

  Liu Zhimao is very likely to start a school over there! Be the originator of that sect. Rather than the fourth lord of the **** sect.

  It’s really possible to do this, and there is no need to rip off with Yuguizong, one less chief worshiper of the next sect, but one more mountain ally who has established a sect in the colorful world. Although the next time you open the door and then close it, if you want to cross the two worlds, the non-Ascension Realm cannot be done, but the world is in doubt. For example, what if Liu Zhimao is lucky enough to enter the Ascension Realm? Another example is the Confucian Temple. Suddenly, he changed his mind and wanted to communicate with Wucai Tianxia for a long time. Like the tea-horse trade on the border of the secular dynasty?

  Tianhu Jun clearly sensed Master’s unhappy emotions, but she didn’t know where she was wrong. She was so depressed for a while, she felt extremely miserable, and didn’t dare to show the slightest bit.

Zhang Di thought of an interesting story, and smiled: "I heard that the strange man and stranger who wandered in Chishui City for many years has now become a squatter of Hujun's mansion. What kind of background? Could it be that he really complied with that old saying, a stranger since ancient times? , How hidden in Tugu?"

In the past few years, Chishui City came to Chishui City, a strange man with varying depths and depths. He can play the iron flute and has a strange temperament. Sometimes he wears a red shirt with big sleeves, such as anointing the Chinese children. Son, everybody begs on the street, as long as someone is willing to give money, help fortune-telling, no matter if the other party agrees or not, they will follow up and give a few words similar to the aphorism.

Liu Zhimao sneered, "It's just an old golden pill, who knows how to be superficial. It's okay to like to pretend to be a ghost, to deceive the traffickers and pawns. The face is not trivial, but in the bones is the kind of sour scholar that you hate most in your life. If the people around you and the field farmer, scraping dung in the pit, dig your hands, you will say, "I don't even have any light on my face.""

  Speaking of this, Liu Zhimao took a sip of wine, “Those of you who have read a few books, don’t scold yourself and scold others. Talking can be disgusting.”

Zhang Di drank a bowl of wine, shook the jug, and there was not much left. He poured the last bowl of wine, and said with no reason, "Life is not about reading and admiring painting. Seeing the high mountains in the painting, I don't know the real pain of pedestrians. It's like the sorrow and rain in a poem. Although it is a good line in a poem, it is hard to be the one who deserves it."

   "The reason is such a reason, it just sounds awkward."

Liu Zhimao nodded and said: "Zhang Di, to be honest, you have been a genealogical monk all your life, even if you followed me and created Qingxia Island together, you have a share of the family industry, but you have not been a Shanze for a day. Wild repair."

  Zhang Di smiled and asked, "What about you? Now that you have become the chief worshipper of a sect, have you ever been a genealogist for a day?"

  Liu Zhimao was speechless.

   Zhang Di raised the wine bowl and smiled: "There is no limit to the world outside the house, and there are only limited glasses in front of him."

  Liu Zhimao gently touched him, "The old boy is still addicted to pulling acid text."

   Zhang Di looked up and drank the drink, and asked: "Would you not go back to Hengbo Mansion on Qingxia Island and have a New Year's Eve dinner? Is it possible that you still have to stay with me to watch the night?"

  Liu Zhimao smiled and said, "What can't you do?"

   Zhang Di waved his hand, "Forget it, I still have a decent New Year’s Eve dinner here. With you two eating and drinking together, it’s probably not the taste of the new year."

  Liu Zhimao smiled and was about to get up and leave.

  Indeed, I don’t know how many years ago it was the last time I ate the New Year’s Eve dinner.

It's just that at this moment, someone at the door unknowingly leaned against the door with his hands on his sleeves, and smiled and said: "Chief Liu has a lofty ambition. At this moment, I want to go to the colorful world. I really think deeply. Good ambition, good layout."

  Zhang Di just raised his head with a sincere smiling face.

  However, Liu Zhimao was sweating for a moment, not only the person behind the jealousy, but also the jealous one, who could stand silently outside the house for so long.

  If this is a sword handed out, wouldn’t it all stop?

  Tianhu Jun could not hide his pale face, and the uncontrollable Taoist heart trembled.

  However, Liu Zhimao quickly recovered as usual, turning his head and looking at the old acquaintance outside the door.

  The first time I met, the other party was a little ant who seemed to be toiling around his own shoes. Whether to trample to death or not to trample to death, it just depends on how I feel.

