October 2023 – Tara Greene,Tarot,Astrology,Psychic (2024)

Posted on October 31, 2023 by Tara Greene www.taratarot.com


We made it through an intense eclipse season but the aftereffects last for 6 months.


NEW MOON is Nov. 13 at 20 Scorpio

FULL MOON is Nov. 27 at 4 Gemini

SATURN turns Direct Nov. 4 since June 17

VENUS enters LIBRA her home sign Nov. 8 until December 4

this is great for all LIBRA’s and TAURUS who have just been through it with those eclipse’s. Good for holiday events, socializing and all relationships, meeting new people, being more charming,and gracious, fashion, hopefully peacemaking, beautification, more balanced.

MERCURY enters SAGITTARIUS Nov. 9/10-December 1st.

SUN MARS CAZIMI Nov. 17 is a biggie.

Sagittarius season starts Nov. 22

MARS enters Sagittarius Nov 24- 2024.


Nov. 1 All Saint’s Day or day of the dead MERCURY in SCORPIO quincunx Chiron

Nov. 2/3 SUN opposes JUPITER at 10+ degrees Scorpio-Taurus

The last time the two big lights were in opposition at this degree was in 1940 during WW II. There was a solar eclipse on April 7, 1940, at 18 Aries went across the US from coast to coast. But the US didn’t enter the wat until Dec. 1941. Astrology is all about cycles repeating ,I hope we are not going to literally repeat this pattern.

On April 8, 2024, another solar eclipse at 19 Aries will cross the US from coast to coast echoing the same energies. In 1939 Uranus was at 22 degrees Taurus at the start of WW2. It entered Gemini in Aug 1941. In 2023 Uranus is in Taurus at the same degree- this is a URANUS return. It takes 84 years for Uranus to make one complete cycle. Uranus, isthe wild card, chaotic, rebellious, inventive, freedom loving information age planet and it enters Gemini in July 2025.


Phase 41 Earth Element – Fixed

The formula is: sustaining-ideal-efficient-specializing-spiritual-experimental.

Taurus 11° A woman sprinkling flowers.

This is a symbol of the soul’s determination to give constant and tangible manifestation of its creative powers, and of its eagerness to pour itself into every potentiality of living. There is here an easy and rewarding partnership between man and nature, so that a natural profusion tends to match his inner generosity of spirit. He feels responsible for the welfare of his world, and its rewards for his interest are very great.

The keyword is CARE.

Nov. 4 SATURN turns DIRECT at 0, 31’ PISCES

We are back at where Saturn was when it entered PISCES on March 11/12. Now Saturn can begin to move forward with religious restrictions, water restrictions, test of spiritual realities, karmic endings, self-sabotage, addictions, Big Oil, secret enemies, surrender, mental illness, delusions, fake news, spiritual suppression, vibrational healing, psychic seriousness, droughts, Big Pharma,

Nov. 5 Mars inconjunct CHIRON in Aries

Nov. 6 VENUS trine PLUTO at 27 degrees this is a very powerful wealth.

Earthy trines, Venus in Virgo is humble and saves Pluto in Capricorn is world domination.

Nov. 6/7 MERCURY trine Neptune in PISCES

great for psychic work, connecting with ancestors, spirit guides and lucid dreaming. Can be tsunamis, or disturbances with finances, fake news.

Nov. 8 VENUS enters LIBRA, 1:30 AM PDT 4:30 am EDT her home sign til December 4.

Good for relationships, balancing things out, justice, beauty, harmony hopefully.

Nov. 8 VENUS inconjunct Saturn in PISCES overly rational and spiritual don’t mix.

Nov. 8 Mercury sextile PLUTO -easy aspect plumb the depths.

Nov. 8 SUN inconjunct CHIRON -you are blind to the vulnerabilities.

Nov. 9 at 10:25 pm PDT/Nov. 10 at 1:25 am EDT Mercury enters SAGITTARIUS

Mercury is weak in Sag. truth all the way, gypsies’ years to travel, metaphysical philosophical, international affairs, teachers, High education institutions, pets,

Nov. 10 MERCURY squares Saturn in PISCES

airy fairy talks, or restrictions on freedom of speech around religions

NOV. 11 11:11 MARS opposes URANUS 1:11 pm PDT/ 4:11 pm, EDT

This is a wild card and very erratic dangerous energy danger of terrorist and nuclear weapons.

Nov. 13 NEW MOON at 20 SCORPIO at 1:27 am PDT 4:27 am EDT

Moon opposes URANUS conjunct Mars trines NEPTUNE. wild and crazy, good for speculation with Bitcoin, havoc in Stock market, Tech stocks could boom or bust

NOV. 13 SUN OPPOSES URANUS in TAURUS at 20+ degrees

a wild card energy rebellion, radical deep state, power struggles.

Nov. 15 MERCURY sextiles VENUS in Libra truth and romance

Nov. 15/16 VENUS inconjunct URANUS in TAURUS can be bad for stocks and crypto markets.


Can be a beautiful but also deceptive secret stealthy, nerve gas, virus release, war by water, secret enemies, good for spiritual creative work dark soul retrieval energy,

Nov. 17 SUN trine NEPTUNE big spiritual light, deception, illusions fake news, bank failures, market crashes,

Nov. 17 SUN conjunct MARS ***** in SCORPIO at 9:42 pm PDT/Nov 18 12:42 am EDT

Very big danger. Nuclear war, heavy dark shadow energy, explosions, guns, terrorists’ attacks.

