Blue Moon - Cadablog - Life is Strange (Video Games 2015 2017 2024) [Archive of Our Own] (2025)

Chapter Text

September 19th, 2013


By now, that sound had become the only reason Chloe got out of bed in the morning.


The only reason she hadn’t done what she should have a long time ago.


Day after day since April.


Day after day since they called off the search.


She didn’t care if Rachel abandoned her.


She was always too good for her anyway.


She just needed to know she was alive.


Needed to know she was safe.


With the last of her posters hung on the outside boards, Chloe decided it was time to head back to her room and see if her latest email barrage had managed anything. Plus, given classes had just ended, she figured she should try and avoid her step-fuhrer as much as possible. David and her could find a reason to clash at the best of times, his dickish contempt for her always visible just beneath the surface. Lately though, his behavior had been getting a lot worse, and the back of his hand a lot more frequent. Add in the fact that Chloe wasn’t technically supposed to be on school grounds, she decided that she’d rather avoid taking her chances with him, even if he’d never try anything in public.

Picking up her pace, Choe wove through the growing crowd of students as she headed back to her pickup; idly wondering if her “mysterious” helper had dropped off another envelope to help Chloe’s search. The drops were infrequent, the notes attached small, but Chloe was always glad to have the little extra cash inside for printing flyers and paying for gas. And while she didn’t exactly know why everything had to be as hush-hush as it was (the handwriting was obviously Rose’s), given how messed up James had acted in the past, Chloe felt she could hazard a guess or two.

By the time Chloe managed to reach the pool entrance, the swarm of students she was in had diminished to a trickle, with the majority heading to the dorms while the rest lazed about the quad. Wanting to play it safe, Chloe casually made her way to the edge of the building, keeping an eye on the schools main entrance in case step-douche decided to pop out. Normally he’d be at the dorms screaming at whatever caught his attention, but she’d had to book it once or twice at the rare times he shook up his patrol routine. Still, with no sign of him yet, Chloe leaned her back against the wall while casually peaking around the corner, hoping her normally shit luck would continue to hold out.

With no sign of her prison warden, Chloe went to roll around the edge, inhaling deeply through her nose in relief. For today at least, life seemed to be giving her a break. But halfway through her inhale, a light breeze suddenly picked up, pressing into her back, tickling the hairs on the back of her neck, and filling her with a scent that reminded her of-


Chloe stumbled to a halt, her hair rising a bit as disconnected memories warred for space within her mind. Chloe’s sense of smell had always been good, her dad once even making a joke about radioactive bloodhounds or mutant genes, but the years of weed and cigarettes had slowly taken their toll on it. The fact that something had managed to punch through her atrophied sinuses was odd enough as it was, but the feelings attached to it were on a whole different level.

Chloe spun around, eyes darting across the quad in search of what had triggered such a reaction in her. Most of the students she recognized, allowing for her to quickly dismiss them at hand. Hayden never triggered something like this before, the skaters rank of BO and weed, so they were out, and Bitchtoria and her wannabe Plastics only inspired contempt. Whatever the source was, Chloe couldn’t recognize it, and the wind had already shifted back to the sea.

Irritated at the odd feeling and the sudden emptiness she was feeling, Chloe went to continue on her way when she noticed Victoria’s goons had wandered off, leaving behind a suddenly isolated Victoria. A Victoria that was now staring daggers at one of the pinup boards Chloe had just plastered over. Her eyes narrowed as she watched the Queen Bitch continue to glare at one of Rachel’s posters, her face twisted in disgust before she suddenly began digging into her purse. After a moment, seeming to find what she was looking for, Victoria gave a quick glance to her sides before uncapping what looked like a large marker while a sickly-sweet smirk formed on her lips. Before Chloe could do or say anything, the Bitch of Blackhell had managed to scrawl ‘BITCH’ across the bottom of Rachels photo in large, angry letters.

Chloe’s world turned red.

