COOPIr A I I INSURANCE, AjL 1.17:27.7t7t r. INSURANCE, 07 7-4114 4 4 4 t- t- NEW ADVERTIZELIENTS MEDICINES. 1 12,, THE GREAT WESTERN 1 r'r" "ut 9ri Biagio Hair Oil Cook's-' I 4 2, 4 -t-- For thPreeervetion, Beauty, Growth R. A IV noI of the Nr Nr DR. A pr.
Cook's Ittagrio Hair Oil. For Beauty, Growth 'For Beauty, Growth itei.toration of the TOE mottfratzzip, 4 LI As) it Aw 4 TnE MORilta Orrit MO. tit* sywol petPel and nasal able mike over elk .01 for 11.11 INSTANCE CO. 9e o' MAIN FITERt 1 11 1, ill hie deem, wee wittier ROCE then in hie beet dept. lin coneidered hinseell "independent" et 'alai becalm -----------w-- he bed "little to depend tiloOrt end CALI whets a hungry friend observed at hie modeet table, l'ilott nothing was better than cold beef," the beau replied.
"I beg lill rossEll. your pardon, cold beef le better then nothing." A French friend, 1.ftbor.le by I name, told him that t1iott4h fureignere it rir SIDN SI compleined of having to tay to Pee the cathedral of tit. in Lontion, he Between Firt hita round it ag butt Rt St. reteeft, in Romp. lie hod been tip in the douse, and whets lie eRttiC down cicerone 1 Ifirn I asked il paolie pud ti lie elt it), tor conducting him aloft.
()P11 11)111 1 Welh Neill litionniel, 'it's very natural, tool quite in aceordenee with our old Full Tnt CO A. AIM apothegm, that. you mituuttl ply Si l'eu AND c) i to ye Pierre." I CITY. II FAISON GROCERIES OATjTi MN Between Firth Fon VIE AIM AND CITY. ESTPORT vevi Wittier GROCERIES.
In conAdereI 'minis, becalm 8" mot( a dint-prowl 11144 Won lit yen not, gentlemen of the jury. Mir for emir lit ee elionhl I ttack yon wii tide in titt Whitt would yew do. arldreming the plaintiff and making a pretended duvet at him, "it I ahould tempt to run you throulh with thio?" Paid the 4tintent, tieing nod RPM'. inn a grave demeanor. I would OrPet yon with bloody hend4 and welcome yin to P.
kn.astir grave ThUP the etory woe minted in the Cincinnati pa ptrig. It 14 a pity to PpOil giliA anecdote, but enelor eettipele ute to recotil the lad that in the sante Tonere it team afterward denied that the smart young men lin(' made nny reply at all, but that 1 lip aflerward thought, or Prollie one thonght for what a good repartee the above wonlii Iituuc hem'. if it had iin ly centred to him at the right time." Dr. Cook's Magic Hair q0IMMBIAN BUILDING; Blpittri kfttrifit and Sixth, Rill ESTATE I' P1111 I 1,11 I i Iii()It 4. isCeiebrated Mare ana findieni Ciiti for4Y11111.iS in the Primnn Plenoncinq rrri L.
t. nry Stnitrit; rMill tiMP Immgmoorint liner. Irmo largo ritlot rontagiwto Sixil4L1)14mAgt ILI'. Which drimMhil lipno Oprchiii liott or It tioN It rokpoloi0 0( 1.6,mistion 2 ia i Capital, 15.000,000. cafili Capi a "pia in, and juA.
1, 1Mf. 1101141 Surpittii $803387. Deo. 18. 1865- sorponsomilmososnololirrmonnoloompli.
Congress. Tim present Congress consists of one landted end' lbrty-four Unionists and linty Democrats. The Stales that Pete dest sal are sot represented. would have filly.eight members if Silly represented. 40, lime of the West.
Illinois would make forty such States as Rhode Island, and Minnesota, Missouri le larger than all New Eng. ezcsnde either Ireland, or Scotland, or Portugal; and equals Bel. (41114 Sc011and, and Switzerland togetli or. Missouri is more than half an large as Italy, and larger than Denmark, Belgiutn, and Switzerland. Missouri and 11.1nois are larger than England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales.
1 PALLOYA. F. NEVILLK PORTER. El Ili KANSAS WYANWITTS; 1 Policies of union lose or by Vire dried toe kir sooet fevorobto Wens .1 tosses Promptly Adjusted and Paid. itepteeentol by it W.
ttleittg. ITtr Avail at Itanaao City. Mu. Dr. Merles, Syphilitic Cure pro.
mo. bnantithe ashl fereeetheee the hair Ill it imeitHtIng (pit tot no beta surely ban Flo that hitt. le pilloolth, sloov, Wolf aid beSSO ei COO tw kitp.11 mt Dr. ItAmitVo VounAir Modica. of hini loot (-holdout atmeto, I.
Louis, tinv sad It, so. U. EASTEILLY'S Vegetable Pain Killer, Will cute rain in theinoinsch, Crampog or Spa eine, 11 l'ooth ache, Sore Throat, Dysentery or ItoweiComplaitit*, Nervous Affections rain or Ague in the Face, Paintent Colic, anti in fact wherever it iP appli e4 rain cannot exist. 'II; PER. Sr yea stotforhat pale frame say dia.