Nov. 20 SUN sextiles PLUTO at 4:26 pm EDT criminal release, what has been hidden comes to light.

Nov. 20 MERCURY trine CHIRON in ARIESNov. 21 MARS trine PLUTO the two malefices in cahootsNov. 22 SUN enters SAGITTARIUS lifting the mood, honesty, justice, courts trials, optimistic.Nov. 22 VENUS opposes CHIRON in ARIES can be peace treaty, peace talks, ceasefire, diplomacy.Nov. 23 SUN squares SATURN in PISCESDanger of hidden attacks, blocks by water, international aid blockadesNov. 24 MERCURY inconjuncts URANUS in TAURUSNov. 24 MARS enters SAGITTARIUS at 2:15 am PDT/ 5:15 am EDT War of truth, religious wars, international wars, international justice Nov. 25 MARS square SATURN- difficult two malefices square off. International aid, war of water, justice Nov. 26 VENUS inconjunct URANUS in TAURUS Nov. 27 FULL MOON at 4 GEMINI at 1:16 am PDT/ 4:16 am EDT Nov. 27 MERCURY square NEPTUNE in PISCES International compassion efforts, international charity efforts, Nov. 29 SUN inconjunct JUPITER in TAURUS Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius and SUN can’t speak to each other frustration in international laws. Nov. 30 VENUS inconjunct NEPTUNE in PISCES Dreams burst, romantic ideals are disconnected,

Please share widely I am putting up my Novemeber live astrology and tarot card guide on my YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@taragreenetarotastro/featured

Get a reading with me http://www.taratarot.com

Posted on October 30, 2023 by Tara Greene www.taratarot.com


Join me live October 30 for a free event November Astrology and tarot card guidance at 5 pm PDT 8 pm EDT October 31 at 1:00 am GMT on Facebook on the Cosmic Intelligence Agency page



Posted on October 28, 2023 by Tara Greene www.taratarot.com


October 28 Taurus Partial Lunar Blood Moon eclipseat 4:15 p.m. EDT. at 5 + degrees Taurus it will NOT be visible in most of North America. The Eclipse lasts for about 4 hours and peaks at the above time. It will be visible over all of Europe and the Middle East, India and most of Russia and China these areas will be affected the strongest.

Remember that there should be no manifesting during any Lunar or solar eclipses. These are sacred times to go within and pray. Just send Peace out into the world, Send energies to stop all the hate and division. All positive energies are magnified 100,000 times. All negative energies are magnified 1,000,000 times.

October 2023 – Tara Greene,Tarot,Astrology,Psychic (1)

This is the last eclipse of 2023, but it marks the end of the journey that began January 18, 2022, when the Nodes of Fate entered the Taurus-Scorpio lunar axis. This is a completion time.

Check out where 4-6 degrees of TAURUS is in your natal chart to see how the elcipse is affecting your personally. Conjunctions matter the most, oppositions to Scorpio, and squares to Leo and Aquarius are also affected.

This eclipse is part of Saros Cycle 146 which adds up to 11. The Master Number, the eclipse cycle started in July 11,1843 a year when a lot of things happened in the eclipse window.

Venus rules Taurus. Venus is in Virgo, where she is in her fall, bringing hermetic intelligence and new values. This is a North Nodal eclipse in ARIES ruled by MARS. Mercury, the ruler of Virgo is in Scorpio. Scorpio is ruled by Mars presently in Scorpio. Mars is the final dispositor of the Eclipse. Venus rules the South Node in LIBRA which we are releasing from.

The MOON is exalted in Taurus, it is very well placed. JUPITER conjuncts the MOON at 11 degrees Taurus, expanding the lunar Blood Moon energy effects.

This reminds me of the dark Side of the Moon and the Tarot card of the MOON which is aligned with Pisces.

Jupiter, planet of expansion, opposes Mars in secretive ruthless Scorpio. opposes MARS, the final disposition of the Eclipse. Although Taurus is ruled by Venus, but Mars overrules the Taurus Lunar Blood Moon.

There is a lot of Scorpio energy. Sun, Mercury and Mars in its power. This is dangerous and deep, Shadows are out in full blaze in Gaza.

Repressed anger is boiling over from Mars in Scorpio, the sign it rules, conjuncts the Sun in Scorpio illuminates the shadows- revenge, control, power and Mercury in the 8th sign. This is a South Node releasing Eclipse. Scorpio intensifies emotions and facilitates deep transformation from the soul’s depths.

This Eclipse is the dramatic end to theTaurus/Scorpio Eclipse series from November 19, 2021, April 30, 2022, May 16, 2022, October 25, 2022, November 8, 2022, and May 5, 2023. The next time there will be Taurus/Scorpio eclipses won’t happen again until 2040 when the Nodes of Fate shift into the same signs.

Note that ERIS the Goddess of Disturbia, Mars bloodthirsty revengeful sister is exactly conjunct to the North Node of Fate in Aries and square PLUTO in Capricorn.

The best thing to do during all lunar eclipses is to turn within and reflect as the Moon is eclipsed. This is receptive body-oriented Taurus North Node eclipse. Trust your gut instincts. This is a completion phase of the Taurus/Scorpio eclipse cycle. Reflect back on all that has transpired since December 19,2021 when this eclipse cycle started.

Saturn Retrograde at 0 PISCES is opposing the Fixed Star Regulus, the Heart of the Lion now progressed into 0 Virgo.