  The second time we met again, the other party was exhausted and exhausted, and under the fence of Qingxia Island, he could barely sit on the same level as himself and have a drink.

  The third time, it was at Zhengyang Mountain. Both parties were guests. The young owner of Luopo Mountain was able to lead himself by the nose.

  As for today.

  Perhaps the other party regards himself, a chief worshiper of the sect, a monk in the Yupu realm, is probably an ant?

   Mud legs in the alley. Mr. Accountant from Qingxia Island. The Lord Chen of the Fallen Mountain. The last hermit of the Great Wall of Jianqi, the latest engraver at the head of the city.

  Tianhu Jun’s mood is somewhat different from others.

  Because the thing that made Tianhu Jun the most jealous was not the appalling deeds and identity, but a “trivial incident” that few people knew about.

  The man in the blue shirt in front of him, even if he ignores all his identities and feats.

  He is still a person who can give Gu Can a slap in the face, and Gu Can will smile sincerely.

  Liu Zhimao stood up, turned around, clasped his fists, and smiled heartily: "I have seen a hidden official!"

   Zhang Di stood up and smiled: "It's really a rare guest. Last time I created a school here, I wrote a letter to Luoposhan, but I still failed to invite Chen to the accountant. I will have to punish myself later."

  Tianhu Jun stood up, tried his best to stabilize Dao Xin, and said softly: "I have seen Mr. Chen."

  Chen Ping’an stretched out his palm and pressed it a few times, then smiled and said, “A house is full of old friends, so you’re so polite.”

  As a result, even if it was Zhang Di, he still waited until Chen Pingan took the lead to sit down before taking a seat, not to mention Chief Liu and Tian Dixian.

  "At that time, I was not on the mountain of Luopo, how please, it was really not me who played the score, and whoever played the score with, I couldn’t put it on Brother Zhang’s side.”

  Chen Ping’an really drank a bowl of wine, raised the back of his hand, wiped his mouth, “This Shuicheng Wuyi wine has nothing to say except Gui.”

Later, I asked Zhang Di about the Langhuan School. As the master of the mountain, Chen Ping’an agreed on behalf of Luoposhan. In the future, as long as the disciple of the Langhuan School goes out and travels, he can go to Luoposhan. , If you have a pure martial artist with good qualifications, as long as Zhang Di is willing, you can still put it on the side of Luopo Mountain. It will be fine for two or three years. During this period, someone will help teach you boxing.

  Liu Zhimao said helplessly: "I thought Master Hermit would help me persuade him a few words, but now it seems that it won't work."

  Chen Ping’an smiled and said: “There is a kind of strong person who can live the hard days seriously, and don’t blame the sky or the others.”

  Zhang Di waved his hand, "It's just a poor life, and worry-free food and clothing. It's not a bitter life."

  Chen Ping An smiled and said nothing.

  Liu Zhimao laughed.

  Zhang Di also laughed at himself, raised the wine bowl, "I can't tell you, drink and drink."

  A certain truth is like a river, and another seemingly negative truth is actually just a tributary of that river.

  Tianhu-kun is after a moment, he carefully thought about it, and finally chewed out the aftertaste.

  All of a sudden, she became more and more embarrassed, a house full of people, it seemed that she had counted the most awkward feelings in her mind, which was really bad.

  There are only two cases of a person’s incompatibility, one is to stand out from the crowd, and the other is to stand out from the crowd.

  Liu Zhimao tentatively asked: "Is you planning to meet the new Hujun?"

  Chen Ping’an nodded and said, “Don’t worry, you don’t need Chief Liu to introduce him on your behalf.”

  After drinking another bowl of wine, Chen Ping’an got up to say goodbye, and only let Zhang Di to the door.

  Zhang Di said in his heart: "If Liu Zhimao asks you for help later, it is because of my assassin. I hope you can help as long as you can. If you can't help, forget it."

  The old monk came and added a sentence, "At least, at least I beg you not to go over the old accounts with this guy."

  Chen Ping’an smiled and said in his heart, “It used to be difficult to explain a truth. If it’s not that truth, it’s a small one. Now it’s easy to explain the same truth, and it’s not that truth.”

   Zhang Di heard the strings and nodded and said: "Next time I go to Luopo Mountain to find you for a drink."

  Chen Ping’an reminded: “Remember to notify Luoposhan in advance. It’s not that I am a big fan. I really go out often and may not stay on the mountain.”

   Zhang Di smiled and agreed.