Want' annianttel, Mom Oaf OUllit mama Thqt eft ABSTRACT OF TITLI1S I RV ICKAIILII ets.tI.---M3Ily yenrEl i A tare lora al Pitice an old tiertnnn citizen oi l'endle Inn contity, when to 1,84 hi. titir ei I ()1 en (A ()C4I) "tenni. to the Itsmenial niter. intrArtfe.1 ni tnadclotit cent in which he ncol PLOT-R married. ilia wife precotot hint at ith lirti wiii make lioneekiNlonr0 CIIRMOU 111ti will make 11mekippmrs '1' 14 14 bapo VAUGHAKTHOMSON RAY, many children entolig whom were right I 01 cZa Q011'1 -A.
sons, (eery one of whim' were married in sugar. 4 s- ir.11,3 Lk the Maine coat ill which their huhu nine or ins tied their 'nuttier. The yoonge of the i Coffee, 4' Conntelled Mutual Life eight sous had Snell Ion. every one. or I Tea, OP eight sous oast Snell 11001 every Olie 01 coP GIUCCSANORS TO P.
b. VAUGHAN.) Female Clerks AgainMu. Swimsbelm's Reply te "One of the Fr. ternity." The first nuntbr of Mrs. Swissitelm's new paper, Tlie itecoustractioni has made its appearance.
Site pays her 1 re-pecte to t.nte of the Fraternity," I who replied in the Republican, Notem ber 22, to Mrs. Swissiteltn's etrictures about the dress of the ladies employed iu the ditterent departments of the Clov. eminent. We make the following extract front the rejoinder of Mrs. S.
It is rich and racy. Reed "tine of The fly' es vs: W. Iles use? of werieg law? 6.14 Sheli HIM arr-seto so hime4f the hi of elect Oen- She eesrt metalobe of our If moils steels chores eeeinst her of vice sue Wee atm CVI lit I. aloae--let hereto' hes accomplice be liaaal 'pat but above alt. let at the wolf be otelu ed IS tba while the IS turned out lot soother to catch: Is th eel, medirine clifr niscorcsod that Will cofl nywhilitic sod on.
reel Itiaaws In all thoir verbal sod complicated ilbrwe.atod Ilwoonnhly eradicate tho ityphil It to Polwo or tat sae fcons 'Ise Nyb.m. 0) plinks by niisnot states sast.e.lary snot tortiary. l'ho symptoms of each stags arc taloa. snit the Into Siren iser No that parson. of distance ono rder the medirins reotstrito to oars the particular stoke of the with Stich they stager.
The' First or Printnry Stnges or Sypitiliel whets the chancres or nice (rat The tient siovni.llsomodistoly prorate Pr. Marks ony little ours. which COSWIstl, oso. bolsi. sayphisstio cum' ono Iasi pills, bottle phil stir arnAn.
tie. brush. hut. Vows ors sweat to earn Iii. Riot stage.
Ps irf per Th Seenntl Stnge ut Sphvlis. Is when the di tots Iv. onto constitutionnt. sod holy be known by the let eflePtMee, alien of the most It. throat.
skin. heed. Incmbranos. cow noise Ti tile Mad kirP, I emotions of the skin. The pIlle and throat wash is Ill core the secondary Stine.
If the throat is not ulcerated the throat awls Is omitted. Prire nor pecknne.10 ESI. Including throat wwit if otnItted. ff. per package.
aro Popanwit to trussed a Dr. Easter ley's Pain Killer. whom were married its the attn. weililing a I 140f 1 CONNECTICUT. Sod.
coat aria atter the youngest Flu or the Yeast A rg YOU 11111tH lilt IV xtYr Tr A 1. mt. er othels depotolent vn 1-nwo Syrups, General Beal Estate Business An Lows ptomptl And oottoor 1u-titles to 'notion. A AILS 11110DIVItit. ccontottl.
'Mb metlitinit io I perfect entblote tat all palm. Slid io wed internolly and externally, with Nevelt AMU, 'try it. Pi fro 38 heat, per bottle. 10111 itt Dr. I.
Lambe ly'o Family Medicine atom eereer of 'Clibd alei (bootee. meth ht. Louis, Me, sod UV thou street, eldrogo, III. ort5d0WIS SAN DEWS to the litotes of Itioroort This is the Oldest Real Estate Agency in Missend. The Third or Tertiary Singe or Syphilie ace R.
Partra, Secretary. Fresh Butter, 'Eggs, Lard, I Conotantly on lieut. E. W. PIERCE, Kann, 17 ty, mn.
CASHPOR COUNTRY PRODUCE Ileottlento of Kane. City. hewed Ey Otooneettrut OntNO to INT PAM Of ISE Ctn. 15 Matted I.I. I neat ono.
compooy Van FOSSen Brett I'. R. I. Lome. R.
M. Rortholow. nov6-It II. E. W.
riorCO, NEW BAKERY, A. M. heti A. Itt J. R.
Oratn, J. R. Match. Ile Confectioner), Toys, TRAVELERS Insurance Company, LONG HOITMEISTER, 27 "1' di.rVirlEs CO 1-11. ALJ Company, xi co IA.