The Moon is conjunct to Fixed Star Hamal at 7 TAURUS

Hamal Astrology

According to Ptolemy it is of the nature of Mars and Saturn; and, to Alvidas, of Venus and Saturn. It causes violence brutishness, cruelty and premeditated crime. [2]

People with Moon conjunct Hamal Zendaya, and Monica Lewinsky

URANUS at 22 degrees Taurus is at the same degree it was at in 1939 when WW2 started. This is the Uranus Return from that time.

PLUTO at 27 Capricorn is square to the Nodes and this is still the US 1st Pluto return. that’s why US is involved in what is going on with Israel right now.

Watch the video explaining all the aspects on my YouTube channel https://youtu.be/iIcbhTes8ZU?si=kuzVRulKrvx5llGE&t=

TAURUS, the first earthFIXED sign, is the body and the earth itself.

From ancient times Bulls were worshipped because their horns re-created the pattern of the Moon, waxing andwaning between their horns. Taurus is Feminine, the goddess. It is sensual, practical, resourceful. It can be too stubborn and inflexible.Taurus, ruled by VENUS, governs, resources, land, money, all physical things. The New York stock exchange was founded under the sign of the Taurus Constellation. ie. The BULL market. Taurus rules the arts,creature comforts, money, luxury, jewellery, smelling the roses, its romantic, sensual. Gets the job done. Can be lazy.


Taurus Lunar Eclipse rules the 5th THROAT CHAKRA. Called Vishuddha in Sanskrit, it is about communication, self-expression, and the ability to speak your personal truth. Use your voice to speak your truth with Jupiter, the planet of truth conjunct the Eclipsed Dark MOON of shadow emotions.

TAURUS Colors: green, or brown
METALS: silver for the moon. Copper for Taurus’s ruler Venus
Sound; c #, Key of C, D flat in the musical scale
Celtic TREE Mythology: Ivy or Gort, this is the last day of this plant. Linked to Dionysus.

MINERALS: Emeralds, all green stones, copper, malachite, and chrysolite

PLANTS: Berries, wheat and most spices.

FLOWERS: Daffodils, goldenrod, violet, rose, lily

FRUITS: Apple, pear peach, fig, almond, ash, cypress and most vines.

Taurus is the second Zodiac sign and the first earth sign. Taurus is one of the most ancient constellations. Bull drawings in Ancient caves FROM 30,000 years ago show the stars of this constellation in charcoal on the walls.

Taurus symbolizes our physical earthly embodiment. In Astrology the second sign symbolizes resources, tools, what we own, acquire, have. This is all that we can touch, feel, taste, sense. As the second sign, spirit has evolved from a spark from the Light of the first sign of Aries, and entered the densest spiritual vibration of the third dimension of matter, flesh and earth. Taurus is a fixed mode, immovable, solid, holds and preserving energy.

Taurus is the Garden of Eden, of earthly delights. Taurus energy is our own bodies, our physical environment, Mother Earth, Pachamama, and the realm of the five senses.

TAURUS Symbolizes the Great Mother Herself and the Moon. Bulls horns are ancient symbols of the Goddesses and the Moons waxing and waning phases. Taurus is ruled by the Goddess, symbolized by the planet Venus. Taurus relates to Tantric sexuality, a spiritual discipline to achieve nirvana, Oneness opposite its shadow sign of Scorpio.


Taurus rules the throat chakra. We need to open our throats, our 2nd chakra, a power center connected to our root, the first chakras. Taurus helps us to give voice to our desires, to sing, to speak out for love and creativity. We will chant, sing tone and to give voice in gratitude.


Ancient cultures worshipped the Bull all over the world. Ancient caves drawings of bulls in Lascaux France are 30,000 years old. Shiva rides a sacred bull in India. Krishna is also associated with cows. Bulls were worshipped in Egypt and Crete. Hathor is the ancient Egypt Cow Goddess. The Bulls crescent shaped horns were considered to be the symbol of the waxing and waning moon. In Crete, a Goddess centered ancient culture had bulls as a central theme and axes shaped like the Bull horns/moon. The Buddha’s birth is traditionally celebrated under the Sign of Taurus.

The New York Stock Exchange is said to be Bullish when on the upswing and profitable. The NYSE was created to align with the constellation of the Bull.


Taurus is associated with the Tarot Trump #5 THE HEIROPHANT or POPE who symbolizes a direct connection, a mouthpiece for God / Universal Intelligence.
COURT CARDS: 5 of Disks/Pentacles for this degree.

MINOR CARD: Knight of Prince of Pentacles/ Disks.

If you have a Tarot deck pull out these cards to act as Guides and Mascots for this meditation.

People who will be wham bammed by the Taurus Lunar Eclipse: Born on Oct. 28

Bill Gates, 68

Julia Roberts,56

Joaquin Phoenix, 49

Frank Ocean, 36

Caitlyn Jenner,74

Matt Smith, 41

Ben Harper,54

Beatrice McCartney,20 daughter of Beatle Paul

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Former Pres. of Iran,67

Bernie Ecclestone, 93, Formula One Exec

Gwendolyn Christie, 45, Game of Thrones

Brad Paisley,51

The City of Berlin,786 years old


The Statue of Liberty, 137

Artist Francis Bacon of course he was a Scorpio was born this day too

Jonas Salk of Vaccine

Evelyn Waugh, author

Nicholas Culpepper wrote the Astrological Judgement of Diseases from the Decumbiture of the Sick, 1655, one of the most detailed works on medical astrology in Early Modern Europe

THE OMEGA and CHANDRA SYMBOLS by John Sandbach https://johnsandbach.net/103-omegachandra-symbols-taurus-6-10/

Phase 8. Defusing Negative Energy and Stress (Kaf Hey Tav)

Angel: CAHETEL (KA-heh-TEL) Divine Blessings

Taurus 6. A man charges water with healing energy. (Omega Symbol) Interacting/Experimental

(Degree Angel: Menadel (Meh-na-DEL) Fear(less), Inner/outer work)

With the simplest of means you’re able to improve all sorts of situations. You know how to do many things that you were never taught, but that you carry with you from other lifetimes. To access these you need to be non-judgmental and willing to go beyond rational thought. Be your own authority, and your great gifts will bloom.