  Chen Ping’an finally joked, “You are the leader of the school, but you are leisurely.”

Zhang Di laughed. Now that there is a so-called mountain school, he has to plan carefully for all matters. To tell the truth, how many acres of farmland he rented in the school, and he bought a few houses outside, all need Zhang Di. I saw it in person. During the autumn harvest season, Zhang Di even happily went down to work in the fields himself. That scene was not like the white-haired old farmer standing among the ridges of the fields.

  Sure enough, as Zhang Di expected, not long after leaving the house, Liu Zhimao asked in his heart: "I don't know what the colorful world is now?"

  Chen Ping’an shook his head and smiled: “Jie Jiang will know it as soon as he goes.”

Seeing that the other party didn’t want to say more, Liu Zhimao was helpless. In fact, he just wanted to ask. There are not many Upper Five Realm cultivators right now. Of course, if you can build a relationship with Feishengcheng, to be precise, that’s The summer palace in Feishengcheng had a good bond, which was even more desperate. Now it seems that if you really go to Wucai World, as long as you don't get caught in the shoes by this young hidden official, you should burn the incense?

  Chen Pingan smiled and clasped his fists, his figure disappeared in a flash.

  Liu Zhimao then hid his figure and returned to Qingxia Island with Tianhujun.

  Overlooking Shujian Lake, one of the islands, the willows on the waterside are weak and curled up, just like the waist of a girl next door.

   And Nahu Junshui Mansion is located deep in the bottom of Shujian Lake. It has good mountain roots and water veins. It is also a continuous building "built on the mountain", although it is not arrogant but not vulgar.

  On the nearby islands above the water, Zhenjingzong has already withdrawn. One of the big islands has built a new Hujun shrine. Zhenjingzong is very sincere.

  Xiafan, the new Hujun, is playing chess in a pavilion with that assistant Wu Guanqi.

  The young-looking Hu Jun, wearing a blue dragon robe, is not presumptuous.

  The white-robed scribe sitting opposite him, with a middle-aged appearance, a folding fan in one hand and a twisting hand in the other.

  Xia Fan lightly placed a piece on the chessboard and asked, "Would you like to test Liu Laocheng again?"

Wu Guanqi nodded and said: "Of course it is necessary, but don't be too hasty. I don't look at the face of the monk and look at the face of the Buddha. Wei Ying, Shang Zong, is not small. Besides, Liu Laocheng is a fairy, and he was born in wild cultivation. It’s not to be underestimated. If you want to break the big picture, you don’t really need to use great effort, just a little bit, just light."

  Xia Fan smiled and said: "Liu Laocheng is so witty, we don't seem to find a chance for a new official to take office."

  As soon as he took up his post, Liu Laocheng took the initiative to visit him, and he handed over the land deeds and sent out the islands without saying a word.

   Xia Fan then asked: "Does Mr. Wu have the opportunity to contact Liu Zhimao and win over one or two?"

  Wu Guanqi shook his head and said: "The Hujun Mansion can't give Liu Zhimao what Liu Zhimao wants, so we don't have to take the insult to ourselves. We just show it as a joke to the real gentleman Jiejiang."

  After a game of chess, Xia Fan was caught in a long test several times, but Wu Guanqi made his move again and again.

  Only both sides of the chess game, without knowing that on the side of the chessboard, there is a "true gentleman" who is really observant and silent.

   Qingtong couldn’t help but reminded again: “Why is it so consumed?”

  Chen Ping’an only lost both hands and looked at the chess game on the table with a calm expression: “Don’t worry, wait until they decide the outcome.”

   each made more than a dozen hands,

  Chen Ping’an saw that the overall situation was settled, and glanced at the folding fan in Wu Guanqi’s hand. Previously, this person said that Wei Ying was not small, but in fact he was not bad anymore. There were eight characters on the folding fan.

  "Among the flowers, I am the Dongjun."

  In an instant, there were ripples, and Wu Guanqi asked before Hujun Xiafan.



  Wu Guanqi's face changed slightly, and he seemed to be very angry.

  It is the Hujun Xiafan, who is not in danger, and is still interested, looking at the man in the blue shirt who is gradually showing his figure and face.

  After seeing the other party’s face clearly, Xia Fan immediately stood up and said, "The little **** worships the hermit."

  Wu Guanqi smiled slightly, closed the folding fan, bowed his head and arched his hands: "I have seen Chen Jianxian."