-A-L Ti 0111.VUTE R47 rz Will core C1Ctil, AVarto, Ring wotni and Toothache in from three le ten Why will pit Pitt.r the egrnittatin sod tenbia ling loins out cum and toothrho, when seven, or the youngest grandson ot the original owner of the cost, had ilk blushing bride to the alter in his veiterit ble grandlather's shade wedding eont, lie sold it for the of tem dol. lars.Staotes Nrs-f ttor. THE numbers of paupers in England on the Ist of January In sus 074.772, exclusive of in the adheres 1 incorporations. (Mlle 074,772. as many am 38.487 were insane.
and Of that num. ber 28.46 were lunatics, and 10,021 itli ota. Thus four per cent. of pauperism was ascribable to insanity. In regard to the sexes, 16,820 were males.
and 21,661 females, making whilst of idiots 4,567 were males. end 6,454 were le. males, making 10,021. (.4 the four per cent. of Mammy, the lunatics were 2.0 per and the idiota Li per cent.
In London, on the Ist January. there were 105.351 pnupers, anti of that 1111111her were insane. seven, or the youngest grisnilsou is( the original owner Of the Cost, hail his blushing liriiie to the alter in his veiterit I We have lon NUMMI, awenet et Seel Setete es nee Loeb. fee neie. I.
known by Ibsen symptoms: Nodes or hml painful turnery on the boom. estlerrenient of the Joints, or ronteirtionw heril pain. in the bolus awl Para. et decay of the hontt syphilitic rheumatism, alteration or the parts. rte.
The eyphiliiic eitrennd pills will curt the thiril Magee. rica per package Pries of eyptillitie rum lie per bottle: pills Si per boa I philitie ppt loottlo; (111.01n 1 per bottle. Dr. Sander's Three 'louts Naive Ineroernted under Charter grunted by beitlidetnee of Efate of eonneerirot, A. b.10113, FOR INSCRING AUAINFT We wi.A it tilatigatly understood that we can suit any desiring to purchase either ity Lots or Farming Property, btu proved or Unimproved.
"Which being interpreted is simply this We claim that we may go day ab ter day and titunth oiler month to pliblic buildings dressed Po that we can not ascend or descend a flight of steps without exhibiting uur persons in such a dress DO virtuous woman appears in before any man except her husband rind ir any one of the thousands of men who are compelled to witness the degrading spectacle, 'Hakim an effort 'tn p-eservc hit' own and hie neighbors' chastity itt heart, 'pewit nod by suggest, hug that our dtemmes phalli. bear eon) closer relation to our OellgOli8 than the raieed top of an umbrella does to the handle, we throw ourselves back upon our retterved rights; and ii any man cc. eepts the invitation thus publicly and unblushingly extended, lie is a and should be dismissed the fold. We would suggest that theme lambs ought to be folded in flannel or enlico or merino, if they are to be kept out of harm's CommereAll. Advice to the Afflicted.
ACCIDENTS OF ALL tiDS. 01trly oppoolte tho ro.t fitted top their Mori, for no. twileit a or lettrototge. GOODS, El GOODS, TOYS HA atovk FANCY hove you the or rummy etage Do not 'nickel )our roue nu ho*r. Proeureat one.
a pnekaire of Dr. Mork'. Syritilitic Cure, ni Oslo of 8tte Sauk Stock. A bill is before the legislature prov I. ding the the sale of stock held by the Stasi ftealmaks.
The measure seems mois kftpropriste this time when with dephilial means and treasitry our State is struggling under load of interest in slurred is aid of railroad. While her investment in ank stock is not of itself a hafitoie Salim operation, it certainly won be foolish to hold on to it under the Present necessities for the use of all her available means in relieving the credit of the State, and reducing the bur. den oftasation. The profits upon batik stook, while paying a good interest to the stockholder, is scarcely a drop in the bucket towards meeting the accruing demamie upon the -State treasury, and financial wisdom would dictate the pulley traducing the amount of State in. debtadness by the disposal of all such investments, particularly when it can be the elighteet sacrifice or Te lame policy would prescribe the salt of the unfinished railroads.
So hag lathe loan of the State credit was secasary to insure the completion of the policy of this loan was In every view a good one. The construe11011-atatarly all the principal lines of this ef roads is now either acoompliAed or assured, and the grand object of incurring our large debt, the develointent of the mate, is secured ski should ao longer be at the mercy of the money market with a debt of $25e 000,000 of $30,000,000, with a large interest acoount over due, to burden the sew growth and settlement at her tern. TM liabilities of the State should be lid tie far poesible with the avails of her stook, and the debt reduced by sale of her securitleit the various rail. net nnyyr ritrolld in this ond hoenkt nt fmtn.noitSt mien. call and esamino tiwir rich ortoy.
ten hero an Meerut of lithe to all rent rotate In Jacksoh county. lineout, larledleg Itrun sod IIl rive ou instont v.1k f. Try It. stPrire 6 cent I per bottle. tient to lilt plebe of tha country by mall, on receipt of the fad tett Crittn to postage en the golli I.
RaPti ries Family Medicine Store, eurner Of Third and Chestnut fit. Louie. end Web. to nob DR. EA6TE1Lrs FEVER AND AGUE KILLER.