Wells’s office was as stuffy as it was brown. Brown desk, brown chairs, brown wall. Fuck, it felt like she’d been shoved up a teddy bears asshole, and the green of the carpet was not helping with that image. Not to mention the room felt like Wells had somehow managed to forget what the word ‘ventilation’ meant. What did it say when the faint stench of dried whisky was just about the only thing positive about this pit.

Chloe let loose a loud groan, throwing her head back in exasperation as the voices outside the closed door picked up in volume again. Out of the left side of her vision, she noticed Victoria was sitting ramrod straight, her usual look of disdain looking somewhat forced while her eyes darted around the room in front of her. When their eyes briefly met, Chloe couldn’t help but snort.

“What, you think this is funny Price?” Victoria bit out, the tips of her fingers curling in slightly as she did so.

Chloe didn’t answer, save for giving the Bitch her best condescending chuckle. Seemed Her Royalness wasn’t used to a bit of trouble, and Chloe wasn’t about to give her any outlet. Of course, Chloe was dealing with her own internal strife. Truth be told, Chloe knew damn well just how bad the situation was, for her in particular. While she and Chase hadn’t come to blows before Step-Shit had Step-Shitted in, the fact was that Chloe had only been one more snide comment away from making Victoria eat Rachel’s poster. Add in the fact that she wasn’t supposed to be on campus, that they had drawn a rather large crowd during their shouting match, and the fact that Victoria was still 17 while Chloe herself was 19, well… Chloe could very easily see the inside of a jail cell tonight.

And that thought terrified her. Not because she’d end up in a cell, but because it would mean her Mom would end up having to bail her out.


Chloe wasn’t stupid. Okay, scratch that, she was pretty sure she was an idiot. But that didn’t mean she didn’t care. Far from it. She hated how she made her mom feel, hated that no matter how hard she fought against it, her anger and impulsiveness would drag her back to whatever point she had started from. But no matter what she tried, Chloe could never seem to break the cycle she was in.

Because she was a fuck-up. And every day only served to highlight that fact.

Maybe that’s why Rachel was gone. Just like Max, Chloe had driven her away.

The sound of Victoria clearing her throat sent a jolt through Chloe, snapping her out of her thoughts and back into the present. Glaring, Chloe was just about to level an insult at her when she noticed the look on Victoria’s face. She wasn’t wearing her usual “Bow Before Me Peasants” expression, nor was she doing the “Classic Victorian Sneer” as Rachel had nicknamed it. No, it was somewhat open, a hint of sincerity poking through her normal façade.

Chloe hated it.

“Look, I’m sorry for pissing you off, okay?” Victoria began, a slight look of concentration now adorning her, like she wasn’t used to what she was saying.

“I get that you’re trying to look for Rachel and I get why you got pissed at me. While me and her never got along, I can tell this is eating you up inside and…” she trailed off, looking down at her hands as they picked at each other.

“I jus- “

“It’s fine.” Chloe spat out before grimacing. “I mean, it’s not fine, you were being a bitch, but I get how much you two hated each other. I should have acted more… I don’t know…”

“Mature?” Victoria teased, a bit of her usual self returning at last.

“I was going to say that, but now I’m thinking ‘violent’ fits a lot better.” Chloe growled as she narrowed her eyes slightly, even as she fought to keep the corners of her lips from rising.

The two lapsed into silence again, the tension in the room having somewhat eased. It was weird, but despite everything that had happened between the two in the past, Chloe felt herself now somewhat enjoying Victoria’s company. Sure, she’d never admit it and Victoria was still, well, Victoria, but just this small moment of having someone to talk to, someone who seemed to actually empathize with what she was going through? Just having someone actually apologize for what they’d done?

Chloe never realized how much she was missing that.

The door to Wells’s office swung open as he and Dick-tator marched inside. Chloe immediately felt herself tense up, every last bit of levity she had just experienced sucked out of her by Davids mere presence. She clenched her jaw hard and tight, trying to avoid saying anything that would make her situation worse even as the man decided to stand directly behind her. A quick glance to her left saw Victoria’s own expression had gone blank as she stared intently at Wells while he busied himself with his seat.