The Chandra Symbol for this degree is “A pink diamond.” A soft, gentle color, manifesting through a perfectly hard and clear substance – gentle yet utterly potent. The mystery here concerns attraction and repulsion – love attracts those who need it, and repels all negativity – love reaches out to give of itself, yet is also the most powerful of defenses. The water of the Omega symbol is soft and receptive, the diamond is hard and enduring, the degree itself containing these opposites and expressing the truth that love is the perfect healer.

Pleiadian Symbol: A bridge of swaying vines across a canyon.

Azoth Symbol: Under a blazing sun lions resting in shade.

Seed degree: Gemini 2. Tiny meteorites the size of dust falling everywhere. (Omega Symbol). Connecting to the countless subtle messages the universe is always sending us, we are inspired to find vehicles through which to channel the energies of the spiritual light.

A collection a large dried leaves,each one bearing an inscription. (Chandra Symbol). The many manifestations of knowledge create a clearer and clearer vision of eternal love.

Fulfillment degree: Pisces 3. Just before a wedding, a purifying rainstorm. (Omega Symbol). Imprinting our positive intent onto our life in a general way imbues all our relationships and encounters with an harmonious, life-giving tone.

An eye gazing out of the top of a pyramid. (Chandra Symbol). Focusing on pure love allows us to perceive more clearly the patterns of the universe and the way they all fit together.


The waters don’t mind being captured – they’d just as soon rest in jars as trickle away.

After cleansing them of all memories of their flowing, be it on earth, in sea, lake, stream or sky, he returns them to their original dew, and writes his visions in their crystalline book.

He invites into some of them spirits of flowers, herbs, animals gems, and stars – his own private recipies and formulas, perfumes to be inhaled by the imagination.

Finished, he stores them in his crypt were they might sleep and incubate dreams, as they wait for whoever is destined to drink them.

The leftover waters he pours back into the stream, to refresh it with their newfound emptiness and to be carried wherever gravity leads.

For those who are skeptical of Astrology. Palestine’s birth chart Nov. 15,1988, 0.40 am Algiers. Their Moon is at 28 Capricorn, The Moon is your home and emotional safety, children,and food. Pluto the Lord of the Underworld, Death, recycling, Shadows, secrets, power, control, revenge, and Rebirth is at 27 Capricorn conjunct Palestine’s homeland the Motherland.

Taurus Lunar Eclipse Blood Moon in Israel’s birth chart, falls in Israel’s 7th house of all others. The eclipse squares Israel’s Moon at 4 Leo and Pluto at 12 Leo at the mid-point in its 10th house of world fame. Eclipses are harbingers of death of world leaders.

If you are feeling tired the Energy is exhausting. We need to focus on the North Node in Taurus. Stop and be still during the eclipse. A cleansing water bath ritual would be good after the eclipse.

Please share widely all content is copyright of Tara Greene

Get a reading http://www.taratarot.com

2. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.170.

Posted on October 26, 2023 by Tara Greene www.taratarot.com


The Lewiston Maine, Mass Shooter suspect Robert Card, still at large as of this writing shot and killed up to 20 people and injured more than60 during a mass shooting on October 25 on Wednesday night where reports were first heard at 7:00 pm local time.

Card is a retired Military officer, divorced twice and father of three children, all of which is very apparent in his Astrological profile. He has a history of domestic violence arrests and other crimes. He reportedly had mental health issues, including “hearing voices.” He also reportedly threatened to shoot up the National Guard base.

I flew to my Ephemeris as the only info I have about him is his birthdate, April 4,1983 just using Astro.com’s Ephemeris. I have no location or birth time.

Robert is a firey independent soldier and warrior ARIES, ruled by Mars, 13 degrees, A spontaneous, aggressive, selfish sign, warrior, anger, defensive, gun toter.

Moon in fire Sagittarius. Impulsive, gypsy, too honest, idealist, likes danger

Mercury in Fiery Aries-acts without thinking

Mars in Aries 28 degrees, in the sign it rules is extra aggressive rash, competitive angry and defensive. Amps up the warrior energy.

Jupiter at 10 Sagittarius ruler of the Moon

Very honest open, can be judgemental, naive, high energy, sporty, shoots of his mouth. More,Fire.

Saturn at 2 Scorpio

Card is deceptive,plots revenge, power-hungry, controlling can be sexually and emotionally abusive, attracted to dark, taboo and death.

Venus at 18 Taurus

In the sign of her rulership is strong. He is very stubborn, sensual,strong, embodies his values, likes stability.

Uranus at 8 Sagittarius conjunct Jupiter

A very unpredictable chaotic nature weird sense of humor, quirky, loner, feels like a black sheep. Everyone born in early 80’s has Uranus in Sagittarius, it is aspects between the planets that count.

Neptune at 29 Sagittarius

A Fire gypsy, wanderer, seeking wisdom, can promise and not deliver on things, sporty, competitive, naive, too honest. Addictive personality. A generational aspect, seeking wisdom and higher purpose. Can get lost in ideals, what is right and wrong, delusions, false gurus,self-destructive.