Will mire Ague and Fever, Chills and Fever, Dumb Ague, Intermittent or Itemittent Fevers, and every form of Fever incident to the West. Amor, all the celebrated remedies for Ifirvet; and Ague, first and foremost stands Dr. Easterly's Fever Arse Eller This celebrated medicine has been fifteen yeasi es tabiiebsol in fit. WOW, 1121,1 tualvareally Miami throushont the t'alloy to be an infallible cure tor A sus and favor in all its Ilve Dollars per annum 'entree a weekly compete ation or are dollars per week while 4180444, and $000 at thwth. Teo per annoto wennn weekly rompea teflon of ten per while diwabled fron any accident, and $2,000 at death.
$300,00 Pamthist Zatazt to as C26- Z3 ark VICE-ORKISIDENT, GUSTAVUS F. DAVIS. A 'ramp States revenue officer in Springfield has received the following "nom," which seems rather a loud one "To Mr. Adims I have bin sellin chest. num by the kwart to sum oh the oak ri, an the boys eavs I hal be prosekuted if i don't have a lisens or get my chestnuts stamped onto.
How much hay i got to pay tor sellin a fu ehemiuts PARTIES Conveyancing Done Promptly and Accurately. jib Pastry, SWertmelts, or alOrtliihit hominy iNihired lh the ettihte line on such Aust. on Ole ehorteet RAY THOMSON, OYSTERS. New -Advertisem*nts. ROONEY PUNNIS, farm Aim a W.
PIERCE, Agent ma381-t, for They Sr. alto It deny receipt of Fresh lithih they are prepttred to sell by lb. can or some the dila'. NI mobon.ble MUM. se They b.t..
nom tilled up outtuble for hull oc125.11tY LUNCI Of the above Ina, ere foamed Is the Practice Law WALTER W. TYRRILL, WATCHMAKER which never fails to cure Ornery syphilis is fow days. From five to fifteen dope faithWil treatment usually to rote the nett Mogi, Have Yoa Secondary Syphilis? Rimming the symptoms above deecrihed anti If you have reason to sottrut from my muse, either tieredtory from contsgoon or bed trostniont, the Olt of tot, ottottilitic potion or virus remaining in the system, then use D. WARR'S SVPIIII.ITIC Citnr. Pala, Which will cure the worst cases.
no matt 3. how long standing. bow deeply wated in ihe million, or how bud. They will sunthlisto and expel over' Portia of the syphilitic poi. or virus from the constitution, and restore the patient to perfect health and purity.
Have you the Third or Terevry Stage of Syphilis? from which yon are suffering thews otcrittlating pains in the bones arid joint, syphilitic rbritunstiout, poinful tumors, tic, which destroy all your hoppiDem said rosier lifts a hardest this use Dr. Mark's Syphilitic Cure and rills, To Cure Ague and Fever. SETZLER IN 0.1,1 To Lan a SON'S AUCTION ROOMS 111PAIRINO CARRITLLY DONR. All work warrantot. FIRE INSURANCE.
COMPANY bastes In In the various Courts of hilleoutt and will Is paticuiar attention to the invatigation of Titles to Rent STRAYED OR STOLEN GROCERIES OF NEW YORK. CASH CAPITAL 00 Swims, Jtm. 1. 1805-- 59,470 69 00 We buy and sell real estate, teem property, eel-led rents, sad pey lazes on anatelesion at reasonable rates. OFFICE IN THE COURT HOUSE, Take a does of Dr.
Masterly Family stag when done operating, take Dr. Feeterlyle lever and Ague iler, doss, es directed on the bottle, eery two nine dotes have been taken. la Sko abeence of fever which itiwsya slope lb. Ague gad iteVeZ the Iran Dn. This to prevent its take the Ape Killer three times a day as be anth, fourteenth, trentyOrat and twenty-eighth days.
after the last chill and Wee and roe will be permanently cured. Let every Inas woos owl child try it. tugrior III SO per bottle. Pith 50 cents per bosh I goid at Dr. I.
fetinterly's family Medicine atom, 4 corner of Third and Chestnut streets, et. LouIa Me and at Ott Madison street Chicago, Dorsal SP; Druggiela generally in Kansas City ocgidawly 06P Dr. Easterty's Medicines itzs or wholesale by R. B. IBONSIDE tif Kansas City, Mo.
ortedgweodlv 6559,470 67 TISIOTUP O. CTIURCUILL, Pros Joss U. dames 'KANSAN CNTY. MO. VAUGHAN, THOMSON RAT.
November 10. INC 417 Liquors. 'Wines, t.4 .12.: 1 TOBACCO. CIGARS, MAIN MAU; ad OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, FROM the enbierlher. lael Tuealey.
Dec 19th, A DARK BROWN MARE, with a white spot on left ewe leg, shod all mad some whith hairs on hey head, about Arrows beads high, and Ma or seven years old. Also, MX4O XWErXX1, about seven years old, thirteens bands high; rather crooked in hind lege. A liberal reward will he paid for the return of the animals. B. McLEAN.
dec24-1w Ighly Important tothe Trade. KANSAS CITY STOIIE STORE malls Company Timbres But idinali Mdfchasdlsei Household Furniture, and all of Personat Pro Pony against LOsili or DAMAOR BY HRH. Applications for Insurance anotiM be made to JOHN K. CRAVENS. Agent At Kansas City.