“So,” Wells began, clasping his hands in front of himself once he was settled. “I have just had a rather thorough conversation with our Chief Security Officer, Mr. Madsen, as well as with several students who were nearby during your altercation with each other.”

Wells cleared his throat.

“Ms. Chase, I must say that I am deeply disappointed in the conduct you showed when Ms. Price here confronted you. While I am unaware as to what caused her outburst-“

“Bullshit you are!” Chloe shouted, nearly standing up as her anger spiked. “She was fucking with Rachel’s po-“

“Quiet, Chloe!” David barked as he roughly grabbed her shoulder and yanked her back into the seat. “You’re in enough trouble as is!”

Chloe practically snarled, ready to send every last insult the bastard’s way when Wells himself spoke up.

“That is enough Mr. Madsen. Please remove your hand and step back.”

Chloe turned to look at him as Davids’s hand withdrew, surprise breaking through her anger when she saw the hard look in Wells’s eyes.

When the fuck did this drone grow a spine?

“As I was saying,” Wells continued after a moment. “While I am disappointed in your conduct Ms. Chase, I would like to hear both of your accounts to get a better understanding of what had occurred. I believe you are both well aware of Ms. Price’s position regarding her access to school grounds, and I would like to know why, after your previous advocacies, you decided to engage with her rather than leave the area?”

Chloe sat there dumbfounded, mouth agape at what Wells had just revealed. Advocate? When the fuck did Dicktoria advocate for anyone? What the fuck was he talking about? Is this what Frank meant by ‘the DT’s’? What the fuck had he been slipping her lately?

Victoria, for her part, briefly looked surprised at Wells’s confession, shooting Chloe a brief glance before she yanked her attention back to him. Swallowing, Victoria straightened up even further (an impressive feat by Chloe’s standards) before taking a steady breath.

“Mr. Wells, what happened between me and Chloe was a simple error on my part,” Victoria began slowly, each word measured like it was a plank of wood. “Today has been rather… stressful, for me, and I decided to take it out on something. Given mine and Rachels past, well…”

Victoria trailed off, looking down briefly while she worked her jaw. Meanwhile, Chloe sat there stunned, her mind left whirling as these two images of Victoria wrestled from within. She suddenly felt the urge to look for seams on her neck and face, or pour water on her, or, or something! This couldn’t be Victoria! The Victoria she knew was a spoiled nepo-pixie convinced her ass shot out rainbows. This Victoria? Chloe was waiting for the other shoe to drop. That or the sky.

“Of course, had I known Rachel’s dog was nearby,” Victoria continued as she looked back up at Wells, her usual look of disdain once again asserting itself. “I would have chosen a different outlet.”

Chloe couldn’t even be angry at Victoria’s dig. If anything, she just felt relief. That, and an overwhelming need to crawl into the nearest bottle. She was way to sober right now.

“I see,” Wells hummed as he stroked his chins in thought. “And pray tell, Ms. Chase, what is it that had upset you so?”

Victoria clenched her fists, closing her eyes as she took in another steady breath before looking over at Chloe. Or rather, Chloe realized, at the man behind her.

“I had caught Mr. Madsen taking photos of Taylor and Courtney earlier in the day, and when I confronted him about it, he accused me of peddling drugs.”

The room fell silent as everyone turned to look at David. Chloe recognized instantly the landmine Victoria had just stepped on as David’s jaw set, his mustache practically bristling while his neck slowly pinkened. She swiveled back to look at Wells and saw his face pale as he looked almost ready to jump out of his seat.

“That, Ms. Chase, is a very serious accusation.” Wells began slowly as he visibly tried to relax. “One that I hope you have some form of proof of.”

Now it was Victoria’s turn to look aghast, her mouth hanging slightly open in shock.

“Why the hell would…? What do you…? He was taking pictures without our consent!” Victoria seethed, her face darkening as blood rushed in.

“Did Ms. Christensen or Ms. Wagner witness this as well?” Wells pressed as he reclasped his hands. “Such accusations require some form of proof would they not? Especially when leveled at a man of such distinguished service.”