Pluto at 28 Libra

This is a generational astrology aspect. Those born now have a deep karmic need to find equality in relationships but may not know how to get there. Many divorces occur in this generation.

These people born around this time in 1983 all have these aspects mainly all fire signs and the important Saturn Pluto conjunction. My son was born June 19,1983 I know this territory very well.

OctoberTransiting Planets

Mars in Scorpio, Mercury and Sun in Scorpio all affecting his natal Saturn. The most dangerous transits are that ongoing long term PLUTO in Capricorn square to his Natal Mars in ARIES and PLUTO in LIBRA a walking time bomb. Pluto is still affecting the US 1st Pluto Return

Saturn in PIsces trine natal Saturn in Scorpio is also a delusional, fantasy land karmic transit

Neptune square Neptune is a classic mental illness,hearing voices delusion transit,

Uranus in Taurus conjunct Venus is chaotic freedom, wild card values.

I do hope the FBI find him soon although this looks like another tie in with gun control mandate laws. May the souls who died RIP and sending blessings to those who were injured and traumatized.

please share widely all content is copyright of Tara Greene get a reading http://www.taratarot.com

Posted on October 22, 2023 by Tara Greene www.taratarot.com


Mercury enters Scorpio October 21 at 11:49 pm PDT/October 22 at 2:49 am EDT/ 7:49 am GMT until November 9 at 10:25 pm PDT/Nov. 10 at 1:25 am EDT.

Mercury is the Messenger and its presence in the deeply emotionally intense 8th sign of power, control, sex, Death, obsession, ruthlessness, shadow work, dark things, terror, paranoia, and kink takes hold of our minds and feelings.

Mars is in Scorpio too, it’s’ home sign from October 12/13 until November 24 at 5;15 am PDT/2:15 am EDT.

During this 19 day period our minds and our desires on one thing and one thing only SEX. Also money, power, control, secrets, death, jealousy and big transformative emotional tsunamis and deep shadow work time. Mercury and Mars have done this doubling up before.

Fast-tracking Mercury is in Scorpio approximately once every year.

Mercury, in Scorpio communicates its needs for sex, power, wealth and control issues. The big essentials. They may be able to do this subtly and almost secretively. Stalking is a Scorpio thing. The trickster planet in Scorpio sexting, setting up to ghost people, revenge p*rn and the like obsessive messaging we can’t let go of,but need to.

Sex, power and control issues are hotter than hot topics with women speaking out about being raped, sexually abused and assaulted, abortion too. It is women’s life under a shadowy, power-hungry Patriarchal world where men have dominated women sexually for thousands of years. This is not a secret anymore.

Of course if you have Mercury in Scorpio, this transit is your Mercury Return but Mercury will be the Big black Light illuminating The Underworld for all Scorpio planet placements in everyone’s charts. This means you can illuminate your own shadows and especially potent in Scorpio season.


October 22 Mercury trine SATURN in PISCES at 12:12 pm EDT

Oct 28, 2023 12:03 PM EDTMars oppositeJupiterat 11 Taurus 16′ I have to mention this

Oct 28, 2023 11:44 PM EDT MercuryoppositeJupiter at 11 Taurus 12′

Oct 29, 2023 10:22 AM EDTMercury conjunct Mars11 Scorpio 54

These are very very heavy and dangerous aspects in the ongoing Israeli-Palestine war. I’ll do a separate article on this. This means War!!

Nov. 1 Mercury Inconjunct Chiron in Aries

You may not be able to tell where the wounded parts of yourself are.

Nov. 4 Mercury opposes Uranus in Taurus

Deep in-depth emotional excavations, you may find a lot of buried treasure.

Nov. 6 Mercury trine Neptune at 8:37 pm EDT

A big imaginative day. Great for writers, poets, songwriters artists, lovely for spiritual sexual connections or visualizing your dreams from your deepest soul.

Nov. 8 Mercury sextile PLUTO

Pluto is on your side this is a big power player game. Make your move now.


Tantric sexuality is a very Mercury in Scorpio issue. This is not a current fad. It’s an ancient spiritual tradition requiring much yogic and meditation practice. Tantric sex is healing and unites lovers as one physically sexually emotionally and spiritually.

Dark Minds- Black Ops- Obsessions- Death- Rebirth

We can more easily connect with our own soul’s desires, our psyches and get laser-like insights into our own and other people’s natures. More sexual secrets will out.

Mercury is the MAGICIAN – in the Tarot – thoughts are magic.Mercury is also known as the TRICKSTER indicatinghow our minds can play tricks on us. It is also the ruler of thieves and merchants.

This powerful mental energy is very focused and can be used to transform many old emotional blocks be they sexual, poverty, abundance mentality and abundance, power or lack of it and control issues.

Mercury in Scorpio governs depth psychology, detective work and deep analysis. Good time to do deep excavation in your shadows. Surgeons and people who need very exacting skills need Mercury in Scorpio. This would be an excellent time to get a surgery done. Scorpio governs the reproductive organs, any issues you may have in these areas require your attentionand will be exacerbated while Mercury and especially Mars is in Scorpio.

This is an underlying soul mate energy as the 8th sign/House association also symbolizes transforming into “the other.”

Yes, there will be big power struggles over finances banking and underhanded dealings money laundering and scandals.Politically and economically this can be a fast little roller coaster of changes of CEO’s and heads of state and policies at this time.