110 which Ma perfect antidote to esphille in Rit Ptageo. the elms water isto tire, and equally as effectual in destroying it. A wanting voice is now heralded forth to all the aMleted la the land to come in or mud II for the medicine, and bib cured before It Is too lats. A treatise on syphilis giving plain Mese. lions for treatment, secOMpShise each package of the siectieinti.
the soilletivo o.o eSs.lmo to oil porto of the causal-, ois remeipt of the money and 96 sense additional to pay for packlug boo end ehipping. gold at DIA KA8Tiiilbli 120:11 Vaasa, Moabite, Ptore' corner of Third and elmoSioS lareete. Louie and at V9 Sisdison street. Chicago. THE LARGEST 4(tvitil4teo qs.
SEWING MACHINE. AIVIRVIBILS alb rMAKING FOUR DISTINCT STITCHES: LOCICALOT AND DOWNS KNOT L-11 a lads Unrdvalld klionsas CUW, Olo 1111113P SETILKII jt)111 Ftrralt. Jutyt! 7311.. I I State insurance Company. -Obtrtor Wocorroestlaza OFFICENo.
281 Zan Street, ITANNIBAL, MISSOURI. AtT110111ZKD tiCARANTAR CAPITAL, 44 .14 I 1 IC; liq I Diarrhoea Syrup. tit* Committee on Banks Corpotallow through its chairman, Mr. E. W.
Fox, bu presented the following report to the Legisl ature sta tiosigni Ofteasittoo am Comonaloos, "Wm woo referred limes bill No. 671. entitled An st to preside bribe solo of the Meek In the Bask thallemmorMlosoart, am owned by or held to the Immo el Monists el elitssour4 meth, the lasestaot el tholetestes thersole bass had tbs essay umler sometaralkat, aM notemitally submit so a pert of emir report, the fofloio statement of the oasts slIll Peellittesat mid Mk sad branches tomit Assets qf the Bank cif the State of Missouri and Breathes as per Quargerly swat the intik, made Sept. 30, 1865: mummer tea Shli.bbb Tb Amami et eAd bob bantAllis Mx ST 1 tole on Mod Ammon et gold sad Miser Ma la $ew York. Loodon 43-011630 GO Aul of aouo of other books-.
69 relt rot: "Inca'''. 21 boo.500 oo of 10116 of Mimi of Mo. 00 of We 1,873,21 el Osmiumpm 212,586 Oil of outland. O2.349 SO Osoposslol 06 Is le Third ottodt, lietwrodu Maid mid Irtitiut. lit.
AND cz WO AZ wars im iD STOCK OW $300,000 Runs Easier and with Less Noise THAN ANY OTHAN Will cure Summer Complaints, Colic, Cholera Morbus, and all Deranements or the llowela, either in Children or Adults. Tim moat pleasant and effectaual rowdy woe for tile cora of Bowel complalata la OFFERS INDEMNITY'TO PROPERTV-HOLDERS AGAINST LOSS OiiKSELiI1S, BY FIRE OR LIGHTNING. Povantv or STATEMIN.Statesmen gtnerally fail to aectire fortnnes. Thee devote themselves to oureuits which, Ironeetly adhered to, rarely yield deli re. warder.
Jefferson died comparatively poor. Indeed if Congress hart not purchaeed his library, and given for it five dines ha value, he would with difficulty have kept the wolf from his door. Madison I saved money rid wus comparatively rich. To add to his fortutte, or rather that of Ids widow, Congrees purchased his manuscript papers, and paid $30,000 I for them. James Monroe, the sixth President of 41 the United States, died in New York, poor hie temains found a resting place through the charity of one of his friends.
John Quincy Adams left some $140, 000, the result of industry, prudence and inheritance. Ile was a man of method si and eeonomr. Martin N- an Buren died -very rich. Throughout his political life hestudioua. IY looked out for hie own interest.
It is 1 nee believed dial lie ever spent much in politics. Daniel Webeter squandered some mil- 1 Bons in his lifetime, die product of his professienal and political speculations. Ile died leaving his property to his chit. dren and his debts to his friends. The former sold for less theta $20,000, and the latter exceeded $250,000.
Ilenry Clay left a very handsome es- tate It probably exceeded $1,000,000. Us wes a prudent manager and a seru pulouely honed man. James K. Folk left about $150.000, $50,000 of which he eaved from his Pres. ideney of four years.
John Tyler lett $50,000. fief-ore he reached the Presidency he was bank-rapt. In office he husbanded his means, and then married a rich wife. Zachary Taylor left $150,000. nIVIN A LOT 1111 ROCIIIITEN The Rochester Express says that late.
ly myeterioue rappings have been heard se again in that city. A gentleman Deem pying an office on the east, aids of the river, heard myeterious rapping'', which he thought front an adjoining of. lice, but on investigation was convinced they did not, the occupier not having heard ary noises of the kind. To this time spiritualiena had not beau thought of. The raps, however, continued at intervals, appeared to be in one partici'.
lar spot, but since the COGIIIIIAtI011 wets41, Coned, the location of the noise is chats. ad ea the wall, at the Option of the wisher, showing that the spirit is oblig. Repeated consultations among a circle of friends of the occupant of the office have teen held, and the usual spiritual questions have been asked and answered, three raps signifying ye, two raps neutral, and one rap no. The Dr. Easterly's Diarrhtea Syrup.