  Chen Ping’an clasped his fists in return, saying: “The current situation is hard-won, I implore Mr. Xia Hu to cherish it.”

  Xia Fan smiled and nodded and said: "It is the meaning of the question to seek his own government in his place."

  In fact, before Chen Ping'an appeared, he was almost certain that he would go for nothing.

  The new Hujun Xia Fan and the master Wu Guanqi are all smart people, especially the latter, who can be described as thoughtful.

Before coming here, Chen Ping’an actually went to the office of Hujun’s mansion, especially the archives, with many secret records. For example, Zengye and Ma Duyi, who were born in Maoyuedao, were all on the list. In addition, many familiar names have been turned over. The collection of espionage can be said to have spared no effort, and it has been very rewarding.

   and the genius brother of Zhengyangshanshuilongfeng are two extremes.

  And looking at the handwriting of those files, it is obvious that they are all written by one person.

  Even Miyayanagishima Zhou Caizhen has many records here. On the booklet, there are some speculations by the author. Look at the ink on the file, which is added later. For example, Jiang Shangzhen, alias Zhou Fei, and Li Cai, a female sword fairy in Duckweed Sword Lake, plus some fragmentary gossip, this person can infer that this Jiang Shangzhen is extremely doted and can be said to be a relative. The little girl raised by her daughter, it is very likely that her real hometown is Beiju Luzhou.

   Chen Ping’an doesn’t have much about this. Wu Guanqi, as an assistant to the Water House, has his responsibilities, so he can’t be too careful.

  How could Chen Ping’an not know the roots and feet of Shujian Lake Mansion, he would only know more about the truth than Liu Zhimao, such as Xia Fan, except for the candidates hand-picked by the empress dowager, his hometown, and the history of the battlefield are all clear. As for Wu Guanqi, Luo Po Shan knew relatively little inside information. It seemed that he had been in charge of the espionage of the Dali imperial court in the middle of a continent, and he was regarded as a colleague with Li Baozhen.

  Chen Ping’an turned his head to look at that Wu Guanqi, "Don’t think so in my heart?"

  Wu Guanqi has a more interesting saying, "Don’t dare."

  As a result, Chen Jianxian, who was in the Fallen Mountain, used a more interesting expression.

   "I think you dare."

  Wu Guanqi sneered and said, "I have never had a precedent for convictions."

Chen Ping’an smiled: “That’s because the position you are standing at is not high enough, so you don’t know where my brother’s real rules are. You must know the most powerful thing about work and learning. I don't even understand this, because I can't be the accountant of the Lake Junshui Mansion."

  Wu Guanqi was silent.

Chen Ping'an smiled and said, "What's more, if one day, I accidentally become the new national teacher of Dayi, and then I will set a precedent for you. What do you do? Isn't it extremely embarrassing? You can save the face you lose on the ground. Get up, but if you say something, how can you eat it back into your stomach, right?"

  Wu Guanqi was hesitant to speak, but his momentum was obviously much weaker.

  Chen Ping’an smiled and stretched out his hand to hold the person’s shoulder, “So, young people should not be too sharp, like walking with a lantern in the daytime, and if there is suspicion of passing the city, learn to swim at night by holding candles.”

  Wu Guanqi, who was called a "young man" by a young man, his face was tense.

  Fortunately, the uninvited guest disappeared after saying goodbye.

  The multiple restrictions on the lake bottom water mansion are completely useless.

In   Chishuicheng, there is a street of wailing monkeys that is several miles long and lined with shops.

  Since today is New Year’s Eve, almost all of them are closed. Chen Ping’an stopped in front of a shop. He once was here and bought an ancient bronze sword named "Dafangquhuang".

  Walk out about fifty or sixty steps, and on the steps between the two shops, Chen Ping'an sat down slowly.

   There used to be an outlander who pretended to be middle-aged, and once sat here, and then went to find hardship.

  Qing showed up at the same side, still wearing a power fence, not real.

  I don’t know why, Qing Tong feels that this Jian Xiu is a little sad, not more, no less, but not how sad.

  Like a gluttonous alcoholic who has no money to buy alcohol? Had to close the door and scratch your heart?

  The young man was full of anger for a moment, two or three things, and it became a confession. The mountains and rivers are magnificent and immortal for thousands of years, and where is the romance.

  Is it a sword repairer? They are all swordsmen.

Read Sword of Coming Chapter 929: Borrow thousands of mountains and rivers with the monarchs (10) (2024)
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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.