People born with Mercury in Scorpio have a very insightful, deep analysis of the world. They can be mesmerizing speakers. Mercury in Scorpio is like a film noir characteristic.

Scorpio is a fixed sign of phenomenal willpower. If you know that you are walking your soul’s path you should be able to create what you want. “Do what thou wilt and harm none.” Is the whole of the Law.Scorpio energy at its darkest uses, abuses, rapes, torture, puts fear into others, manipulates, and plays with S & M. These topics are already hot and getting hotter.

Be careful not to fall under the spell of any ruthless manipulators at this time. Be careful not to unconsciously sting others or yourself.Use this time for deep inner transformation in yourself and any relationships with power imbalances. Rise like the Phoenix.

S & M is a Scorpio thing. I do not believe it is a healthy choice. Pain is not love. Better go get some deep psychoanalysis and transpersonal healing of your own pain and not inflict it on others or yourself.


Scorpio magnifies all your feelings and thoughts so be careful of getting gobbled up by demons, your own or the very real demonic forces that exist everywhere around us. Suicidal thoughts and rates may higher. If you feel suicidal please call a suicide hotline and get hep ASAP. Do not keep your pain and shame a secret any longer. to resolve your pain and transmute it and become stronger.

Famous peeps with Mercury in Scorpio

KIM KARDASHIAN of course. Sex money power. She is just learning to be more secretive.


Hilary Clinton, Prince Charles- Winston Churchill, Mahatma Gandi, Condoleeza Rice, David Cameron, Theodore Roosevelt,


John Lennon, Joni Mitchell, Katy Perry, Rapper Eminem,-Miley Cyrus, Drake, Snoop Dog, Puff Daddy, Thom Yorke of Radiohead, Usher, Lorde, Keith Urban, Julie Andrews,

ACTORS and Directors

Anne Hathaway,Matthew McConaughey, Zac Efron, Tyra Banks- model. Viggo Mortenson, Demi Moore, Julia Roberts, Jodi Foster, Ryan Gosling,Jean-Claude Van Damme, Grace Kelly, Bruce Lee, Charles Bronson, Kim Bassinger, Julianne Moore, RuPaul, John Malkovitch, Owen Wilson, Whoopi Goldberg, Martin Scorsese- film director, Josh Hutcherson, Mark Ruffalo, Raven-Symone,


Charles Manson, Ted Bundy, Oscar Pistorius,Heinrich Himmler,Joseph Goebbels,

ARTISTS and writers

Pablo Picasso, Arthur Rimbaud, Walt Disney, Oscar Wilde, Sylvia Plath, Eugène Ionesco, Mark Twain, Seth MacFarlane,

OCCULTISTS and spiritualists

Aleister Crowley, Deepak Chopra,

Please share widely

All writing is copyright of Tara Greene

Get a reading with Tarawww.taratarot.com

Artwork of Napoleon Brousseau –http://www.napob.com

GloryBox Portishead https://youtu.be/6ylDDs3mdJE?si=XHCVZwPUxjMBle1a&t=1

Posted on October 22, 2023 by Tara Greene www.taratarot.com


The heart generates a larger electromagnetic toroidal field than the brain. www.instagram.com/p/CyjI_rOOj_-/

Posted on October 20, 2023 by Tara Greene www.taratarot.com


October 19-21: There are very powerful cosmic empowering configurations from the SUN MERCURY and PLUTO.

October 19 at 10:37 pm PDT/October 20 at 1:37 am EDT

The SUN and MERCURY conjoin at 26 degrees 34′ exact in LIBRA. This is a short period and a very beautiful, magical time when Mercury, the Messenger is sitting in the heart of Gold of the SUN.

What do you have at 26 LIBRA? This is very close to the Solar Eclipse degree of 21 Libra on the 14th

Mercury is the Magician in Tarot #1. SUN #19 is the source of Light. Thoughts are magic, consciousness, communications,media and advertising are symbolized by planet Mercury in Astrology.

October 2023 – Tara Greene,Tarot,Astrology,Psychic (2)

Oct. 21 at 8:51 pm EDT Mercury square PLUTO at 27 Capricorn.

These aspects empower us to use the power of mind over matter following our soul’s purpose. Libra is the peacemaker and Karma. What you put out comes back to you in equal measure

Oct. 21, SUN squares PLUTO at 10:09 am EDT at 27 degrees.

Look at what you have at these degrees to see how profoundly Pluto Sun and Mercury will affect you.

This means we are in for a huge opportunity to use our minds and our deepest soul longings to visualize the Plutocrats the men in power to wage Peace not war.

It won’t be easy, Sun square Pluto is a huge battle of ego and power struggles. Pluto is the Lord of Death and destruction, the great transformer and recycler and danger of nuclear weapons, Plutonium. Pluto as modern ruler of Scorpio will use any ruthless means to gain control.

Sun Pluto square affects Israel directly squaring – a tough 90-degree angle to its IC at 25 CANCER its world reputation and its IC at 25 CAPRICORN its’ literal home.

The SUN PLUTO square affects the PALESTINE birth chart for November 15,1988 in Algiers, at 12:40 am. Pluto is on Palestine’s MOON at 28 degrees CAPRICORN literally its homeland, children, roots.


Psychopomps(from the Greek word,psychopompós, literally meaning the ‘guide of souls’, they are creatures ,spirits,angels,demonsordeitiesin many religions whose responsibility is to escort newly deceased souls from Earth to the afterlife. Their role is not to judge the deceased but simply to guide them. Appearing frequently onfunerary art, psychopomps have been depicted at different times and in different cultures asanthropomorphic entities, horses, deer, dogs,whip-poor-wills, ravens, crows,vultures, owls, sparrows, andcuckoos. In the case of birds, these are often seen in huge masses, waiting outside the home of the dying.”