ID BIM' GOODS Boots, Shoes, onkt inacidnoin the world that ban ika Reversible Feed Motion Which enables Ike operator tn nom likeir ws.k Wilier way. trots nay kind oi Weed. twins all kW It has been thoroughly tidied 1m4 found en infallible cure for UM (ilingOtOUS oomphdn It is th best 'medicine in the world for ebildrist s-ihen teething. ma- Price, Id cents ger bottle. et Dr.
Kosteriy rdmily N10E1141'4 Store, corned of Third and Chestnut LAMM, Mt. Louis, end the brunch store, 09 Madison street, ebb tag Ill' ISTA.rr 33 XJ AL IV IC 13 CI IC ES, TAD! tosola 66.001,296 48 88A4 Islam of 8888,361 00 of coin ogee Meal itoolett auto at 41 pa smut 1100,711 15 rt ts AND Writing Materials, Whitehead, Dickerson Co. MANUFACTURERS OF And Wholesale Dealers in 6 rr O.V.S AND TINWARE, Japanned, Hollow Pressed Ware, Cloth or Leathery Tit IS COMPANY ISSUES POLICIES against loss by Piro or La billing. for 14 ternu not exceeding line ears, upon all chow. of property usually lamed I by reliable companion'.
The director aim to do safe boldness, and hove plated this company in the front rank of hattirellee companies in point of tecu. rity to cuatomera, therefordaolicit share of public patronage, believing that the people in the Wee will readily tee that it is for their interval to gine tho preference to good and reliable Western Contpaniee.and by no doing retain in the West thousand of dollars which barn formerly been sent test yearly for no better 'neurotic than Is row offered by The capital of Missouri should be retalued in the Rat to subdue our fords, coinnate our prairies, work our mines. encourage our nownlaetures, and build our school-houses, chordate and Many bare laid to OSs "Give us Good Home Company," we will patrotille it to the exclusion of all "Eastern companies." You bane now a BOUND, RELIABLE WESTERN COMPANY offered you, established upon 'firm basic, conducted by 'nen well known throughoot the State, giving thematic et reatostable rated Insure, then. while you hone A C1101100, for deity in IIIIUMPOO is danger-. 1 T.
K. HAYWARD Provident. AM1 J. Will. ILL lee President jedin MINT Treasurer.
J. N. annexe --Secretary. J. J.
linnoxo Dep. Secretary C. N.Ci.dda Oen AgenL Hansore, Baird, a AGENTS, E. EA8TE11.1.7'S ITnitersal Family i Foi the cure of Billions Dieeaseri' Sick Headache, Low of Appetite, D'yepep- eia, Liver Com plaint, Contivenese, Jaundice, and all derangetnente of the Syetemwhere an Aperient or Cathartic Medicine is required, 0 Li 0 TIIING, IN KANSAS CI, kw be found at 0 EWING eve', the heaviest mom er bete toe to 0 more nth-Moues Of tools, without Uinta. Webs.
beeskieg thread', oe requiring thew A Alen a welt oolectvl atoc.k of pease' lam as State bonne, I pineal vaimeiuMas Tontine Os theiteller $1011,000,00 Deices keeonsuenendcd debt, elly al)f waist SWAT el Teed value ea emote- 00a le8 lat Itamwtan AWI etespliel stock. ea et IMMO in circulation 233,7101 iiii ernes other banks dee $0 Vahlo-er met aver liabill. dee at44.021 ea Deese, the 334 per emit of mermaid debt valued above as a1eATZ9 at AM theti ere seeett ewer 4 itte et the sommat of-. SPA6102 61 In anopheles al your 00111111 nee the above etas-Meat demoustratee ghee ea 00 voila of nag 'sock I itrarl rri Illo. la, the to anihnrima gae ke 01 the the of the 61' es to At let tts at.
La. TA Said for nymphs of work, and call andante's toms No.113, Mita City, No, i 1 Dealers in Sheet Iron Ware, 1 I I Me Warr Cheap Cash Stare! PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, emproatip. A. PHILLIPS, 1 't the witzt ninety der' I will tivii, mai (co*ck Enor du, sala amount of lawsey than can to imd wait of N.w Turk. MIMIC scarceiy any disease in which purge- Nee medicines are not mom or lees required, and much Whams and suffering prevented were they snore generally In the Western UOMI, Where Bilious 41semes generally prevail.
Oathertic medicines ars indispensible. No person can hewn whiles wales habit of body prevails; be. Adam, it amok produces merlon and often Istal eseaS Wadi might besvokled by a timely asd judicious use at spew Cathartic medicine. Dr. EtyVERLIvit UNIVERSAL FANIILT PILLS Books for the JOBBNIGI IN TIN COPPER, ETC.