Unbelievable! Yeah, Chloe was used to people dismissing her all the time, but she knew who she was and didn’t give a fuck. But Victoria? Sure, she was a liar and a total fucking asshole, but that was only around those she could bully into submission! And why the fuck was she suddenly wanting to defend Dicktoria of all people!?!?

Fuck, this was way too familiar, and she was going to do the same thing again, wasn’t she? God fucking damnit, she was actually legitimately going to do something nice for Bitchtoria of all people! Shit luck strikes again!

“She’s not lying.” Chloe quietly spoke up, everyone’s attention now turned to her. “David keeps files on everyone in his garage, pictures included.”

“Chloe!” David growled in warning, causing goosebumps to rise on her arms while a slight shudder ran through her spine. “Don’t you dare lie over something this serious!”

That tone. That fucking tone! Chloe knew what it meant, knew what the results would be if she kept at it. And yet, just like always, it set her teeth on edge! Chloe had never liked bullies growing up, and her constant efforts to defend Max from them had only solidified that dislike into a burning need to fight back. It was why she and David could never find any common ground; he instinctively bullied, she instinctively retaliated.

Oil and water, like her mom would sometimes say.

“Oh, you know damn well I’m not lying!” Chloe yelled as she shot to her feet. She wasn’t about to tangle with the mustache sitting on her ass. “I’ve been in you ‘Files’ and I’ve seen your notes! Why the fuck do you even have them!?”

“Mr. Madsen is thi-“Wells tried to interject, but was quickly drowned out by David.

“I have no such thing you ungrateful little punk!” David barked, jabbing his finger into Chloe’s chest. “You better stop with your bullshit and tell the truth, now that’s an order!”

“Like I’m going to lie for you!” Chloe shot back, getting in David’s face. “What, don’t want your boss to know how you enjoy taking pictures of little girls? Gotta wonder if you’ve got hidden cameras everywhere, huh!? Got any cameras in the toilets, you fucking pedo!”

The last word had barely left Chloe’s lips when her vision exploded into a sea of stars. Her ears rang and vision swam as she felt something fall on her head, only realizing she had somehow ended on the ground, the nearby plant having fallen on top of her. Filled with a sudden need to get up, Chloe tried to get her arms underneath her to push herself up even as she felt them tremble.

Was that blood she tasted?

Barely coherent, Chloe finally managed to stumble to her feet and to the door, barely able to make out anything outside of muffled yelling. Without looking back, she ripped it open and ran, trying to put as much distance as possible between herself and the nightmare she just found herself in.

Chloe slowly sunk against her childhood refuge, the rotten remains of her and Max’s Treefort nestled amongst the tree’s branches. Had today been normal, Chloe would have probably ran to the junkyard, hoping to wait out David’s anger while giving herself some space. But now? After what he’d just done? David knew about the junkyard, knew all of her usual hang out spots.

She didn’t want him to find her.

She was afraid of what he’d do.

As Chloe touched her swollen cheek, all she could do was chuckle at her own dumbassery. Why did she always push? Why was she always willing to explode at the drop of a hat? If she had just kept her mouth shut, if she had just learned to tow the line and swallow everything given to her…

That’s why they left, isn’t it? Max was off in Seattle having a blast. Rachel was probably in LA without a care in the world. And Chloe? Chloe was still here.

In Arcadia Bay.


She hadn’t even noticed the tears until the first sob was wrenched out of her.

“Please…” Chloe croaked as she leaned her head back against the trunk as her tears threatened to drown her.

“Anybody!” The flood came harder, her eyes falling on the Full Moon overhead.

“HELP ME!!” She screamed, putting all the pain and anguish of the past five years into those two simple words. Her back arched with the force of it, a primal scream of despair thrown into an uncaring world. By the time she was done, her throat was raw, though the emptiness remained.

But just as Chloe began to curl forward, feeling resigned to her fate…

The Moon pulsed.

Blue Moon - Cadablog - Life is Strange (Video Games 2015 2017 2024) [Archive of Our Own] (2025)
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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Views: 6441

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (56 voted)

Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.