We can also interpret their power as shamanic as shamans also traverse the 3 worlds, of earthly normal reality the cosmic upper worlds and the Lower underworld.

World wide Psychopomps are the Ancient Egyptian GodAnubis, the Hindu deityYama, theGreekferrymanCharon, GoddessHecate, and Hermes RomangodMercury, AztecXolotl,Nordic Valkyries, SlavicMoranaand theEtruscanGod Vanth.

Judaism isa monotheistic religion, believing that only God is the master of death and of life. But the Archangel Samael is a Jewish Psychopomp whose role in Talmudic and post-Talmudic lore is both as Angel of death and accuser.

Modern-day Death Doulas are a form of psychopomps or Midwives of death.

Filipino culture has ancestral spirits called anito that function as psychopomps.

Christianityhas Saint Peter,ArchangelMichael andJesusas psychopomps either as leading the dead to heaven or, Peter, allowing them through the Pearly Gates.

Saturn is a type of Psychopomp, the Grim Reaper who cuts down a life, Many mythologies and superstitions simply have a personification ofdeathas a psychopomp or reaper of souls.

Date & Time EDTExact Aspect
2023, Jan 7(7:56)SunOctober 2023 – Tara Greene,Tarot,Astrology,Psychic (3)
October 2023 – Tara Greene,Tarot,Astrology,Psychic (4)16°56’ October 2023 – Tara Greene,Tarot,Astrology,Psychic (5)October 2023 – Tara Greene,Tarot,Astrology,Psychic (6)Mercury Rx
2023, Mar 17(6:44)SunOctober 2023 – Tara Greene,Tarot,Astrology,Psychic (7)
October 2023 – Tara Greene,Tarot,Astrology,Psychic (8)26°34’ October 2023 – Tara Greene,Tarot,Astrology,Psychic (9)October 2023 – Tara Greene,Tarot,Astrology,Psychic (10)Mercury
2023, May 1(7:27)SunOctober 2023 – Tara Greene,Tarot,Astrology,Psychic (11)
October 2023 – Tara Greene,Tarot,Astrology,Psychic (12)11°19’ October 2023 – Tara Greene,Tarot,Astrology,Psychic (13)October 2023 – Tara Greene,Tarot,Astrology,Psychic (14)Mercury
2023, Jul 1(1:05)SunOctober 2023 – Tara Greene,Tarot,Astrology,Psychic (15)
October 2023 – Tara Greene,Tarot,Astrology,Psychic (16)9°08’ October 2023 – Tara Greene,Tarot,Astrology,Psychic (17)October 2023 – Tara Greene,Tarot,Astrology,Psychic (18)Mercury
2023, Sep 6(7:08)SunOctober 2023 – Tara Greene,Tarot,Astrology,Psychic (19)
October 2023 – Tara Greene,Tarot,Astrology,Psychic (20)13°36’ October 2023 – Tara Greene,Tarot,Astrology,Psychic (21)October 2023 – Tara Greene,Tarot,Astrology,Psychic (22)Mercury
2023, Oct 20(1:37)SunOctober 2023 – Tara Greene,Tarot,Astrology,Psychic (23)
October 2023 – Tara Greene,Tarot,Astrology,Psychic (24)26°34’ October 2023 – Tara Greene,Tarot,Astrology,Psychic (25)October 2023 – Tara Greene,Tarot,Astrology,Psychic (26)Mercury
2023, Dec 22(1:53)SunOctober 2023 – Tara Greene,Tarot,Astrology,Psychic (27)
October 2023 – Tara Greene,Tarot,Astrology,Psychic (28)0°39’ October 2023 – Tara Greene,Tarot,Astrology,Psychic (29)October 2023 – Tara Greene,Tarot,Astrology,Psychic (30)Mercury (Rx)

Oct. 21 at 8:51 pm EDT Mercury square PLUTO at 27 Capricorn. Oct. 21, SUN squares PLUTO at 27 too. These aspects empower us to use the power of mind over matter following our soul’s purpose. Libra is the peacemaker and Karma. What you put out comes back to you in equal measure


Please share widely all content is copyright of Tara Greene get a reading http://www.taratraot.com

Posted on October 19, 2023 by Tara Greene www.taratarot.com


The intensity of the Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse aftereffects will linger for the next while as we are less than two weeks away from another eclipse, a lunar on October 28.

You know the energy is very intense. Mars in its home sign of Scorpio now, means anger, warriors, spying, revenge, and obsession energies are extra powerful.

The MOON is OUT OF BOUNDS. Making for emotional wrecks. The Moon moves from Scorpio to Aquarius this week moving through the more transpersonal signs.

Saturn Rx at 0 Pisces is trine Mars. Fake news, self-sabotage, projection, delusions, fear, paranoia, endings, secrets,mental illness and institutions feature.

Uranus and Pluto are trine in Taurus/Capricorn unpredictable chaotic upheavals, revolutions, freedom, corporate structure,

The Sun and the North Node are squaring Pluto. That’s a lot. YOu can see whats going on in the world

Remember to stay anchored in your light.

Moon is in intense Scorpio 16-17th and Mars is also in Scorpio. Mercury will join Mars on Oct.21 at 11:49pm PDT/ Oct. 22 at 2:49 am EDT and then the Sun enters Scorpio October 23 at 12:21 pm EDT.