WI II bats in store a large wierty of t' latest and moot approved ety los of STOVES, whirls we eau will at prime to duit the rale. We soul say to our customers of Kowtow himmouti and Nrw that our radiai in thn Mistimed enahw um ta odor better indtwomenta than any Minim It of Linde. Order. Am Roofing or Guttering from the eity or country will reeelso prompt attention. doetChly WHITEIIKLD, DICK MOWN CO IT A.
WHITS, SAWALA N. ITTASTSR. 4PI 0 Holidays. in veto to dell at the Gift 1 C'E RIES. CHRIST A.
idotiON A IL IRA TAYLOR '1 Al Vicnottald Co. (Raceenforn to IL V. 01110A Co.3 CL DA Na. CP 111. 3E IE DoAfidam WhiTE WEEINTER, Real Estate Brokers, caloitores cbt01eamoo, NADI AND DENT CITY PROPNIPTY, Pay Tatars la I O.
In UNION UOTEI. DUMAN Damao City', No. Damobar 22. let. el RAYS AND PIM CM PROPARTY, .1.4 Pay Tates la I O.
In trNiqla wyrat, Mumma City, mea, No. -n 21, le im '01 G1' IRO 0 OE 1R1 MAIN STREET, WEST SIDE Nie Oultd PPM' thoOeurS les" Con he reeconmentkal to the afflicted with the greatest confidence. behoving, thorn fer superior to any ether pills 1101 in For Liver Complaint and Dyspopele these Pills are really invaluable. They change the ventilated secretions of the stomach and liver, producing healthy action in those impel, tent organs. For Female Complaints and habitutd Codivenses, they have no equal.
They can be used at ill limos with torrent ealety in Bilious, Intermittent and Remittent fevers, and all complaints when a purgative is required. These Pill. are purely veg. stable im their ingredients and perfectly harmless in all thou are designed to he Universal Family By se dolma yos VIII SAVE FROM .25 TO .116 PER CENT. lagies will do well is sollsod musts' my Large and Beautiful Assortment NEW EMPORIUM1 Blain St.
opposite Long's Halt DR. J. HEED SIA-9114 CA-Ptiig AND W1TOt1ALP DEA LItliS IN 41 GI- Ng. CO CO, MI 31; -3111 to r. Liquors" gbser Ausersorap 7.11611CC al Vataaa" They ere eery mild and pleasaot in their operation, yet goers prompt and effectual in cleansing the syetain from all bilious, putrid and irritating matter than Um various other pills in (enema use.
They will be found much importer to ether pills to cum, thediatoore incident to the west. Funnies try thsgs. SO omits pm bog. Forty pills I. a bes.
at Dr. Easterly's Family Medicine Blom cornet of Third oniteimstnut Omelet IL Lula iand at SP Mediae, street, Cattier), DI. 01 Cloaks, Shawls, Mo CAPS, COLLARS AND GLOVES, CHILDREX'S All Aloft of 1 141(111011S; NE golINI 1 1. 1 :0 i names of decAased persons WWII been I nesidolice and Wiwi the proceeds of tho State stock 1 I. Vaned lihtstateade, and royentelly reconieteed pit emesses.
a. Vox, Chairtimus. frientle. ipelled and coitimunication held tetween living parties ad deceased he tint name spelled out in these cointrunications was that of the Tfollowing -anecdotes of the lute late Sedgewick Hall. The motit eingu.
To Corwin are front a letter writer at lay fact in connection with this mystert. lAbanon, Ohio, and published in the 4us affair is that the noise cannot be allesseatpublicant 1 intuited, and that every attempt made get up a physical rap, or a rap by "His dark skin has given rise to nu. Ithysical means, to sousil like the peel. morons -anecdotes, most of which are liar unknown rap, has been a failure. without tioubt labolone; and yet he was its from 'whirl like a colored man, Lewis CiArosos, Collector of Intern.
which these assume to have been al Revenue; S. C. Robbins, Regieter of the ceast Ilis color WIPA more like that Wills, and J. II. Cr088111 an have entered of the perhaps the Mongolian suit the District of Columbia Su.
row aim alma the negro or mulatto. preme Court, against the Mayor of ci tio hi the hut foe stories of the kind ItVaollington the members of the City oboes alluded lois that of an English. Council, and the Register of that city, to Naito, who, when-Corwin was introduced restrain thent paying out of the corpora-to hisp wan Ohioan, after looking at tion fluids the expenses of the recent him i Sill am happy to election to take the senee of the citizens anakour acquaintance; may luntrire in relation to negro suffrage. The corn. it yow tad 4t Wilk 11,6 plainanis take the ground that there is Thereure lei this vicinity a very large b0 aUtbOritY given in the.
municipal aumbpr of per th sons of Dante of COI, charter for the holding of elections ot a win, anti related to the late Governor, special or to de ermine or as. Who 011111wOot universally Ai a dark certain the views of the remidento in ref This fact seems to render mace to the extension of the elective probable the tradition.that the family if franchise to pinions ot color in this die. of Hungarian origint sod traces its line. triet. Judge Carter made an order that ace back to the celebrated Matthias Cot.
the reepondente appear on Tutooisy next. stausoJiii, PI nangar7- i' iseto chow cane why an injunction ithould Abeitt A veers ago, Governor Coin not ne 81 PraYist for. via was a student or Aatlocit collp at y09w 8prinn, ow, chcrg Tee Potoditoky of the 2tItit fed with an assault and battery upoa a lout. stays: Ili fellow Want; The cane with tileh "John S. Noway.
the wont 16101; tollier, TillUtiark the battery bud been committed was 64 with reveilles loot II6, hardily atoning, It hie Mt. donee. swat Groveenti, in emulate 'Guilt. Us woe beeillthirlittel spurt. The Nine was 8 oet shatinit donne tin, efttrocon, end.
narolowning Very sisedwe one, and the witty advocate wino mot sums Moeda and atter chatting with his seised the opportunity to turn the whole intoisliestiet' Tsking the walking. towers thy fashion, when filo dieeteo blogego 111 lowd (wished. not vcitiotcri i ho Sr. his hoses. I ambit te teateataateele totellittrale Ur.
4 ate names of decAased persons have been II' spelled out, and communication held wit md between living parties and deceased I. friends. The first name spelled out in these comicunications was that of the Ile Inte Sedgewick Hall. The most einguat lair fact in connection with this mystert. ha us affair is that the noise cannot be imitated, and that every attempt made Ito get up a physical rap, or a rap by tu physical means, to soiled like the peel' ire liar unknown rap, has been a failure.
"1 ss ye ye ye ye FANCY HATS AND CAPS .6 Brindles 4 CIGAR rr 54 Wait toad 56 Low, n1 12151 i Li -1 al itia ii I 1 1 -1 0 -A 1-1. Et yr 1 w. 54 max soot, 56 Low, 0. 12151 rji; I -777. c' MI maven miseislatilek of FANCY fa, COUNTRY mm AMIN' Pamily -Figur, Sicn itipd CORN, oA'rs, which, b.
eau plemorein oboist Salto tOIR. Welt eatinec "1111 oh ALL GOODS SOLD DELIVMD TO tv, ARy Part ql ilia Iltas IS! 0011 HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN 04 13 It er i CO (Mace over Hanuneraloughs9 Store, sumo wriuurr, KANSAS OTT INO VT11111 metes. upon which Homsripethy I hosed Iiimilibus.mas first Smokiest and promulgated by Samuel liehneman, an eminent Phyeician and scholar of Merinaliy. Though, like ail other great men who labored fur ths imicandement and progress of civilisation, his doctrine, ea hie person, smelled, pereecuted and mierspm. smite Bot IMO than throe-quarters of a century-- pi an age of the higheet culture and refinement nv known to men, where a scientific humbug would ee exploded long ere this, lb trim a)anen ifia mpathy km vindicated itself triumphantly tome H.
enemies at tome and abroad, and berms the Mose of the present century it will be recognised fita lese deim one of the "Myles laws of fissure," and the only truism of a rational practice of niedleine. Sven Itippocrates, the Father of Medicine mo celled Omni 600, IS who created the first medical system Out of chsm, gives hints in Kane of bb 'Minks (on man and localities) of dm probable Muth therein contained but it wen lot; fur Samuel Medium thanes disciple of thud eminent scholar, to mire the problem. The beneficial effects alomsometby produad ta thitheeling art, bars too apparent to if. doe.apt, and tmday ail enlightened sebum tom home it greet good. Upon the foregoing I tender Mg mei.
cm to the piddle of Mile place and vicinitv. Special attention given to the treatment Of Mitosis dissa.m. Ware MVO I I de and from 4 gage Aiwa a ladled dr stirs wild French English lierinses dada aro doing sold, sod Bo fiefd Apr Um dm oda be etterol at as otig eP71 deed Indio oil in It MMUS tir 11611 Abiallies000lot ipotel FEMALE CORDIAL. This Elegant and Populor Medicine will cure all Female Complaints, such as Eacesairs, Painfid orSuppressed If truation, Lucorrhres, or Whites, Fill-ingot the Womb, and all tire if the Monthly PeriOds. It will also bring cm the Menses when check, id by end 941 unnatural causes seiretia cuter say at tho aidicsitios alums ensasstased, shoal.
ant nal to Ii Dr, lloopoes Female Cordial It to tlas Meet pleasant ittIollibl.sMoody los Ile once it bask complaints. Le4los arrectos.11,61 I bolt at Dr. Biala ty's Family Illatialsb Says, sot; tastmit Mod sod Cilmstant Meseta o. Lasts, ghee Vaditoth meek Wow. LAP I FUR HOODS MID CAPS 1 MYSIIT VAIIIITY OF FURNISHING 1 tubber Shawls, HdlOs4- VENWORT LAAIT, th.N8i8.
Oravats, Vine Linen and pera Shirts, Traveling Bags, i' Valises, plaoni tc in Renouncing to the publia 1110 tannin on which wo defy yaw .1 IC W.f. MI! Ste. p.tizayrilontvoiit,rilct sitilmition lima Opposite Long's ItalL Main ist7 continuation of tho palpates ansigatiarouaty Imago ad on tbaitil firth. 4 4 kd LITMAN WI'NANTS, D4za.ret,:;!,AL.:::1 twelve the esiseptehlthe he it yeses. Is Irmo 10411a Plot .04 olh 4.
do it zt welt '40 At, kinks' esetatay Oils Igagivitir um" i li 1 ,0, i sa.