Oct.17 from 11:44 am until 3:36 pm EDT the Moon is Void of Course.

Moon enters SAGITTARIUS Oct, 17 at 3:36 pm EDT until October 19 at 9:55 pm

The MOON is VOID OF COURSE from October 19 at 3:02 pm until 9:55 pm in EDT when it enters CAPRICORN.

Oct. 17 Mercury inconjuncts URANUS in TAURUS

Oct. 18 SUN inconjuncts NEPTUNE in PISCES at 11:40 pm

Oct. 19 Mercury inconjuncts NEPTUNE at 10:12 am

Oct. 19 SUN conjunct MERCURY at 10:38 pm PDT

Oct. 20 Sun conjunct Mercury a Cazimi at 1:38 am EDT at 26 degrees + LIBRA square PLUTO

This is Good for brilliant ideas and product launches.Making tinctures for relationships and peace talks in the world

Oct. 20 Mercury squares PLUTO at 8:51 pm EDT

Angry words, jealousy can rear its ugly head. Power and control issues.

Oct. 21 SUN SQUARE PLUTO a once 2x;s a year power aspect at 7:09 am PDT/ 10:09 am EDT

Oct. 21 One of the best days of the year Oct. 21 VENUS TRINE JUPITER at 12 degrees Virgo/Taurus is 2 benefit planets in supportive aspects at 9:32 pm PDT/Oct 22 at 12;32 am EDT. Use this one well. It is one of the best energies. Good for health and wealth benefits. Venus loves order and sensible things, like budgets and health in Virgo, and Jupiter in Taurus loves extravagance and wealth. A great day to Antique shop for a deal, real estate, or thrifting. Good love and luck for earth signs, born September 5th and Taurus, born May 2

Oct. 22 VENUS TRINE JUPITER at 12:32 am EDT

Oct. 21 The CAPRICORN MOON is VOID OF COURSE from 11:00 pm PDT until it enters AQUARIUS at 11:06 p.m.

Oct. 22 Moon enters Aquarius at 2:06 am EDT

Oct. 21 MERCURY enters SCORPIO at 11:49 pm PDT until November 10

Oct. 22 Mercury enters SCORPIO at 2:49 am EDT

Mercury trines Saturn in PISCES at 0 degrees.

Good for witchy things, deep diving insights into sexual energy, finances, having powerful intuitive hits, dream analysis, having uplifting talks with elders, yoru dad or bosses and higher ups.

Hope you have a great week

Sending you blessings

Get a reading with me http://www.taratarot.com

Posted on October 15, 2023 by Tara Greene www.taratarot.com


Juno, the Roman Goddess of marriage and childbirth was the wife of Jove who is planet Jupiter /Zeus. Her name is Hera in Greek mythology.

The month of June is named in her honour. She was originally a great mother goddess and the feminine form of genius, who was married off to Zeus when the patriarchal Greeks took over and she was pissed off at her downgrade and at Zeus cheating on her constantly. This is the model and form of the nuclear family romantic patriarchal marriage. It’s a terrible example.

Juno is at 29° Leo in her queenly royal high ground. Lilith is already in Virgo, a degree or so away. Lilith in the very ancient Virgin goddess sign is very comfortable.

As Juno is at the last anoretic degree of Leo she is extremely strong and powerful. she is queen of the brilliant feminine wisdom on her royal throne of power and heart. She is strong willed and creative.

Juno in Leo protects the children. The children of Gaza and Israel have suffered. Many Gaza children have been trained to hate Jews in school. They have been imprisoned by Israel. If Israel treated the Palestinian people with dignity they wouldn’t vote for terrorist Hamas. They wouldn’t be enemies. It’s a complex political hot spot. Luckily Iran has seemingly bowed out of supporting Gaza which seems which is very surprising, but great news de-escalating the situation.

Call upon Juno and Lilith in Leo/Virgo to protect all the children to keep them innocent. Children are not born to hate..they are taught hate..

independent Lilith is strong in her Virgo earthy natural power. She demands respect for the earth, for natural order, hygiene and health..

Juno will soon enter Virgo and we need that more earthy energy to help us ground and re-calibrate ourselves.

So lean into feeling the difference as the goddesses change sign.

Juno will conjunct Regulus, the royal star at 0° Virgo shortly.

These 2 archetype were once one indivisible queen of all heaven. The Juno perfect wife and mother or the Lilith seen as a whor* as the patriarchy separates them. Look to see where this split still exists within you.

Note that separation still exists. The Virgo archetype contains them all.

What do you have at these degree? 29 Leo to 2 Virgo?

Please share widely all contents is copyright ©️ of Tara Greene. Get at Reading


Posted on October 14, 2023 by Tara Greene www.taratarot.com


Join me Live on October 14 during The Libra Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse on the Cosmic Intelligence Agency main page, talking about the astrology of the Libra Eclipse at 21 degrees at 10:30 am PDT/ 1:30 pm EDT/ 5:30 pm GMT.

The eclipse is connected to SPICA, the Star of the Virgin Mother Goddess and doing a guided peace meditation and tarot readings for all signs,

October 2023 – Tara Greene,Tarot,Astrology,Psychic (31)

LIVE at 10:20 am PDT/ 1:30 pm EDT/5:30 pm GMT on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/cosmic.intelligenceagency

WATCH A video explaining Astrology in brief here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJo-NA_pORY

Get your personal reading with me http://www.taratarot.com

October 2023 – Tara Greene,Tarot,Astrology,Psychic (2024)
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